What is the information editing skills needed in the future in the coming era that Kazuhiro Fujiwara, the principal of "Morning Assembly School", tells high school students and parents?

Give up information editing skills with "search" using a personal computer

Most high school students now have smartphones (smartphones) and use YouTube and SNS.When I was the principal of Nara City Ichijo High School (2016-18), I brought my student's smartphone to school and connected it with Wi-Fi to use it for classes.At that time, I found out that young people today tend to seek the correct answer in one shot, rather than examining words that they do not understand in detail.

When I use a personal computer to find out, I compare some of the results I searched.You don't always trust the information that appears at the top of the search site, and you may find the third page where the individual explains the news, which can be the most helpful.However, they don't do that.You can search with your smartphone and find a video that will answer.A smartphone is enough if you only receive information passively or express intuitively, but it will be difficult with your current smartphone to do "search".In other words, if you need to collect and scrutinize information according to interest, edit and present, you will come to your computer.

It is "information editing power" that can use a personal computer to extend the potential of children.In a mature society that has a variety of answers, the information editing skills are the ability to create a lot of hypotheses, and the hypothesis that you and others are convinced and the ability to create a "convincing solution."I think that a personal computer will be useful as a tool that fosters compound -eye thinking, not "composition of two -section conflict" or "correct answer".

Active learning necessary for high school students

Until now, in schools, it was a limited number of students who were asked for opinions in classes, such as children with excellent grades and children who usually actively speak.When I was at Ichijo High School, I used my smartphone during class and gathered opinions and evaluations from students unnamed.By doing so, everyone can keep moving, and it is also a motivation to participate in classes.

It is the appeal of ICT education that students send their opinions to teachers in the "position to create information" and let the teachers "backflow" to the teachers.Until compulsory education, passive learning is necessary in the sense of acquiring basic academic ability, but high school students should learn the position of creating information.A computer that can actively communicate information will be needed in the future to promote such active learning (active learning).I think you can develop interesting classes with chat tools.

In the future, special glasses may show multiple large screens and edit may come, but for the time being for high school students to explore research and university students to organize papers.You will need a personal computer.It is also an essential tool in business.Some people do from video shooting to editing only with smartphones, but if you want to have an influence in the business world, you can give a presentation or deepen your thoughts.It has become a daily basis to have a meeting with a laptop at home with remote work.It would be useful in your future life to get used to editing and disseminating information early using a personal computer.

Understand the position of "the side that creates information"

The PC is a device (terminal) that receives information from a huge computer in the center, but it should be an editor and a transmitter.Speaking of games, you can become a "game maker" from a "gamer" that plays games created by people.

As a parent's point of view, if you don't want to make your child a "terminal", you should not only receive information, but also to create information.By becoming the side that is made by sending it yourself, you can improve your thinking and judgment, and you will be able to acquire literacy for various things such as the media.The "usage" of personal computers and smartphones is not always transmitted by parents and teachers, but it is important to notice yourself.

「朝礼だけの学校」校長・藤原和博さんが高校生と保護者に伝えたい これからの時代に必要な情報編集力とは

The use of personal computers to train information editing is suitable for "correction".For those that do not necessarily have the right answer, you must repeat trial and error and continue to explore the convincing path.With a personal computer, you can fix the output.In addition, by connecting something that is not enough with your knowledge and experience, you can also "extend" your thoughts.Without a personal computer, thinking will be limited.

I think that the increasing number of children who take classes online due to Corona is a chance.It's an era where you can find a teacher as much as you want.For example, in English, you can actively learn native pronunciation from overseas people, and you can talk about your opinion more and more.By doing trial and error, I find something I really want to express in English, and I think it will probably be personality.

Extend the potential of children and have global imagination

I often get the question, "How do I have my child gain information editing?"The important thing is what did you play by the age of 10?Finding a convincing solution to how everyone can enjoy in a world of play without the correct answer is the foundation of information editing.I think it is important for children who can not do that to have the experience of looking at the world.

Some of my students have dropped out of college and started a business, and are working to spread the system of Japanese agricultural cooperatives to Africa.Instead of growing in the domestic market, they don't go abroad, but they talk directly with the president in the world.The idea is a bit different from the conventional business we were thinking.

Looking at his work, if you have one personal computer, it will be an office, and it doesn't matter where you are.He is connected to the world and acts to collect human resources and funds endlessly, and is a sample of students who have trained information editing.We hope that the number of children who have improved information editing will increase in the future and make great success in the world.


Kazuhiro Fujiwara (Fujihara Kazuhiro) Educational Reform practitioner / "Morning -only School" Principal Born in Tokyo in 1955. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics, the University of Tokyo and joined Recruit. He emerged as a top sales and became the company's first fellow at the age of 40. In 2003, he became a private principal of the first junior high school (Suginami Ward Watada Junior High School) in Tokyo and reformed education for five years. He has been awarded awards for education, including the "Yonaka family", which was an active learning example, and the local school support organization "Regional Headquarters". He served as a special adviser in Osaka Prefecture and the Principal of Ichijo Ichijo, Nara City, and opened an online community "Morning -only School" in 20 years. His work is, "Do you have a job 10 years later? (Diamond), 1.54 million copies of 89 books, including "35 -year -old textbooks" (Gentosha). YouTube plays over 3 million times. Details of activities (http: // YONONAKA).Net).

Microsoft education tools that support high school students' deep learning

A highly intelligent future society "Society5.Emphasis on "0" is being demanded at the educational setting that fosters deep learning, active learning, and collaborative learning.What is required is the development of human resources who can solve the problem when they face difficulties.It is said that a series of processes that think, judge, and express toward the goal are useful in all occupations.Microsoft 365 Education has an application that supports such a process.This time, the person in charge of Microsoft Japan taught the features and high school students how to use it.

Now that online classes are expanding, what I want to pay attention to is "Teams for Education".Not only can you take classes online, but also the chat, group conferences, files sharing, and classes, etc.In particular, the chat function can also ask questions and impressions in real time to those who speak in real time, so the number of "speaking opportunities" is increasing than the audio discussion, and high school students are motivated to actively learn.Furthermore, if you share materials on the screen, you will have a visual understanding and more revitalized the discussion.

"OneNote" can digitize notes.If you share your notes with your teacher, the teacher will be able to learn about the student's learning process from the contents of the notebook.On the other hand, students can select various information, including videos and images, and put them together with their own awareness, so that they can learn more.

"Teams for Education" has been introduced mainly in elementary and junior high schools with the promotion of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "GIGA School Concept" ( * 1).Not only remote classes, but also in face -to -face classes in classrooms, we also use "Teams for Education" to submit issues and feed back impressions with the questionnaire creation tool "FORMS".

* 1: The concept of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, where children and students can learn using information terminals for each person

EXCEL, a spreadsheet tool, has the impression of science university students and working adults, but is ideal for high school students.You can learn the information editing skills, such as entering the experimental data of chemistry and physics, performing statistical analysis on a graph, and logically explaining the conclusions you derived yourself.By linking with the questionnaire creation tool "FORMS", detailed aggregation and analysis of the collected questionnaire are also possible.

Data can be visually expressed using the presentation tool "PowerPoint", and it is a good idea to announce it in the class.Since it also supports 3D conversion in the figure, you can create materials that are easy to grasp the image three -dimensionally.

Microsoft 365 Education also has tools to enliven and enjoy school life.One of them is "Minecraft" where you can experience programming.It stimulates the intellectual curiosity of children, such as arranging the electronic circuit kits and automating the operation, and also leads to understanding the position of a game maker instead of a "gamer".In addition, there are high schools that have been handled in classes, such as communication skills, programming languages such as Java, and chemistry.

"Sway", which is easy to capture and edit images, allows you to share photos of school life, such as school excursions and school festivals, like albums, and write comments together.

The company's representative says, "Microsoft 365 Education has many applications that are more advanced for high school students, including programming, video editing, and skills that high school students will use in society through school learning.You can nurture. Please try to experience not only school sites but also parents and children. "

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