Kazuyuki Asano Interview "I believe in the energy of Sawagoya" [Kabukiza "New Sangokushi" intensive serialization 4]

Kazuyuki Asano has appeared in the "New Sangokushi Sekibu" of the third generation Sarunosuke Shijiru.The venue is Kabukiza, and the performance is until March 28 (Monday).The fourth generation Sarunosuke Ichikawa is directed and starring, Kensuke Yokouchi is a scriptwriter and director, and Saruko is a supervisor, and co -starrings are Kabuki actors such as Sarunosuke, Ichikawa Nakamura, and Yoshiya Ichikawa.

Asano has appeared in Kabuki works by Sarunosuke, including the first installment of Super Kabuki II, the first edition of the Kabuki II, the big hit "One Piece", and the New Edition Oguri.However, this is the first performance in Kabukiza.

"I'm happy. It's coming to Kabukiza. The first riding is Yashima (Tomohito) of Mitani Kabuki's" Fengyun Children "? That's a bit different.Is more Kabuki (laughs) "

In response to a well -known theater, Asano talked about the modern drama and Kabuki about Sarunosuke and Sawagiya.What is Sarunosuke's humanity that Asano felt?What is the "pretty bad" premonition that revealed while laughing?

"I was glad if my father and my mother were alive, and my brother told me about 100 times."

In the past Sarunosuke's work, he has been striking, such as working as an Ivankov for One Piece with a net tights.This time, Cao Cao Mengde, a warlord who led the Wei country.

"It is a direct game without hesitation. Cao Cao, who repeated the murder and achieved the unification of the world, but there is also a side that has a deep knowledge of poetry and literature.There would have been his own theory that it was unavoidable to come out. It would also be a chance to learn about the Three Kingdoms, and it was a timely story that overlaps the situation in the world today. "

In the curtain call at the end of the curtain, Asano also determined in the center of the stage, and the sound of the tsukage resounded in the hall.

"A bad story, I didn't know that Tsuketo was being hit according to my movement at first.Lol). Shoya -chan told me that the appearance was a close -up, and it was interesting. "

Performance visual.23 years since the premiere.This time, the relationship between Guan Yu and Cao Cao is more clear.

"New Sangokushi" is easy to understand with modern words.From the viewpoint of the audience, it is a work that is as close as possible to the contemporary drama.

"The hatred, love, and joy of the play are the same for Kabuki and the modern drama. But the way of expressing is different."

As an example, we will give you "time of time" and "how to stand on the stage".

"First of all, the time flows is different. Kabuki actors are soaked in the body. I can get into the flow of time with different speeds. I'm so slow that I can't be a normal play.I'm still saying, but the other day (Kitamura of Sith Company) told me, "You're a great play." (Bitter smile).It is. In a contemporary drama, it draws a relationship with the other party by giving the body with some kind of angle. Kabuki talks about the dialogue directly and facing the front. Just add a little movement to it.So, the relationship is transmitted to customers. "

What I noticed was what to show.

Kazuyuki Asano, the role of Cao Cao "Shin Sangokushi" / (C) Shochiku

"It's an" actor "that Kabuki shows in a play that slowly faces in front of you. In a modern drama, there is a drama and the actor is on it. Kabuki shows the actors.Of course, the drama is also transmitted, so the customer is impressed. The realism of the contemporary drama that does not look right is not the only correct answer. "

Asano, who studied theater at Toho Gakuen, went to the legendary theater group "Abe Kobo Studio" after graduation.Since 1987 he has been enrolled in "Yume no Yukisha" led by Hideki Noda, and in recent years he has been familiar with Koki Mitani's work.His basis as an actor was cultivated in the method of Lucok System and Kobo Abe, which he taught during his school days.

"As a theater theory, Stanislavsky System, which starts with human modeling from the inside with a look at the psychology of people, is famous, but the methods of Lucok and Abe are in shape.Rather, think of it as an approach to shaping a person. For example, walking in the inner thighs and the outer crotch will change, and if you do this ... "

Roll your back, drop your head, and turn your chin a little forward.When he shrunk his body, he became a weak and small old man.

"I will make it a clue to a person -shaped shape. I've never met Cao Cao, but I'm not a person who walks like me (laughs).I use a posture correction belt in this play so that I don't get stooped. "

Makeup is a large and thick "New Sangokushi" / (C) Shochiku

"Kabuki's makeup seems to have a connection with the personality of the person. Comedy Derale (Italian traditional Mask improvised drama) has its own name, and for example, if you wear Allekkino, you will become a clown.When I was young, there was a training to imagine what kind of movement the person would do when I looked at the mirror with a mask.

How will Sarunosuke as a director appear in Asano's eyes, who has studied in modern drama?


"It's not powerful. I know that if you trust everyone and throw it like this, you know it will come back. But because everyone is professional, I don't teach. It's amazing. I think it's a job to design not only the work but also the actors. "Tell". It's not called "no good", but it's called notes (notes) or notes (notes). It's not good, it's the fourth generation (Sarunosuke). I do not say "no good". Please leave it to think by yourself. If you can not do it, you will not say anything.

(From left) Kazuyuki Asano, the role of Cao, Sarunosuke Ichikawa, the role of Guan Yu, "New Sangokushi" / (C) Shochiku

Asano learned about Sarunosuke was the 2006 PARCO Theater "Duel!Takadanobaba].

"It was Kamejiro at that time. Mitani -san was going to Kabuki, so I went to see it. Samurai, Okaya town girl, Onodera Ukyo ... it was a strange role (laughs).It's all different to do it, but it's all different. The town girl was cute and the samurai was dignified. I was surprised to hear that he was still a 30 -year -old actor. "

Then, in 2011, he co -starred in "Put from a narrow gate" (PARCO Theater) for the first time.It was a straight play that Sarunosuke first appeared.

"I remember to grab the dialogue. I was calm and there was a lot of courage, but in fact ... I was nervous at the time!I did it. I felt that there was such a thing in the fourth generation (laughs). "

I like the curry shop "Nile Restaurant" next to Kabukiza.She said, "I have been there since I was 18," she said.

Asano is actually very nervous.

"Every day, Chiaki Raku is fine today! It's over! I'm nervous as I think."

When asked what he needed to relieve tension, he replied that it was a "practice amount."

"The training time has decreased in recent years. It is a relationship that the production performance has increased instead of the theater company. The training period is the same, or the training period is the same, or the table lessons (reading match).) I also practice immediately. I think it is very important to practice a table. Not only can the actors take the consensus of what I want to do, but I also naturally get the words around me.Come. It's less time -consuming to correct the orbitals than to memorize the lines and stand up. If the current method continues, only dexterous actors will be able to do it.I'm worried for non -dexterous actors (laughs). "

Meanwhile, when I asked for how many days I was able to practice for the performance, Asano spread my fingers and folded my thumb and laughed, saying, "Only 9 days!"

"I understand it properly! (Laughs) Regardless of Corona's evil, Kabuki people do it in a classic for about three days?There are also techniques and ways that you have cultivated. Of course I was worried when I heard 9 days, but I believe in the energy of Sawagiya. With this team, I can do it.I thought it was. "

(From the left) Ichikawa Nakamura, Liu Bi, Liu Bi, Yoya Ichikawa, Sarunosuke Ichikawa, the role of Guan Yu, "New Sangokushi" / (C) Shochiku

"I understand that both young people and old people take care of Sawakiyaya, and everyone is studying well. Those who have died in their 20s and 30s under Saruo, when they are here.I have the power to concentrate and demonstrate. I am also confident. The staff work is also wonderful. So I was able to do it brilliantly in the 9th lesson. This is quite bad. The fourth generation tastes.I guess it was crushed. I'm sure I'll try to do it again (laughs). "

Ten years have passed since the first co -starring with Sarunosuke, and the stage, video work, together with many sites.

"The fourth generation is not big, but it looks big on the stage. I wonder if the presence and things that carry on it come out. There is something strong in the core, and it feels like something is protected.There is also. Anyway, the liver is sitting. And this is a smart! This time, I started standing three days before the opening, and I would have to put that kind of thing in my head by the first day. Kagawa (medium car)Because there is such a place ... that clan! Is it a genius blood of Mr. Saruo, it's terrible! (Laughs).

Sarunosuke Ichikawa, the role of Guan Yu."New Sangokushi" / (C) Shochiku

While standing on the stage of Sawakaneya, he feels the existence of Sarou.

"I was very blessed, I met Kimbo Abe as soon as I left college, and I was able to meet Hideki Noda. The common thing for those who think that it is a genius is that I don't think it's an effort. I don't think it's an effort.Immediately, I think "I have to make an effort", but they are moving without permission. Saruo is also such a person. Just like the play, the child of the play.Looking at the fourth generation, I feel it. I have never met Mr. Saruo directly, but I have met in the fourth generation that inherits it. Not only to let Kabuki come out.I think encounters with the fourth generation are very big for me. "

The role of Yukai Ito of the taiga drama "13 people in Kamakura" is also a hot topic."Yajuro Bando was really relaxed."

At the end of the interview, Asano revealed that he liked care in Kabuki, and "I want to see" Shibahama Leather Wallet "in March and" Arakawa no Sakichi ".I want to do it. ""New Sangokushi Sekibu" will be performed until March 28 (Monday) in the Kabukiza "March Daikabuki" first part."April Daikabuki" is a performance from April 2 (Sat) to 27 (Wed).

"Shall we jump a little?"

Kazuyuki Asano jumped, not a little.

* The structure of "Sawagoya" is correctly "Wakanmuri".

Interview / sentence / shooting (without credit) = Fumika Tsukada

『三月大歌舞伎』■日程:2022年3月3日(木)~28日(月) 休演 10日(木)、22日(火)■会場:歌舞伎座 【第一部】午前11時~ 羅 貫中 作「三国演義」より横内謙介 脚本・演出市川猿之助 演出市川猿翁 スーパーバイザー三代猿之助四十八撰の内新・三国志(しんさんごくし)関羽篇市川猿之助宙乗り相勤め申し候 関羽:市川猿之助劉備:市川笑也香溪:尾上右近孫権:中村福之助関平:市川團子諸葛孔明:市川弘太郎改め市川青虎華佗:市川寿猿司馬懿:市川笑三郎陸遜:市川猿弥黄忠: 石橋正次曹操:浅野和之呉国太:市川門之助張飛:市川中車 【第二部】午後2時40分~ 河竹黙阿弥 作天衣紛上野初花一、河内山(こうちやま)質見世より玄関先まで 河内山宗俊:片岡仁左衛門松江出雲守:中村鴈治郎宮崎数馬:市川高麗蔵腰元浪路:片岡千之助番頭伝右衛門:片岡松之助北村大膳:中村吉之丞米村伴吾:澤村宗之助黒沢要:中村亀鶴大橋伊織:坂東亀蔵和泉屋清兵衛:河原崎権十郎後家おまき:坂東秀調高木小左衛門:中村歌六 二、芝浜革財布(しばはまのかわざいふ) 魚屋政五郎:尾上菊五郎政五郎女房おたつ:中村時蔵左官梅吉:河原崎権十郎錺屋金太:坂東彦三郎酒屋小僧:寺嶋眞秀桶屋吉五郎:市村橘太郎大家長兵衛:市川團蔵金貸おかね:中村東蔵大工勘太郎:市川左團次 【第三部】午後6時30分~ 近松門左衛門 作一、信州川中島合戦(しんしゅうかわなかじまかっせん)輝虎配膳 長尾輝虎:中村芝翫お勝:中村雀右衛門直江山城守:松本幸四郎唐衣:片岡孝太郎越路:中村魁春戸部銀作 補綴増補双級巴二、石川五右衛門(いしかわごえもん)松本幸四郎宙乗りにてつづら抜け相勤め申し候 石川五右衛門:松本幸四郎三好長慶:中村松江三好国長:中村歌昇左忠太:大谷廣太郎右平次:中村鷹之資佐々木秀経:中村玉太郎細川和氏:市川男寅仁木頼秋:市村竹松次左衛門:松本錦吾呉羽中納言:大谷桂三此下久吉:中村錦之助■公式サイト https://www.kabuki-bito.jp/theaters/kabukiza/play/745 購入はこちらから 『四月大歌舞伎』■日程:2022年4月2日(土)~27日(水) 休演 11日(月)、19日(火)■会場:歌舞伎座 【第一部】午前11時~ 河竹黙阿弥 作奈河彰輔 補綴通し狂言天一坊大岡政談(てんいちぼうおおおかせいだん)紀州平野村お三住居の場より大岡役宅奥殿の場まで 大岡越前守:尾上松緑山内伊賀亮:片岡愛之助池田大助:坂東亀蔵平石治右衛門:中村歌昇下男久助:坂東巳之助下女お霜:坂東新悟近習金吾:市川男寅 同 新蔵:中村鷹之資嫡子忠右衛門:尾上左近藤井左京:市川青虎名主甚右衛門:市川寿猿お三:市川笑三郎伊賀亮女房おさみ:市川笑也赤川大膳:市川猿弥僧天忠:市川男女蔵吉田三五郎:中村松江大岡妻小沢:市川門之助天一坊:市川猿之助【第二部】午後2時40分~ 真山青果 作真山美保 演出齋藤雅文 補綴・演出江戸絵両国八景一、荒川の佐吉(あらかわのさきち) 荒川の佐吉:松本幸四郎丸総の女房お新:中村魁春お八重:片岡孝太郎極楽徳兵衛:中村亀鶴大工辰五郎:尾上右近櫓下の源次:大谷廣太郎あごの権六:中村吉之丞茶屋女房おかつ:中村歌女之丞白熊の忠助:嵐橘三郎鍾馗の仁兵衛:松本錦吾隅田の清五郎:市川高麗蔵成川郷右衛門:中村梅玉相模屋政五郎:松本白鸚二、義経千本桜(よしつねせんぼんざくら)所作事 時鳥花有里(ほととぎすはなあるさと) 源義経:中村梅玉鷲尾三郎:中村鴈治郎白拍子園原:中村壱太郎同 帚木:中村種之助同 伏屋:中村米吉同 雲井:中村虎之介白拍子三芳野:中村扇雀傀儡師輝吉:中村又五郎【第三部】午後6時20分~ 森 鷗外 原作宇野信夫 作・演出一、ぢいさんばあさん 美濃部伊織:片岡仁左衛門下嶋甚右衛門:中村歌六宮重久右衛門:中村隼人宮重久弥:中村橋之助久弥妻きく:片岡千之助戸谷主税:片岡松之助石井民之進:片岡亀蔵山田恵助:河原崎権十郎柳原小兵衛:坂東秀調 伊織妻るん:坂東玉三郎 二、お祭り(おまつり) 芸者:坂東玉三郎若い者:中村福之助同:中村歌之助公式サイト https://www.kabuki-bito.jp/theaters/kabukiza/play/750 購入はこちらから

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