In the future, not only the iPad but also the MacBook will be organic EL?

In the future, not only the iPad but also the MacBook will be organic EL?

 In the future, not only the iPad but also the MacBook To OLED?

What about weaknesses? When trying to buy a new laptop or TV today, we are faced with the choice of "mini LED" or "organic EL". At the moment, both have advantages and disadvantages, and many people are wondering, "Which one should I choose?" Under such circumstances, it is predicted that organic EL displays will be adopted for MacBooks in 2025. I also own a "16-inch MacBook Pro" equipped with a mini LED, and I am very satisfied with its vivid color expression. I also like that the screen is bright. On the other hand, organic EL has advantages such as "overwhelming contrast ratio" and "no light leakage", so I am concerned about Apple's future selection.

From the iPad first. MacBook in 2025?

According to Korean media The Elec, South Korea's LG will first supply organic EL displays for two models of the iPad, and then ship organic EL displays for the MacBook that will be released around 2025. I am reporting it. So, the installation of an organic EL display on the MacBook, which may improve the image quality even more than the current mini LED display. On the other hand, organic EL displays also have weaknesses such as "burn-in" and "difficult to brighten the screen", but let's look forward to how those weaknesses will be resolved! Source: The Elec

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