If you love Sims, you'll love it! "Let's go on the A train, his sightseeing plan" Beginner's Guide!!

First, let's start with the "Tourism Plan"! Learn the Basics with a Tutorial

In the scenario "Tourism Plan to Start", the goal is to revitalize a municipality that is currently in the red and is aiming to become a tourist destination by attracting people through the railway. The clear goal is "to have more than 200,000 tourists visit" and "to increase the population of the city to more than 20,000". In addition, this scenario also serves as a tutorial for learning the basic operation method of "Let's go on the A train Start sightseeing plan", so let's start from here.

Ayaka Matsushima, the president's secretary, who sometimes appears to assist the player.Ayaka-chan teaches the basics of how to operate

Let's take a look at the entire map first. There is Enokimori Station on the north side of the map, and in addition to being operated by a railroad that connects to the neighboring town, there is Minami-Enokimori Station to the south, and it is just a state where the track is connected to there. From there, another Munamoto station is being built to the south, and the railroad site has been secured to the tourist spot "Nagashiro Castle" to the southwest. The important points here are:

・Screen operation with buttons and sticks・How to draw tracks・Train layout and operation plan・Freight operation・How to read accounting figures・Progress to goals・Technology development by “plan”

When a new item appears, Ayaka Matsushima, the secretary, will appear and follow you, so you won't get lost. In addition, Isego, the conductor, Junji Karuizawa, the sales manager, Makoto Goshiki, the accounting manager, Reiko Setouchi, who works in the local tourism department, and Izumi Dogo, the city planning department. All of them have their own unique characters that add excitement to the story.

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Furthermore, Ise, Goshiki, Matsushima, and others will include commentary scenes about that day in that era, just like in the previous "A train" series. The topics are appropriate to the era, and there is a scene where he talks about a certain huge disco in Tamachi, Tokyo during the bubble period, so those who know the era will come to the gig.

At the initial stage, only the route leading to the next town is in operation. Isego is in charge of the general tutorial of the Nakadaijo Railway, which is located in the southwest. Guidance on research and development such as obtaining tunnel technology is also learned from the company's numbers from the accounting five colors that come from Karuizawa. Reiko Setouchi, who is still in the deficit Tourism Division, is Dogo of the City Planning Division, who tells us about the growth of tourists and what tourists want. Karuizawa, who tells us about the development of the town, is talking about the disco. By then, let's first open the railroad route to Nakashiro Castle and start operating on a single track. Within a few weeks of starting operation, tourists from neighboring towns will come and income will increase.

And after a while, Karuizawa appears, and a double track is proposed to the neighboring town "Omida" in the south. This is the creation point. We have plenty of funds, so let's pull it all the way to Omida. In addition, Karuizawa advises that the population will increase if the station is placed in a village called "Nobusu" at the southern end of the map. However, you are of course free to decide where to place the station. In the author's case, there was a village not in Nobusu but a short distance from Nakashiro Castle, so once a station was built there, it was activated and buildings began to be built.

It's a railroad line, but if you want to bend it after drawing it in a straight line, draw it in a straight line to a certain point, press the A button to create an intermediate point, and select "extend" from there to extend it in the direction you want to bend. It draws beautifully as you go. Also, using the right stick to change the camera to the position seen from above in quarter view makes it easier to draw without making a mistake.

There is another point to be aware of when making a double track. That is, when connecting with a neighboring town, remove the track that has been connected until now, and when laying a double track, select "connection line switching" to divide the two tracks into up and down lines. Since the up and down lines are exchanged in the neighboring town, it is possible to set up and down routes.

Tourists soon came to see Nakashiro Castle. The number of visitors under the icon with a carry-on bag is the number of visitors. The number of tourists is steadily increasing, so we propose to extend it to Omida, the neighboring town to the south. There is a lecture about railway operation from Ise where up and down lines are created like this when switching. Keep in mind that if you deviate from a straight line, it will automatically turn, but it can also go in a strange direction. At that time, if you specify the right laying point and bend it, you can lay it neatly

You don't have to worry too much about the materials. Having the materials has the advantage of being able to build buildings quickly, but the construction itself can be done without the materials. In this map, there are two material factories east of Munamoto Station, and a material storage area is prepared at the midpoint between the station and the factory, and materials are stored there. Karuizawa proposed transporting the materials by freight trains in order to distribute them to other regions, but it was unexpectedly troublesome because it was necessary to check the consumption of the materials at the delivery destination. Also, since it will be troublesome to make all lines double-tracked later, you don't have to make them.

There will also be a lecture on freight transport from Karuizawa, so keep that in mind. If you are a stock trader, you may have seen this figure before, but the important thing is how to generate profit from sales. However, it's hard to refer to the report one by one, so let's check the numbers at the bottom of the top screen. As long as you're making a profit on your sales, you'll be fine.

Let's check here on the important screen to generate net income. It's a total loss on sales, and it's still in the early stages, so it's in deficit. After that, if you press the fast forward button and leave it as it is, the goal will be achieved. It's a waste to just leave it alone, so you can try increasing the number of platforms at the station and running the freight train you skipped earlier. Of course, it is OK to build a new station.

As the number of tourists increased, Ayaka-chan appeared at a round number, and the population exceeded 20,000. can develop new vehicles or acquire the technology to dig underground tunnels. Learning to develop new vehicles is fine on this map.

Tutorials let you customize vehicles from existing templates

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