This may be going on.A notebook where you can enjoy your daily records at your own pace

A new year has started.Many people are planning, "What kind of year should we make this year?"It's time to face yourself, so why not try to organize your feelings into a notebook?That said, I'm worried if I buy a notebook....There should be many people.But don't worry.Here are some notes and diary books that you can enjoy at your own pace.If you are a three -day shaven, be sure to check it out!


How do you use 8 splits?A notebook to enjoy with a diary

For those who want to enjoy your daily records loosely, we recommend .This book with the theme of "Enjoy" writing "is a trademark of a grid -eye format with a double -portion.It is a notebook with a high degree of freedom that can be used on your own specifications, such as a record of changing the theme for each item and one week (7 days+memo).You can record for half a year on one page a day, two years of spread in one week."Let's use one page a day this week to face work and hobbies carefully."Please use it for.

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You can use it freely!Both letters and illustrations are in this book

that opens 180 degrees flat and is easy to write.Because it is a gentle colored grid, it is easy to draw not only letters but also chart and illustrations, and it is also good to add one page a day and use it as a weekly.It may be good to make a monthly page yourself.Please try to use one of your favorite books while trying various ways to use it.

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