Hulu's original "Shinigami-san" director Kei Tanaka, Atsuko Maeda, Naoto Takenaka and Yukihiko Tsutsumi gather together! Delivery commemorative event held

From September 17th (Friday), Hulu's original drama "Shinigami-san" will be exclusively distributed on the online video distribution service Hulu. The distribution commemorative event of this work was held in Tokyo on Tuesday, 7th, and the main characters Kei Tanaka (role of the main character, Kennin Gito), Atsuko Maeda (role of Mei Minamikawa), Naoto Takenaka (5th generation of Gito). Seiji Yonemura) and director Yukihiko Tsutsumi, who is the main director, took the stage.

In addition to talking about the role of Mr. Tanaka's most intense character Gito in history, Mr. Tsutsumi's talk about the charm of Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Maeda, and "re-investigation" of Mr. Tanaka's true nature that only co-stars know, Just like a drama, we will reveal Mr. Tanaka, who has never been seen before.

This work is a thrilling mystery drama based on Takahiro Okura's novel of the same name, "Shinigami-san" (Gentosha Bunko). Kennin Gito (Kei Tanaka), a habitual detective who specializes in re-investigation and is known as the "God of Death", re-investigates false accusations while changing partners for each case, and thoroughly and earnestly uncovers the truth. I'm going to draw a figure that goes on.

The online event started with Mr. Tanaka's greeting, "Let's all have a happy time."

Mr. Tanaka, who has played the role of Gito with long hair in a hat, stooped back in black clothes, and a big mole on his nose, which makes it difficult to recognize him at a glance, said, "The unique character is the highlight. (Each episode) I have a different partner, and each episode feels special.” In response, Director Tsutsumi said, "I wanted to show Kei Tanaka, who I had never seen before."

In addition, it is said that the appearance of this character, Gito, was created through consultation between Director Tsutsumi and Mr. Tanaka, and the contents were "I asked Director Tsutsumi what he had in mind, and based on that image, I created the role." says Tanaka. On the other hand, he confessed for the first time, "I thought I had a mole... (laughs)." In response to Mr. Tanaka's unexpected reaction, Director Tsutsumi asked, "Huh? Did you hate it?"

Hulu Original

Mr. Maeda, who co-starred with Mr. Tanaka for the first time in a while, said, “It was really fun. Director Tsutsumi said, "If you watch the whole story, I think you're in a very interesting position." bottom.

Mr. Takenaka, who plays Gito's fifth-generation partner, Yonemura, told Mr. Tanaka about the highlights of this work, "Kei-chan is charming and cute. Kei-chan, who is making Gito's character, is charming and laughs." You look in love. Mr. Takenaka said, "If there is a second season, I will do a fake Gito, so please call me."

After the talk session, a project corner will be developed. In connection with the content of the drama, in the corner "The co-stars reveal! Tanaka's true nature" re-investigation "", Mr. Maeda, Mr. Takenaka, and Mr. Tsutsumi will reveal the true face of Mr. Tanaka, who is known only by Director Tsutsumi!

Mr. Takenaka showed an episode of Mr. Tanaka, who stuck to his thoughts as an actor in the shooting of a certain scene when he co-starred in the past. "You have a strong will!" In the air of admiration, Mr. Maeda's answer, "I'm always thinking about the menu for dinner," invited laughter, and Mr. Tanaka, who heard that, was convinced, "I'm sure!".

Finally, when Director Tsutsumi answered, "Kei Tanaka is a robot," everyone seemed bewildered for a moment. Mr. and Mr. Takenaka agree. Mr. Tanaka shyly replied, "I'm desperately memorizing," but "Kei Tanaka's 'reinvestigation' of his true nature" resulted in revealing both Mr. Tanaka's splendor as an actor and his lovable character. rice field.

Next, in connection with the story of solving the case in the drama, in the "Solution! Concern consultation" corner, Mr. Takenaka and Director Tsutsumi's worries are synchronized. Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Maeda smiled wryly at the compelling worries that "aging is hard" (Mr. Takenaka) and "I often fall recently" (Director Tsutsumi). Mr. Maeda showed a cute problem, "I'm too hungry and I wake up." Mr. Tanaka said, "I want to do a sequel!" I would be happy if I could play Togito,” he concluded with a wish.

Hulu's original "Shinigami-san" will be exclusively distributed on the online video distribution service Hulu from Friday, September 17th.

Hulu original "Shinigami-san" official website Kenshin Gito (Kei Tanaka), an assistant inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department, who specializes in re-investigating false accusation cases in which suspects have been acquitted. His job is to uncover the true culprit who escaped and the truth behind the incident, and at the same time expose the failure of the police organization. Therefore, those who become his companions are shunned by the organization and their career paths are closed. The nickname given to Gito is... "Shinigami"! With the cooperation of Minamikawa Mei (Maeda Atsuko), a police officer who undertakes various arrangements as a liaison, this unconventional lone wolf dark hero, Gito, brings a different "partner with whom he doesn't get along" each time. Elucidate the true culprit and the truth of a false accusation case. He reexamines the testimony and evidence from scratch, relentlessly, and turns the "truth hidden behind the incident" and "the hearts of his partners" 180 degrees.

[Title] Hulu Original “Shinigami-san” [Distribution] From September 17, 2021 (Friday), every Friday, one episode will be distributed on Hulu (6 episodes in total) Approximately 50 minutes each episode [Appearance] ] Kei Tanaka, Atsuko Maeda Guest: Shinya Kote, Misako Renbutsu, Rintaro. Kyoko Hasegawa, Naoto Takenaka and others [Original story] Takahiro Okura "Mr. Shinigami" (Gentosha Bunko) [Direction] Yukihiko Tsutsumi (Episode 1, Episode 2, Final episode), Tomoyuki Fujiwara (Episode 3, Episode 2), Takeshi Inadome ( Episode 5) [Screenplay] Yusuke Watanabe [Theme Song] Koji Miyamoto "Ukiyo Koji no blues" (Universal Sigma) [Executive Producer] Kazufumi Nagasawa [Chief Producer] Maeka Chano [Producer] Tetsuya Ohno Susumu Nakazawa [Production Production] ] Office Crescendo [Production] HJ Holdings [Photo credit] ©HJ Holdings

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