How do you use YouTube for branding?Introducing how to combine with note

As the digital shift of companies progresses, more and more companies are utilizing videos to use their business and branding.The combination of videos such as YouTube and article -style services like Note is also effective for branding.

Therefore, we invited YouTube content partner manager Kunihiro Sadamoto to talk about the usage method of companies and how to combine YouTube and Youtube and Note with NOTE producer Motohiko Tokutoshi and NOTE Media Team Co., Ltd.I did it.I hope it will be a hint for those who are planning to focus on the use of videos.

With the permission of Note, it is posted on the web.Click here for the original article → https: //


The first thing to do before making a video

What do you need to think before making a video when using a virtue company to use YouTube?

I think it is clear to clarify the purpose and reasons for using the basis YouTube.The purpose is to get a brand recognition, advertise new products, interact with fans, or make money on YouTube.I think it is necessary to set up where their channels go.After all, viewers gather with a sense of security on channels whose themes and concepts are solid.

You need to think about what kind of viewer you are doing and what you want to convey to the viewers who watched the video.

That's right.It is also important to when and what to tell.By clarifying the purpose and target first, you will be able to deliver effective messages in the long term.

Create timely, accurate and creative videos

What do you care about when you actually make a video?

There are three types: "timely", "accurate", and "creative".

It is better to publish while the information and formats are high, but it may be swayed by it, so it is important to read what will happen next.Be prepared to be timely.

Also, as you may think of it, it is important that the content of the content is accurate.If you find an error after disclosure, it is important to explain and supplement if you find an error after disclosure.

And it's very important to be creative on YouTube.The viewer feels fresh if the video has its own perspective, and you can make a difference even if similar content comes out.In order to differentiate it from other content, I think it is good to create a firm personality.

ブランディングにYouTubeはどう使う? noteとの組み合わせ方法も紹介

To get a video on YouTube

For those who are planning to use YouTube in the future, it is necessary to "watch the video" first.If you increase the number of subscribers as YouTuber, you will be able to see it, but I think there are many cases where you will be frustrated while you are not there.What should I do as the first step for getting a video on YouTube?

The points to be devised to get the standard video are thumbnails, updates, and target users.

Many people first look at thumbnails and decide whether to watch videos, so thumbnails are very important.If the thumbnail is not good, you will not be able to demonstrate your ability even if the contents are good.

The update frequency is also important.Doing the number of times is also a shortcut to progressing video editing, and you don't know what's right, so it's better to have a lot of updates.In the sense of turning PDCA, it's better to think "Let's try one year first" instead of "let's try one first".

And let's organize who will give you what kind of information to give.As I mentioned at the beginning, it is necessary to firmly determine the goals and purpose of using YouTube.

YouTube utilization case with NOTE

More and more companies that use virtue NOTE are using YouTube.Note allows you to embed YouTube videos just by entering the URL.

Note may have a strong text image, but if you embed YouTube videos like this, you may receive more articles to more readers.Mr. Hirose will introduce three cases of companies that use YouTube effectively.

The first case of Hirose is U-NEXT.It is an orthodox usage that posts a YouTube link in the note, but how to show the video is effective.For example, "Create" the "6 seconds" before watching."U-NEXT Original" Logo Animation "succeeded in embedding videos to convey information that is difficult to convey with the word" sound logo "alone.I think it's a good example that sounds sometimes transmit than textbooks.

Hirose 2 is the case of Under Armor.At the beginning of the article "Her Under Armor Product I was really glad to buy," she embeds her YouTube video and writes the summary of the content of the video.This makes it easier to reach readers who don't have time to watch videos but want to know only the points.I think it is a good combination.

Some people read the virtue articles and watch the video because they think "it looks interesting".This pattern is likely to be used when raising long videos such as events and seminars.

Hirose Yes.The longer the video, the more effective it is to make an article in this way.

The third case is minne.Minne regularly holds a YouTube live called "Question Tournament" in a style in which the middle person answers questions from the user.In addition to the questions received in advance, I also answered the questions received in her YouTube comment section during distribution.We combine videos with such a radio -like atmosphere with NOTE.

For example, in the article "9th Question Tournament", the timeline is sent to the timeline while embedding a YouTube live video for an hour and a half.The timeline is displayed on the timeline when you answer this question at what time, and then clicking the link attached to the time to fly at that time of the video.

It is excellent to link to the fixed time.I think this is a substitute for video editing.This saves you the hassle of editing a long video, and it is easy for readers to understand.

Looking at the video embedded in the article, there are various opinions in the comments section, and I think that you have a very good community.It is ideal to be able to explain the article while exchanging opinions with fans in live distribution.

It looks like virtue.Note is also trying to pick up the questions received on YouTube while living the event.Looking at today's story, I felt that there was still something to study.I hope that the companies who have watched today will use YouTube well.Thank you, Sadamoto, today.

Text by Toshie Watanabe

This article is a reprinted article of note.Click here for the original article → https: //

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