How does CEO anticipate the economy?Future priority items are --gartner

In 2020, the economy was greatly confused by the Corona evil, but many companies, CEOs, believe that the economy will recover rapidly.

GARTNER conducted a survey from July 2020 to December 2020 for CEOs and executives from various industries and businesses in Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and Asia -Pacific regions (APAC), from July 2020 to December.We asked what kind of prospects we had about recovery and initiatives.

According to the survey, 60 % of the managers believe that it will be in a good economy in 2021 and 2022, while 40 % anticipated the economy.35 % of the company responded to the question of whether the company's performance in 2021 would recover to a level or higher in 2019.

However, many CEOs believe that some of the social changes caused by the Corona evil will be established.Many respondents refer to the changes in technology in questions about the priority items for the future and the changes that may occur in the future, and one in five people is free of the answer.I was using the word.


According to GARTNER's Distinguished survey, Kristin Moyer, the top three of the respondents's expected to change the use of digital technology and the demand for digital channel flexibility."This indicates that it is important to improve the means of providing digitally services to customers," said Moyer.


The only category that corporate CEO plans to increase investment in 2021 is "digital utilization ability."Many respondents have mentioned artificial intelligence (AI) as the most highly influential industry.More than 30 % said that quantum computing would be very important in long -term business plans.Some respondents mentioned blockchain and 5G.One -third of the CEOs showed concerns about the trade friction between the U.S. Middle Aid over these technologies.

Another item that the respondents listed as priority is the strengthening of M & A.According to the report, the frequency of terms such as "Sales Revenue" in questions asking for a strategy for the future is reduced, and the use of the term "New Markets" is used.It is said that it has increased.

GARTNER's Distinguished survey, Vice President Kristin Moyer, said, "I am confident in the priority in 2021 listed by CEO. More than half of the respondents emphasize growth in the first growth, and this crisis is the crisis this time.He thinks that it is a chance to be a chance. Technical change and corporate action (corporate actions that affect the value of securities) continued.

"In 2021, all leaders will read what will happen to the world after the corona and strive to rebuild the medium- to long -term business strategy. In many cases, in many cases, the ability and location of the company.It is thought that a series of new structural changes in products and business models will be revealed. "

In many areas in the world, vaccination of new colonovirus is progressing, and some regions are regaining their daily lives, but more than 80 % of respondents, including the transition to a hybrid work environment.It is anticipated that some of the transformed actions will be established.

Many CEOs are concerned about the decline in consumer demand, and some respondents anticipate the declining demand even after the consequences of the corona.In particular, in the travel industry, it is believed that consumers continue to decline in relevant expenditures among the highest finances managing corporate expenditures.

In many countries, the issues of social fairness and sustainability are emphasized, and less than 40 % of CEOs have a positive attitude toward social and fairness.We believe that it will have a positive effect on members.In addition, 45 % of the CEO said that measures against climate change had a major impact on business.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.

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