High awareness seen from DeNA 2nd place, Sosuma Tokuyama's baseball notebook that my junior high school teacher talks about

Waseda University / Tokuyama Sauma (Osaka Toin)

In the professional baseball world, newcomers have started voluntary training, and new players have taken the first step as a professional baseball player in each team.[Video] DeNA Dora 2, Sosuma Tokuyama's junior high -speed junior high school student with the fastest speed!What are the common features with great seniors?DeNA, who is trying to rewind from the bottom of the SE League, is a pitcher of Waseda University (from Osaka Toin), who has been nominated for the second place.During the Osaka Toin era, the ace was the driving force of the Senbatsu Koshien championship, and in the Waseda University era, he pitched in 39 games in the league match, and showed a total of nine wins.Expectations from rookie ears are expanding on the right arm that walked across the prestigious, but it is no exaggeration to say that the foundation as a pitcher was three years in junior high school baseball.Hyogo Yumezen's teacher, Kazuichi Jokutoku, will lower his eyes and look back on the growth in junior high school."When I joined the team, I wasn't particularly noticeable. When I was in elementary school, I was playing softball and I saw it as if my body would grow, but I don't really remember it.By the way. However, as the grade goes up, it grew steadily, and it was a very good pitcher when it ended. It is a pitcher who has grown greatly in the third year of junior high school. "The biggest factor is how to work on baseball notes.The team teaches to write about daily growth in notebooks, but Tokuyama's attitude to work on it is different from other players."The content of the baseball notebook was different from other players. Not only the number of letters, but I was seriously thinking about how to get better, and I felt the high consciousness. Of course.There is also, but I think it is the biggest reason that it grew greatly. "In less than three years at Hyogo Yumezen Young, there may not have been Tokuyama today.It will be the savior of DeNA, who is trying to Shigen Shigenori, or the rookie year's success.


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