Guide how to use App Navi LAVIE Direct PM recommended for PC beginners

I bought the LAVIE Pro Mobile 40th anniversary color model in 2019 and used it regularly (currently working as a computer for my younger son in college), but how has it evolved since then? Are you there? I borrowed and used "LAVIE Direct PM (2021 spring model)".

The model I borrowed was OS: Windows 10 Home, CPU: 11th generation Intel Core i7-1165G7, memory: 16GB, SSD: 256GB, and a model without a privacy filter (PC-GN286J4DN). Now there is an even newer Fall 2021 model.

The size and design, as well as the lightweight and robustness, are almost the same as the 2019 model.

The 2019 model has a smooth feel, but the 2021 model has a matte feel.

The back is also simple.

The terminal is an earphone, USB Type-A, HDMI output terminal on the right side.

Security lock, USB Type-C x2, microSD card slot on the left side.

Although the layout has changed from the 2019 model, the type and number are the same. After all, it is nice to have HDMI and USB Type-A.

Is the placement changed because the appearance is the same, but the contents have changed greatly?

It is convenient to have a fingerprint authentication on the power button. Furthermore, the camera is compatible with face authentication, and logon with face authentication is also possible.

Screen size remains the same. The keyboard is slightly larger and easier to type. This is a nice evolution. I wonder if the operability of the touchpad doesn't change much.

How to use App Navi for PC beginners LAVIE Direct PM recommended for PC users

The power adapter is 65W but compact and fast charging with USB Type-C.

With LAVIE Easy Settings, there are many battery-related settings such as checking the battery status, setting ECO mode, and peak shift that allows you to set the power supply time.

Sound is optimized by YAMAHA and various acoustic settings are possible.

The number of remote meetings and remote classes has increased due to the corona crisis, but there are also sound settings for meetings.

It is also equipped with the function of the loss prevention device MAMORIO, and you can check the location information for PC discovery with your smartphone using the MAMORIO service for 2 years free of charge.

What I thought was a unique feature is the function called smart display and privacy alert. When using a computer in a public place, etc., peeps are a concern, but there are smart displays that blur the screen when you are not looking at it, and a privacy alert that alerts you when someone else is looking at you. There is a function called alert. It seems that it can only be used when it is connected to a power supply because it uses a camera to recognize faces.

Actually, it blurs like this and displays an alert. It's hard to say whether it's easy to use because it feels like the camera is always on, and if you look away, it blurs, but the idea is interesting. In the model equipped with a privacy filter, it seems that it is possible to turn on the privacy filter to prevent peeping when there is a peeping.

LAVIE App Navi, which teaches you how to use apps according to what you want to do, is great for people who are not familiar with computers. It introduces not only pre-installed apps but also Windows functions and web services, and how to use them according to your purpose.

For university students, we introduced LAVIE Sugo Raku Lecture Notes, a tool for taking lecture notes conveniently using OneDrive and OneNote. In addition, a WEB service called Penpen that hits the buttocks of what you have to do is also introduced.

For children's programming learning, such as a guide to make games with Scratch.

There is also a LAVIE video navi that teaches you how to use it in various ways. I think it's good that the user understands how to use the app according to what they want to do, instead of using the pre-installed apps that they're used to. (Though it may not be necessary for those who know computers well.)

I also ran a benchmark test with the PC Mark10. It seems to be a general performance as an Office laptop with Intel Core i7.

I took it with me for a portrait shoot the other day, and it weighed less than 1kg, so it wasn't a burden to carry along with my camera and other equipment. You can check the photos taken on the spot and lightly correct them. It seems that the LAVIE Pro Mobile's light weight and robustness are useful even when the younger children of college students bring their computers to school along with their teaching materials. (because it's pretty packed)

Compared to the LAVIE Pro Mobile 40th anniversary color model in 2019, I didn't get the impression that there were many changes, but it was impressive that it was more beginner-friendly and had more functions to suit new lifestyles. .

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