Gagaga SP x 4 -star ball | SKREAM! Interview Japanese Rock / Western Rock Portal Site

A member round -table discussion with Kobe's "Japan's oldest youth punk band" and Tokushima's "Crystilled Comic Band in Japan"!This year, Gagaga SP, which celebrates its 25th anniversary, and four star balls celebrating the 20th anniversary of the formation.About 17 years after the first time after the formation of the four -star ball, the van for the first time.Ryogumi has a deep friendship, respecting each other while being a senior and junior.In a chaos roundtable with all the valuable members who participated in the first time in a long time, he talked funnyly and naked, such as memories of each other, their impressions, what they learned, and what they thought of an anniversary year!

Gagaga SP: Kozak Maeda (singer) Satoshi Yamamoto (guitar player) Yasunobu Kuwahara (Base player) Satoshima (drum hitter) Shiki -star: Yasuo Kitajima (Singer) U Ta (BA) Masayan (GT) Morris (GT)Interviewer: Fujijun

-How many years ago, the first encounter between Gagagaga SP and Shikoshi Ball?

Kitajima: We know the existence of Gagaga SP before the formation of four -star balls.I loved it enough to copy it in the band.The first band I met was in 2005 when I came to a university graduation event in Tokushima?When I got along with the sex machine (now sex machine !!) and was called to Kobe with Sambo Master, a dressing room was worn in a dressing room with a Ginkgo BOYZ T -shirt (Kozak Maeda).I remember thinking, "Wow, I'm in Kobe!" (Laughs).That's about 2004, but at that time I couldn't say hello.Maeda: Did you call Yasuo -chan through people, right?So I said, "Let's do it together this time," but I had never seen a four -star ball (laughs).Yamamoto: From there, "Kusakura" (a four -star ball demo CD released in 2004) will be on a big catch in Kobe (laughs).Maeda: I still have about 30 pieces.Kitajima: Oh, please send me again when it is gone (laughs).So, after that, I was so happy to have you call me on the tour.Maeda: Tour of "Youth Mad Era" (5th album released in 2006).Yamamoto: At that time, did you really sell CDs?Was it amazing?Kitajima: It was amazing.Bring it in the first Nagoya, all of them sold.I brought it in Sapporo, so I baked it on a laptop while selling it.Then, after that, I performed live in Kitami, so I went around the electric shop on the day of the movement and bought the CD-R.Tajin (Tajima) also put data on the PC and baked it together because our laptops alone could not make it.Tajima: That's right.So, if I can only get a jacket, I will make a "grass pillow" and sell it.Yamamoto: I can do it (laughs).But after and later, I did a van, and it was about four -star balls that sold so much CD.Kitajima: Last time, I talked to Daisuke Han (Maximum The Hormone / Character noisy) and heard a lot of stories that I went with when I was on the "Ora Ichinobu Tour" (2003).As with hormones (Maximum The Hormone), from our generation's point of view, the hook -up feeling was amazing enough to think, "If you go around the tour with Gagaga SP, you can sell it alone!"Maeda: No, just one person, just the band had the ability.Sambo Master did that, and it happened.Tajima: I'm completely a step band band.It's like a Reuters board (laughs).Kitajima: Ahaha (laughs).So I was very happy when I was called.Ua: But Mr. Tajima has become round (laughs).At first it was really bad, right?Yamamoto: When I launched it in Tokushima, U -g had a high heel.So, "It hurts! It's bloody ~", and Tajima laughed, "Kyahaha!" (Laughs).Tajima: That's bad for high heels in the town of Tokushima (laughs)!Kitajima: Ahaha (laughs).When I first traveled together, go to Hokkaido by ferry.I feel like I got along very well.Maeda: I thrown a pillow, everyone (laughs).That trip was fun.

ガガガSP × 四星球 | Skream! インタビュー 邦楽ロック・洋楽ロック ポータルサイト

-How did Maeda watch the live of the four star balls that he invited without seeing it at first?

Maeda: I said it was a comic band, but I liked the song.It was great that I liked music because I watched music.Also, since then, I thought, "This person is coming out."Kitajima: Eh, is it Honma?I'm happy!Maeda: At that time, I was relieved to think, "Vocals who were not good at singing appeared" (laughs).Yamamoto: The comic band elements were also thin from now on, right?I felt like an extension of the punk punk punk.Did you listen to "Kusakura" so much that you died on a equipment car?What was flowing all the time was "Kusakura", B-DASH, HI-STANDARD or THE Peas.Maeda: You also listened to Beat Crusaders.In the second half, Beat Takeshi (laughs) endlessly.Kuwahara: I think it's cool to think seriously about the four star balls, seriously thinking about four -star spheres.I think it's cool and interesting.At first, I felt a little more laughing in the youth puncture, but it felt like it was somewhere.Also, it's a good year, but it's amazing that one pants has a clean feeling!Kitajima: Thank you (laughs).In terms of appearance, I think that the variation in the body shape of Gagaga SP is really cool as a band.I think the best way to balance the imbalance when four people are lined up or performed live is the strongest.If you want to enter alone, a fat trumpet.And if you have a female keyboard, it's perfect (laughs)!Yamamoto: If you say so, I want to be perfect (laughs).

-How, you have learned or felt what you learned after going around the Gagaga SP with Gagaga SP?

Kitajima: How about Morris?Morris: I haven't subscribed at the time yet, and I'm not on a pillow throwing ferry.I don't have a tour together, and I still think there is a gagaga (Gagaga SP) and a groove (laughs).Kitajima: Oh, I'm sorry (laughs).I thought, "Tours are so fun!"Our tour is natural to sleep in a equipment car, cook rice with a rice cooker and eat it.When I went to a rural area, I was surprised that it was the first time that I had an event and had a barbecue on an off day.I thought, "I want to be like this, I have a dream!"I really thought, "I will treat my juniors like this!"After that, I was just happy to watch the live."If you come to such a local place, such a heat will be born!", Each live was exciting.Ua: That's right.Regarding the live, we intended to do it without permission.Watching the live of Gagaga SP, I was always thrilled by something that I didn't know what would happen to Honma.In the live in Sapporo, I hold down the speakers that Maeda is climbing (laughs).There are still longing for the Gagaga SP live, so there are still longing for it.

-There are more opportunities to be together at events and festivals.

Maeda: That's right.Did you get the opening act in the first time (2010) of "Nagata University March"?I was playing live on that day, but after that I feel like the way of live has changed.Kitajima: "Nagata University March" was so big for us and I learned a lot.On that day, only good bands were out, and what would we do with various types of bands?I felt so worried that I was looking for it.Maeda: I don't say that day as a border, but from that before and after that, the image of "a band with a laugh in youth punk" in the four -star ball gradually disappeared in me.There is a feeling that entertainment has increased.The decisive difference between Gagaga SP and four -star balls is that the four -star balls do exactly Drif (The Drifters).But what I wanted to do in the Gagaga SP was "we guys".I wanted to do more stuffy boiled.But now, when I think about it, the fun of "Hyoukin (I and Hyoukin)" is there.It may not be so interesting for people today, such as watching at the time, no memorable filters.But isn't Drifs more interesting than the times and generations?That's why I think the fact that there are fans who have a generation of generations in the four -star ball is because they are universal.Yamamoto: Gagaga SP is not a good idea, but almost nothing is decided (laughs).Maeda: That's right.That's why I'm born only from a place where it's not decided, so that's it.If you get older, you will lose your madness.Kitajima: In the past, when it was intense, I put a set list with a one -man, but I had a completely different song, right?At the MC in front of the title, it seems like the members know which song to play.Yamamoto: Oh, that's right.Kitajima: I never saw that way anywhere else.If that is 30 minutes, you may be able to do it with the breath of the band.I thought it was amazing to do two and a half hours there.Maeda: The part that was kept with youth and momentum is big.If you can do it at the age of 50-60, your skills (laughs).Are we at the border now?Kitajima: I thought Honma was dangerous, but Maeda -san carried Akogi and talked on MC.When I said the song, I didn't play the Akogi behind and play!Maeda -san is amazing, but the members who were not deceived were amazing (laughs).Maeda: Waha (laughs).In the past, I talked about summer memories at some festival.When everyone thinks that "Blue Fireworks" (a single title song released in August 2001) will come, "Next song!"Gagaga SP" included song)!"Say. Yamochan -chan (Yamamoto) was sometimes crazy (laughs). I was climbing up on the wall, but I was looking at it. Yamamoto: Shimane or something.In the live, Maeda -san came out in an encore and was talking about it. I was hot, the moisture was so great and I couldn't hear much, so if I finally said the song name, "Superhero!"I heard," Well, there's no such song!"(Laughs). Honma said" The world is for two people "(the song included in the 5th single" Late Autumn "released in 2002), and Mr. Tajima and Kuwahara are normally normal.I'm going into the song, but I am just "Superhero"!?"I was thinking desperately. I thought it was a dream because my head was screaming, and at the moment I woke up," I'm glad I had a dream!"I thought it was a guy (laughs). Kitajima: We don't have it (laughs). There are times when we changed songs in the middle of the live," Among three encore songs.There is "which is" because I'm looking at the Gagaga SP. Masayan: I simply made the wrong song order, but when I was able to respond to the song., "Oh, we can do it as a band." I feel relieved and there is a sense of fulfillment. Uta: And in our case, there is a story. The story is decided, but what will come out?I don't know the details, I don't tell me. So there is a props that I don't know in the dressing room, and "What do you use for?"Sometimes I think (laughs). Maeda: Is the four -star ball different every time? So how far are you meeting? Kitajima: When you make a completely new format, you may explain it in detail.But basically, I only tell the direction of the story, and I will not convey the details. When ordering the props, I will tell you that "this is the size of this size",I often do not explain in detail until the application (laughs). Yamamoto: Then, the members are taking pure reactions on the stage! Morris: That's right.There is no detailed explanation, saying "", "This time, hold down the crotch and go crazy", but I haven't been told what is there. Kitajima: That's right."The big crotch comes out of the sleeves later, so when you go crazy, you can touch the crotch", but I leave it to you (laughs). Tajima: Speaking of which, last year's "Nagata large march."So, I kicked my face in the hula hoop? That was decided? Kitajima: That is......When I tried to turn the hula hoop, I couldn't turn it because I couldn't turn it because I couldn't turn it!Yamamoto: When I saw it from my sleeves, I thought, "I hate Tajima -san!"Kitajima: No!But if you don't know the relationship, you think "revenge play has begun" (laughs).

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