How old are you "elderly"?

It is said that Japan is entering an aging society at a speed that is unprecedented in the world.Now, how old is the elderly?The United Nations defines the age of 60 as the elderly, and the elderly are 80 years old or older.On the other hand, according to the International Health Organization (WHO), the elderly are over 65 years old, and the elderly are 80 years old or older.Another discipline that has been attracting attention recently is "Elderly Academy", which conducts research related to the elderly, but in this old age, 65 years old or older is the elderly, and the age of 65 to 74 years old is elderly.The age of 75 to 84 is the middle -term elderly and the age of 85 are the elderly.In fact, the definition of the elderly varies in this way.

So, as a national consciousness, how old do you consider the elderly?The following table was published by the Cabinet Office in 2002 (Heisei 2002) as a "Awareness Survey on Opening and Age".

According to this figure, although there are some differences depending on the generation, it can be seen that about 70 years old and over are elderly people.On the other hand, let's take a look at what time you think you will be elderly, not age.


According to this survey, there are many people who say that they are "when they feel free of physical freedom".

So, in Japanese law, how old are the elderly defined?Looking at the legal systems and policies related to the elderly, including pensions, the definitions are different here.

At the 24th Annual Society of Japan in 2005, it is necessary to build a social system that can contribute to the society in order for President of Health Science University to make the longevity society vibrant.The proposal of "the definition of the elderly should be changed to the age of 75 and over" has come up with various discussions in the definition of the elderly.There are various debates about how old is the elderly.According to the Cabinet Office's survey, many people responded that any generations seemed to feel a little anxious about their lives, and as the most anxiety, the phenomenon of social insurance benefits such as pensions, nursing care, and medical care has been raised.I have a variety of concerns about what kind of life I do when I become an elderly person, but it is certain that I need to be able to dispel various anxiety when I become an elderly

Reference site: Cabinet Office Policy Official HP (Elderly Society Measures)

(Katsumi Sakata)

* This article is an article published on October 5, 2009.Therefore, the content of the article is on the date of the publication, and the content of the information may be different from the present, so please understand the following points when viewing and using this article.

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