Former "Terraha" Seinan Shimabukuro, the first child is a boy's stomach.

Model Seinan Shimabukuro, who appeared on the reality show "Terrace House" (Fuji TV series), updated Instagram on February 15.Along with the echo photo, I revealed that the baby in my tummy was a boy.


元“テラハ”島袋聖南、第1子は男の子 おなかも大きく「愛しのボスベイビー あなたを待ってる」 (1/2 ページ)

Mr. Shimabukuro, who released his stomach and echo photos with the comments of "I love you Boss Baby, are waiting for you".The post is added to the hashtag with "#Boy".


Shimabukuro met Noah Ishikura, 9 years younger in the "Terrace House" series "Terrace House", which had appeared since December 2017, and reported his marriage in February 2021.At the end of the year, she revealed her pregnancy and said, "I love my stomach growing every day, and I'm really happy to have more new families."


To Mr. Shimabukuro who revealed gender, the fans were surprised, "Are you a boy!?"In addition to comments, some people have been concerned about their physical condition, saying, "I hope you will be born safely" and "Mr. Seinan."


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