Evernote Web Clipper "Evernote Web Clipper" that conveniently used Firefox x Evernote

"Evernote Web Clipper" is an extension to save web pages and is a standard user who uses Evernote.This time, I will introduce the useful usage of this Evernote Web Clipper.

The Firefox address bar has a "Pocket" icon, which allows you to easily store the web page.Many people use it every day because it is convenient.However, only the URL is stored in Pocket, so if the original page is gone, it will not be read back.

This is when you want to use "Evernote Web Clipper" (hereinafter, web clipper).The entire web page data can be imported into Evernote, so you can save a dynamic page.It is also convenient to have a wealth of clipping methods, and it is useful for efficiently organizing collected information.If you are using Evernote, it is one of the add -ons you want to keep in.

Basic usage of Evernote Web Clipper

The basic usage of Web Clipper is as follows:Click the web clipper icon with the web page you want to save.The saving screen is displayed. Select the clipping method and the storage destination notebook and click "Save".Lapbooks are automatically selected based on past history, but you can also create and select new notebooks on the spot.

If the clip is successful, the completion screen will be displayed along with related notebooks.Click "X" to close the screen.On this screen, we also have a "share" button to share notes with other users.

Use the clip method properly

What we want to know on Web Clipper is the difference in clipping methods.Usually, the following five types are displayed.

In the initial state, the operation selected last time is selected.It is important for free users to use the clips because there is a restriction of the capacity.

Firefox×Evernoteを便利に使う拡張機能「Evernote Web Clipper」

"Articles" or "Simple Articles" are the most frequently used clipping methods.Recommendation is an "article".You can automatically detect and import the text of the article and blog.

You should choose a "simple version" when it is difficult to read the original layout.The line break position of the text is organized and it is easier to read.A preview will be displayed, so please look at it and choose the best one.

If you want to save the web page as it is, select the entire page.However, be careful as the size is large.

"Bookmarks" and "screenshots" are as the name suggests.In addition to the URL, the bookmarks are excerpted from thumbnail images and text, and the amount of information is richer than the browser bookmark.If you choose a screenshot, you can also annotate the image.

Convenient usage of Web Clipper

If you set a shortcut, you can call Web Clipper without clicking the icon.For example, you can set your favorite shortcuts such as "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"E", and you can also select the clipping method after that by key operation.This is a function you definitely want to use to save web pages easily with Web Clipper.

The shortcut is set on the web clipper option screen.After clicking "Options" on the storage screen, open the "Keyboard Shortcut" tab to enable the keyboard shortcut.The shortcut for the clip is easy to use the prepared settings.

By the way, the option screen also has other settings for Web Clipper.You can always fix the save destination or tag, do not display the screen after clip, or change it to your favorite settings, so it is a good idea to look at it once.

When saving a web page, you can leave tags and comments.If you want to leave a bookmark or screenshot, it's a good idea to leave a keyword, considering it later.

Before pressing the "Save" button, let's drag important places.You can draw a yellow marker.When sharing the saved clip with other users, it is convenient to draw a marker in an important place in advance, so you can see where you want to pay attention.

When selecting an "article" and saving, you can adjust the clip range by clicking "+" or "-" displayed on the screen or pressing the keyboard arrow key.Try it when you want to expand the clip range or when you want to cut extra information.Selecting and incorporating the necessary parts can also save the capacity.

Depending on the web page, you may not be able to save the targeted part in "Articles" or "Simple Articles".In such a case, the part you want to clip is selected in advance and then imported.By doing this, you can capture the selected part.

If you use Web Clipper on pages such as Amazon, YouTube, Linkedin, etc., you can save it in a dedicated format.For example, Amazon omits "products that are well purchased together" and related sponsor ducts.Not only is it easy to see, but the storage size is less than half, which saves the capacity.

In Gmail, you can also select and clip the necessary emails from the thread.However, at the time of writing, it was not possible to use it with the new Gmail, so if you want to use this function, please return it to the previous Gmail.

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