Ferrari's grilled potato shop existed!YouTuber and others who practice "Kochikame" ideas

"This is Katsushika -ku Kameari Park Mae Public Office (51)"

It is a giant tower in the Japanese manga world and is supported by young and old, Katsushika -ku Kameari Park in front of Katsushika -ku. You can check various related videos on YouTube, etc. only for super popular works. [Photo] Ryotsu -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya -ya, which uses Ferrari. The Ferrari F40 owned by Nakagawa has been remodeled to complete the roasted rice shop, and it has been greatly flourished as the "fastest baked car in the world". There is a person who has actually made a grilled rice shop of Ferrari F40. On YouTube, you can see how a car that has actually remodeled Ferrari sells. Isn't Kochikame's author, Osamu Akimoto, is also a surprise? ■ Kachidoki Bridge that appeared multiple times in Lego Kochi that destroys Kachidoki Bridge. In Volume 71, "Kachidoki Bridge Open", a boyhood was an episode in which Ryotsu was a weak body and opened the Kachidoki Bridge, which was never opened again for a swan that was turned to Hokkaido. Also, in Volume 39, Ryotsu pilot a large luxury cruise ship, but even though he could not pass through the bridge, he shouted, "If you don't open it, you can just go as it is." ing. Kachidoki Bridge has a deep connection with Ryotsu. On YouTube, a user named Kinmununi Annex released a Kachidoki Bridge, which actually opens and closes in Lego. The result is wonderful, and the number of goodness exceeds 3000. ■ Ryotsu Robo Kochikame is the protagonist of Kochikame Ryotsu with a phenomenal physical ability and sly wisdom. If he was real, the business and police in Japan might have changed. "If Ryotsu exists." Ryotsu Robo, which was installed in Kochigame Game Paku on the third floor of Kameari's commercial facility, Ario Kameari, which made such a dream a little. It is a robot that looks exactly like Ryotsu Kankichi, and has the characteristic that Gashapon can be made. In addition, a toy that imitates Ryotsu, "Super Alloy Ryotsu Kanayoshi" has been sold. It has the characteristic that rocket punch can be fired, so it can be said that it is a toy that imagined "Ryotsu robot" rather than himself. Both can check the movement on YouTube. ■ Cooking, as I mentioned in the real soundbook, various unusual dishes have appeared in Kochi turtle. Many people have actually cooked such foods, "Karai Rice", which puts fish on rice on rice instead of curry, crushed croquettes with chopsticks..You can check the Ryotsu -style croquettes that extend 5 times and apply the sauce as much as the croquette is soaked.■ Check during the year -end and New Year holidays?The year -end and New Year holidays are likely to be more often at home.It may be interesting to enjoy the world of Kochikame in the video, as well as manga.

 フェラーリの焼き芋屋は実在した! 『こち亀』アイデアを実践するYouTuberたち

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