[Excel] I want to save the book immediately in a frequently used folder!A technique that makes it easier to specify the storage location

It is inefficient to specify a storage location every time a new book is created ...

If you create a new book with Excel, you will always save the book.In Excel 2016, the default storage location is a [Document] folder, but not all books to save in the Document folder.

If you create a new book in your work, you can save a specific location other than the [Document] folder, such as a work folder created in your PC, from the [Save it with name] dialog box.I guess there are many people.However, it is troublesome to specify the storage location every time you create a new book.

This time, I will explain two techniques that make it easy to store in places other than the default storage location when saving the book.

The first technique is to change the default storage location.When this operation is performed, the folder displayed as the default storage location is changed when [Save with name].

The default storage location can be changed from the Excel option.Open the book and click the [File] tab (①).Here, a new book is opened and operated.

The [Open] screen (if it is not a new book) will be displayed. Click [Options] (②).

The [Excel Options] screen is displayed.Click [Save] (③) in the menu on the left side of the screen, turn the check mark on the left side of [Save to a computer with default] in the [Save Book] section, then turn it on (④), and then [Default.In the Save Local File Save, enter the folder (⑤) you want to specify as the storage location.


When you can enter the storage location, click [OK] (⑥).Now you can change the default storage location.

Here, if you do not enter the storage location correctly, the book will not be saved there.If you don't know how to enter the storage location, open the Explorer by opening it.Open the folder you want to specify as a storage location with the Explorer, click the folder icon at the left end of the address bar or the place where nothing is displayed on the address bar, the folder location (called the folder path) is selected ((called the folder path)).It is displayed in ⑦).In this state, press the [Ctrl] + [C] key to copy (⑧), you can paste the correct path on the Excel option screen, and it is easy to enter.

With this setting, all new books to be saved will be saved here.When the [Save with Name] dialog box is displayed, the location specified here will be displayed as a place to save the book.Useful when there is a specific folder that stores Excel files, such as a work folder.

Another technique is to fix the folder that often store books so that they are always displayed on the screen.

Click [File] tab → [Save with name] (①) (①), and the history of the folder that has saved the book so far will be displayed on the right side of the screen.Usually, when a new history occurs, the old history will disappear more and more, but if you fix a specific folder in the history to the top of the history list, the folder will always be displayed on the screen and the book can be stored directly.increase.Here, let's fix the [Equipment Management] folder to the list.If you add the mouse pointer to the [Equipment Management] folder on the screen, a sideways pin icon (②) will be displayed on the right side. Click this.

Then, the folder moves to the [Fixed] column at the top of the screen, and the right pin icon is vertical (③).With this, the [Equipment Management] folder has always been set so that it is always displayed here.

In addition, other folders can be fixed on the screen in the same procedure (④).It is convenient to set this setting when there are multiple folders to store well.

If you want to cancel the folder fixation, click the pin icon displayed on the right side of the folder name to easily release the fixation.

This time, we explained two techniques that make it easier to save books in folders other than the default place.

If you specify the saved location every time you save the newly created book, it will result in time loss.If you set it to the place you want to save from the beginning, the efficiency of the work will be greatly improved.

By all means, please set a storage location by referring to this article and create an environment that makes it easier for you to work!

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