「ドクター・ストレンジ」最新作、特別映像公開 暴れまわる“怪物”にファン「ガルガントスなのかシュマゴラスなのか」

The special video and visuals of the movie "Doctor Strange / Multivas of Madness" (released in May 2022) starring Benedict Cumberbatch have been released.


"Doctor Strange / Multivas of Madness" is the second work of the movie "Doctor Strange" series in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).Strange, which has distorted space -time with a forbidden spell and opened the door called "multivas", to restore the world, Won (Benedict Won), and Wanda Maximov (Elizabeth Elizabeth (Elizabeth).・ Orsen) will be asked for cooperation.

「ドクター・ストレンジ」最新作、特別映像公開 暴れまわる“怪物”にファン「ガルガントスなのかシュマゴラスなのか」

The special video includes a former lover of Strange, Christine (Rachel McAdams), and a former brother Mold (Kiwettel Ijofor).In addition, a person in the same appearance as the strange appears, and there is also a scene where she smiles with a fearless smile, saying, "I can't handle it at all."

The new character, "America Chavez" (Sorchi Gomez), has been announced.Fans say, "The story of Wandavision and What IF is likely to be important", "I'm really happy to appear in the United States," "I'm happy that Rimmers Rimmed", the drama "Wandavision" and the anime "Whut If I.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.There are voices that estimate the relationship with related works developed in the video distribution service "Disney+", and voices looking forward to the style of Sam Remi.


Also, some fans who watched special videos are focusing on monsters fighting in the city and the city.This monster appears in the original comic of "Doctor Strange" and resembles "Schmagoras", which is enthusiastic among some fighting game fans, but LEGO (Lego) based on the same work.The product name is "Gargantos".Because the name of another character with a similar figure appears, it seems that the consideration such as "Gargantos or Schmagoras" or "Is it a right or a preparation?"

(C) Marvel Studios 2021

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