"Differences in reaction" on Instagram, Twitter, and Yahoo rice are 100,000 good!

"I understand" and "accurate" in 4 frames that clearly understand the characteristics of each medium

What is the comment section in the post saying "I made a lunch box"?(Unoki / Factory Manager provided)

"I made my own lunch today," said a woman who posted with a photo of her lunch.Then, in Instagram, Twitter, Yahoo! News, comments have different atmosphere ...?[Manga] Comments on lunch boxes are too different for each medium!Reader "Let's Start Instagram" and "I'm the root of Twitter people" The illustrator Unoki / Factory Manager (@Unokinoki) "Difference in each media" has been released on Twitter.。In some episodes on SNS, etc., readers are "understandable", "Too accurate", "Yahafukome is harsh," "I'm going to respect Instagram, but Twitter can be realized and the atmosphere is.There was a voice, such as "I like Twitter", and there was a great response with 100,000 likes.We interviewed the author Unoki / Factory Manager.ー ー ー。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。When I was a student, my class time was boring, and I always drew graffiti on my notebook, but I started to draw 4 -frame manga at that extension.At one point, I was immersed in manga and was too boiled down in ideas and left school early due to stomach ache.It was a study.-Please tell us what you decided to draw on a manga of "Difference in the comment column in each medium".This is a manga I drew a year ago, so I don't remember much of the motivation I drew, but as I used SNS, I felt that each personality was clear and interesting.It was interesting that what I felt a year ago was buzzing this time, because the impression of each SNS has not changed one year ago.-I have many impressions.Please tell us about the voice of the reader who was particularly impressive.I only looked at the comments roughly, but the comment section of the Twitter was like a manga, and that point was interesting.

 インスタ、Twitter、ヤフコメでの「反応の違い」 4コマに10万いいね!

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