Charity Photo Exhibition "Japan and France, both head to tomorrow" will be held at Tokyo Photo 2011

The TOKYO PHOTO Committee held a recital in the French Embassy in Japan in Japan in Japan, "TOKYO PHOTO 2011", which will be held from the 9th and 23rd, "TOKYO PHOTO 2011".。At the venue, Kishin Shinoyama, one of the participating photographers, also attended.

TOKYO PHOTO is the largest photo trade fair in Asia, modeled on the international photographic trade fair in France, PARIS PHOTO.The third time in 2011.

This time, it was decided to hold a charity photo exhibition of the Great East Japan Earthquake, "Japan and France, together tomorrow".Sponsored by the French Embassy in Japan, exhibiting and selling photos taken in the affected areas by eight photographers in Japan.Donate half of the sales of sales of sales through the French Embassy in Japan.In addition, a donation box will be set up at the venue, and donations will be raised from visitors.

Japan and France are both photographers tomorrow, Japan, Rinko Kawauchi, Kishin Shinoyama, Keiichi Tahara, and Yoichi Nagano.France is Eric Rechsteiner, Jerem Stella, Jean -Luc Villmut, and Philip Sansel.

Kishin Shinoyama, who visited the stricken area for the first time on May 1, said, "When I first saw it, I had no words.rice field.


Mr. Shinyama said, "I wanted to express my own expression different from the news photos," but said that he went without thinking about how to shoot at the site."I thought it was different to think about how to shoot on a desk in Tokyo. I thought I had to express what I felt on site," said Sasayama.

チャリティー写真展「日本とフランス、共に明日に向かって」がTokyo Photo 2011で開催

When we arrived, there were various sights and we did not know how to take a picture, but there was a scenery where the pine on the coast was defeated by the tsunami.Mr. Sasayama said, "The water was quietly crisp. I wondered if this water would do such a terrible thing. But this is the case that nature has destroyed nature and created a new nature.It was. I realized that I was afraid, but I realized that it was awe -inspiring.This work is also said to be "photographed with awe" (Sasayama).

I brought in 8x0 for a large format camera."In front of the victims, I just took a picture by saying" Look at the camera. "I felt life and death while there were some saved people and people who died.It appeared on the face of the victims. 8 × 10 has the power to exceed the photographer and stir from the subject. ”


"3.From that day of 11, Shinyama said that he had a completely different way of thinking. ""I thought it was anything to make things (work). There were things like contemporary art, such as ships on land, twisted houses.There is a limit to what goes (work), and I wondered if I could do something more than that. "

Also, this time, the print has changed.It is said that Sasayama is basically producing his usual prints, including the photo book, with a cut (no edge).This is because the photo is connected to the outside world.However, this print has a white border."I kept what I saw and made it into a work. It's very different in that area alone. What has changed in me is deeply and big," said Sasayama.


Sasayama said he visited the affected area about 10 days ago."In the summer, weeds come out. There was a green energy. I thought it would change from a day of day.I think I'm going to the affected area. "

・ An example of exhibiting works other than Mr. Sasayama

"We have held events in France for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake in France, and are involved in TOKYO PHOTO.The exhibition is the idea of the French ambassador in Japan.According to Sasayama's work, he commented, "I was impressed. The scenery was like a painting or ink painting. The portrait was a direct appeal to my heart."He also said that he wanted to exhibit these works in France.

在日フランス大使館 文化アタッシェのエレーヌ・ケルマシュター氏発表会は在日フランス大使館で開催された

"TOKYO PHOTO 2010 had less than 10,000 visitors in 4 days. It turned out to be very interesting in Japan. It is difficult to hold the third time due to the Great East Japan Earthquake.I thought, but with the cooperation of Tate Modern (the National Museum of Contemporary Art, the United Kingdom), I was able to get to realize it.

Tokyo Photo代表の原田知大氏Tokyo Photoに出展するギャラリー

In TOKYO PHOTO, 20 galleries will be exhibited.It is said that works by Higashimatsu Shitsui, Kazutaka Narahara, and Daido Moriyama will also be exhibited.Tate Modern Curation's photo exhibition by Chris Show, a photo exhibition by Ricoh Photo Gallery Ring Cube, "Memory of Memory," and Bulgari Special Exhibition.

・ An example of a work exhibited at TOKYO PHOTO

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