Buyers are not particular about "gourmand" that can be sold on TV shopping. A 24-hour gourman special program will be broadcast on 11/17 & 12/8!

CS broadcasting and SKY PerfecTV! , "Shop Channel", a shopping channel that can be viewed on cable TV, etc.

The moderator "Cast" and "Guests" who are familiar with the products interact with each other to introduce seasonal items live. We handle about 500 items every week from "jewelry," "fashion," "cosmetics," "beauty and health," and "home appliances," which are popular with women.

The "Gourmand / Others" category accounts for 15% of sales. The main buyers of Shop Channel are women in their 40s and above-who have a lot of experience cooking by themselves and are sensitive to product prices. If the product is odd, it will be turned away.

On the Shop Channel, we have cultivated "discerning" products that match their eyeglasses and have established a solid popularity. For example, the product with the best-selling sales volume record in the shop channel is "Marugoto Kazunoko Kogane Matsumaezuke," which sold 68,202 sets in one day.

In October 2021, such a shop channel gourmet press briefing was held, revealing the features of the product and the buyer's commitment.

"We rarely sell the manufacturer's products as they are." "We go back and make each and every product together with the manufacturer, no matter what we want or what our customers want."

This time, let's introduce the best-selling products of such Shop Channel and a number of "stickiness".

The shop channel originally sold Nagano apple juice. Although it is a good juice, it has a strong sweetness, and we plan a new product because we want something that is not too sweet and has a solid taste. Created in collaboration with JA Aoren in Aomori Prefecture.

Based on Fuji apples from Aomori prefecture, it is a blend of three types, Orin and Jonagold. One can is packed with fruit juice equivalent to about one apple (280g on average).

Unlike regular apple juice, it does not use antioxidants or flavors. With JR Aoren's original technology "sealed squeezing", the taste is different from concentrated reduction.

Brittany is known worldwide for producing delicious butter. There is only a local maker to use the butter luxuriously and stick to the old-fashioned manufacturing method-that's why I contacted a maker in Brittany.

We carefully selected three types of cookies, and mixed only one type using Guérande's sea salt. According to the hot and humid environment of Japan, 3 to 4 pieces are individually wrapped to prevent "squeezing".

Since it is a product from France, we also visited a can maker so that we can enjoy it including containers. I also made cans with an original design, and put in a paper inside that was tried and errored so that the cookies would not break.

Manuka honey is honey collected from Manuka flowers that bloom only for about one summer month of the year. We arrived at a New Zealand manufacturer that can consistently produce from beekeeping to manufacturing so that there is no big difference in taste, texture, aroma, etc. from lot to lot.

We have selected a product with a clean sweetness that has no peculiarity so that you can enjoy it every day. Of course, we import from New Zealand in refrigerated containers so that the quality does not change during transportation.

"I want to eat jam that seems to be covered with plenty of fruit."-However, if you make it luxuriously, it will become a luxury item that you can not easily eat every day, and if you make it cheaper, it will become a lonely jam of ingredients.

The Danish manufacturer, which was still new at the time, solved such a problem. The amount of fruit far exceeds the standard that can be called jam in Japan, and it is simmered to maintain the taste and aroma of jam.

We have carefully selected the ingredients, for example, we use hand-picked strawberries grown in the open air from Europe. You can feel the original aroma and sourness of strawberries in the sweetness, and there is also a grainy feeling.

テレビ通販で売れる「グルメ」はバイヤーのこだわりも半端ない 11/17&12/8には24時間グルメ特番も放送!

"Difficult products," said the person in charge. However, a total of 1.45 million bottles of strawberry jam and 1.09 million bottles of blueberries were sold. Every time it is imported, it inspects each other with the manufacturer and continues to improve, aiming to differentiate it from other jams.

"I want to introduce delicious packed rice to customers who know delicious rice."-Koshihikari from Nyuzen Town, Toyama Prefecture was chosen because of this. It is cooked with the spring water of the Kurobe River Alluvial Spring, which was selected as one of the 100 Selected Waters.

Clean air, delicious rice and water are needed to make it delicious without adding acidulants. I arrived at Uke Co., Ltd. in Nyuzen Town, Toyama Prefecture. After many business talks, 100% Koshihikari rice packed in Nyuzen Town, which is rarely available in the market, was born.

There are many viewers in their 60s and over on the Shop Channel, so what kind of olive oil can we deliver to such people? Olive oil in Europe has a high content of polyphenols, and even if it is popular over there, it often does not fit the Japanese taste. To make it with a fruity sweetness and aroma that goes well with Japanese food ... When I searched for a manufacturer that could make such a blend, I came to Oritalia in Italy.

After many trial productions and blending in the field, the taste was convincing. The blending is also fine-tuned every year when new olive oil is produced to stabilize the quality of the product. This year, it was called Korona-ka, so I made it while having a meeting at a remote meeting.

It is customary to filter the product to stabilize it and make it last longer. However, this product is an extremely rare non-filter type. It needs to be agitated all the time, and it is costly to store it on the manufacturer side. It takes a lot of time and effort to make olive oil that can be eaten over various things and that goes well with Japanese food.

A boiled can of scallops made from scallops from Mutsu Bay, Aomori Prefecture, which are luxuriously made with only fresh scallops that can be eaten raw.

The cultivated scallops grown in Mutsu Bay for about a year were landed from April to August in season, quickly frozen and transported to the factory, and blanched at high temperature to trap the deliciousness. We are particular about the elasticity of the scallop scallops and the composition of the soup.

The shop channel introduces the dishes while showing them. Sales began in 2015, and a cumulative total of 350,000 cans have been sold so far.

Swiss milk chocolate, which is popular all over the world, probably because of the good quality of milk. At Shop Channel, we discovered the products of the well-established Swiss chocolate company "Billers" and created a plan to deliver them as a set with original cans.

Originally, it was a commercial-sized product that was served with coffee after meals at hotels and coffee shops. I assorted 5 kinds of this so that I wouldn't get tired of it, and asked "I want you to make the amount so that it doesn't fit in the can" so that you can eat plenty.

The types are dark, where you can enjoy the rich aroma of cacao, milk with a well-balanced flavor of milk and cacao, hazelnuts with roasted Italian hazelnuts, caramel with bittersweet and rich caramel chips, bitter chocolate and coffee crisp. 5 kinds of coffee with added.

Sendai's beef tongue specialty store "Toshihisa" -Currently, it is spread not only in Miyagi prefecture but all over the country, and is famous as a popular store where you can always line up.

It may be a "salvage taste" for some people. Because, at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, even though the factory was damaged and I was having a hard time, "Toshihisa" was preparing meals as a local shop.

The shop channel deals with beef tongue stew that uses luxuriously under the tongue, which is suitable for stewing. It is a gem that is made by boiling beef tongue softly for a long time with handmade domiglace sauce. Each beef tongue is so big that you have to get it by hand.

Among the products that use azuki beans, the one that is extremely difficult to manufacture is canned food that retains the shape of the beans and is made without adding additives. It is customary to add a pH adjuster so that the color does not deteriorate, but I did not add them and made it only with beans and sugar.

Azuki varieties are limited to "Kitaroman" from Tokachi. We are particular about sugar and salt from Hokkaido, and made it into a fragrant product with good graininess.

For products that can be eaten as they are, with as little sugar as possible. Due to its deep-rooted popularity, the number of sales is increasing year by year.

The Shop Channel broadcasts a special program that introduces gourmet products "only" 24 hours a day, five times a year, and selects value-for-money products from among the many foods that "liven up the festival." In addition to the products introduced this time, there are also special gourmet dishes selected by buyers.

On November 17, 2021 (Wednesday), we will prepare products such as New Year's Eve for the year-end and New Year holidays under the title of "Delicious New Year's Eve! Exquisite Gourmand". Also, on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, "Food Festival! 24-hour Gourmand Festival" will be broadcast. It is said that they are preparing particularly popular products ("Riku" beef stew, Tokachi Kitaroman plump azuki, etc. introduced this time) as a culmination of one year.

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