Bunny girl praised "Analog Live2d" and "Bag to the brain" in a lively and animated paper work in the paper cup (1/2 page)

Bunny girls turn around and wink in the darkness -a mysterious paper work that lives like an animation.Even so, I don't understand that the brain is paper.


A new work by Shirin Shinsenge (@shin___geki), a paper writer who has been talked about in many novel works, including Doraemon's manga (related articles) developed in a paper cup.The two layers of paper cups succeed in the deep expression.

紙コップの中でバニーガールが生き生きとアニメーション 天才的な紙工作に「アナログLive2D」「目と脳がバグる」と称賛(1/2 ページ)

The gimmicks are structures in which the face and body parts of the bunny girl are divided into two, and each is attached to the outside and inner paper cups.When you turn the inside paper cup, the parts on the face connected to it seem to be turned around.


On Twitter, some people are confused, saying, "It was analog if I thought it was digital" and "my eyes and brain bugs.""The three -dimensional effect is too great", "I feel like I have seen a great invention", "Analog LIVE2D" is being praised.

In addition, a book with a pattern pattern is scheduled to be released on December 23.If you want to make it, why not check it out?

Video Provision: Shinshin Jinge (https: // Twitter).com/shin ____ geki)


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