The “recommended side” musician “Absolutely more fun than us” Why was the beautiful character practice book “Bangywam” born from more than 10,000 fan letters?

"Bangya Work" creator and a bandman who has been pushed as a bandman for more than 20 years

Did you write a letter recently? Who answered "YES" is the letter addressed to? Friends, family, or "pushing"? [Image] "Important news" "Fuse" ... "Bangywam" Super Kos Pla band, PSYCHO LE CEMU, who can practice frequent fan letters, has made a major debut in 2002 and has a career of over 20 years as a musician. YURA Sama says, "Writing fan letters will not be gone." YURA Sama has been conducting a wide range of activities, such as holding a "aerobics concert" that takes advantage of the aerobics trainer, while holding four bands, DACCO, THE BEETHOVEN, and Brothers. In 2021, a crowdfunding in the beautiful character practice book "Bangywam", which selected words often used in fan letters, taking advantage of the experience of receiving more than 10,000 fan letters. We gathered 5 times the support of the target amount and succeeded in the project. "Bangya Work" is a topic of people who are active and on Twitter, including bangya ( * abbreviation for band gal, mainly visual fans) in the example sentence. In the era of SNS, even far away friends often use LINE or email, why did YURA Sama, who have long experienced the "pushed side", focusing on the fan letter now? ――First of all, please tell us why you decided to make a beautiful character practice book for the fan letter “Bangywam”. The trigger was that I became older and thought, "I want to write the characters neatly." At that time, I learned that some of the members of my online salon could teach letters, so I said, "I want to practice letters together." From there, the story spread, "Let's deliver it to more people" and "How about a notebook?" It looks like it is. ――Sure, I'm a nerd, but when I write a fan letter occasionally, I rewrite it many times because I'm not confident in the letters. I myself have received a fan letter that has been rewritten many times. Therefore, it would be interesting if I could make a practice book specialized in the "fan letter", and I worked with the members in the salon. It's my online salon, so of course there are many people who recommend me, but what a thing, the easiest "pushing" is not to write a fan letter. I think it's selfish. ――I'm thinking about your partner (pushing) not only at the time you write a letter, but also at the stage of selecting a stationery. That kind of feeling is very transmitted as a person who gets it. It's an era where the New Year's greeting is not a New Year's card but a LINE. It remains in the shape, and I'm glad to get a letter. ―― “Bangywam” is also a successful crowdfunding, and is currently being released to the public. What kind of response has reached? It seems that various people are stuck more than expected, and there are many opinions that it is "fun". Of course, you can practice character, but you can also enjoy it as a reading material. ――However, comments from YURA Sama are posted under the “Words often used in fan letters”. From the obedient thing, "I'm grateful, please come again" for "I can't go to the live, but I'm supporting you", "This is a fuse". It's fun to read even the humorous tsukkomi. I don't think it's easy to know the feeling of the recipient, so I want you to enjoy it. ―― The example sentences are all words that you know for those who are doing some fans, such as "important news is bad for the heart". How did you choose this? It's like pulling out the words that left an impression from the letter I got and choosing within the salon members. I think it's real and it's real. ―― For example, "I'm tired of distribution" is also a modern and realistic problem. This is often said. Everyone thinks, "What's wrong?" ――In addition, "It's not a complaint" ... It's 100 % complaints (laughs). ――This is a very difficult fan psychology and may be a little bit nervous. You may think that it's not a complaint because you're really thinking about the other person. "The design of product sales is ugly" is not a denial but a feeling of "I want to support more". That's "because of love ...". I understand that too. Words are extracted from the actual content. So, if this "Bangya Work" is popular, I would like to make the second one packed with "Ari". ――In the crowdfunding page, it was commented that "I thought it was fun to see the fans." Specifically, where did you feel so? This is after I get older. Probably, I think there are times when fans are getting lost as they grow older. "How long can I do this?" ――It may have to change the style of life stage due to changes in your life stage. Of course, it's okay if you find other fun things and live towards them, but I think it's a bit different to be a band. ――It may be a lot of vague and negative eyes, whether it's the world or the surroundings. But after getting older, it looked more fun. Looking at the time when I was able to afford some money, I thought, "Is there such a fun thing?" The movement when I go to a local live is the Shinkansen, I travel while drinking my favorite alcohol, when I arrive, enjoy tea with my friends, write a letter, watch my favorite band live, and eat with my friends again. The next day after staying overnight, sightseeing ... When I saw such a fan, I wanted to do this when I was reborn. Absolutely, fans are more fun than us (laughs). -That's YURA Sama is "work", and fans are "pushing" ... (laughs). Fans should usually work hard at work. That's right (laughs). Well, there is such a thing, so I hope that you can enjoy more activities. -I think that when you are young, you've been told by your parents and others, "How long have you been crazy about that?" However, that experience can help you work and your life after that. For example, you are familiar with geography nationwide with your experience. Everyone is very familiar with which route and which tickets to go to and how to go. I want the fans to work on the travel process of our tour once (laughs). Aside from jokes, I don't think it's a waste of time to do whatever you want. In the first place, it is a life winner at the time of "favorite things". -Do you have any plans other than "Bangya Work" in the future? I guess there is a time for fans to spend together on the Shinkansen movement and fan club trips I mentioned earlier. How do you enjoy the time spent by a few people? For such a case, I talk to a salon member that I want to make a card game using Cheki -style cards. There are people who can make card games in the salon! -It's a good story that fans with various techniques are gathering at YURA Sama salons. Everyone has a lot of ideas, so it's helpful.ー ー I see, I'm looking forward to it. By the way, is there a person who is pushing YURA Sama himself? No, this is not. I'm pushing me (laughs).

 “推される側”のミュージシャン「絶対に僕らよりもファンの人が楽しい」 1万通以上のファンレターから頻出ワードを集めた美文字練習帳「バンギャワーク」はなぜ生まれたのか

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