How to use iPad and Apple Pencil as "Whiteboard during Video Conference"

Image from pixabay by Raeng_publications

One of the benefits of the real meeting is to talk while drawing diagrams and charts using a whiteboard.In online, there are many things to consider while looking at the completed materials, and if you use the iPad and Apple Pencil well, you can draw a video meeting while drawing in various ways like a whiteboard!

"I want to think while drawing" to you

I am also a type that I think while drawing.If you notice anytime, you will not be able to get into your head if you just look at the materials, because you are thinking, "I mean, this is what it is," while writing the composition and relationships on the whiteboard.

Image from pixabay by Raeng_publications

However, it is extremely difficult to master the whiteboard function with a mouse.Therefore, it is this trick that created to satisfy the desire (?) "I want to talk while drawing on a whiteboard!"In this article, I will introduce Zoom as an example, but of course, if you can participate in a conference from a URL and share the screen, such as Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, you can basically use this technique.

1.Prepare a stylus and tablet

First, install the ZOOM app on the tablet and stylus to make a whiteboard.I use my favorite iPad Pro and Apple Pencil.You need to send a URL for the meeting to the tablet, so be sure to include apps that can be shared between machines, such as e -mail clients and OneNote.

I put the Slack that I always use at work.(Slack can send direct messages to "yourself", so it is convenient to share a little text and data between machines.) iPadとApple Pencil「ビデオ会議中のホワイトボード」として使う方法

2.Participate in a remote conference on a PC to copy yourself

I think that a meeting with only audio is not tasteful, so I access the Mac invitation URL from the Mac to reflect myself, and participate in the video conference in the "videoon" state.Of course, video and off is OK.Up to this point, it is the same as normal.(This is myself as a participant)

3.Transfer the same meeting URL to the tablet

Transfer the URL for participation in the conference to the tablet.Actually, in the case of a Mac and an iPad, it is possible to automatically transfer the contents of the clipboard, but if you transfer in a mere URL string, it is troublesome to "step on" to participate in the meeting, so I mentioned above.We will access the link for participation in the conference sent from the tablet to Slack in advance.Of course, it is the same even if you hit the URL directly into the browser.

4.Make the tablet off and mute

If you leave it as it is, the PC and tablet will be too close, and howling will occur with a fairly high probability, so mute the tablet side sound.Also, (although this is important), if the organizer has set the meeting to "Participants automatically video -on", the camera of the tablet at hand starts without knowing it, and the nostril from the impossible angle.The door -up video will be released and you will be ashamed, so turn off the video as well.

5.Thrusla at hand, whiteboard!

After that, when you want to speak, press "Share the screen" from the tablet and select "Whiteboard" from the shared screen.Then a whiteboard appears on the tablet, which looks like a screen where the whiteboard is shared.

However, from the PC camera, it seems that there are two participants, "I as a participant" and "I share the whiteboard screen".By doing this, you can also share the picture drawn on the whiteboard at hand, with you participate from the camera video and show your face expression!

Maybe you should select "Share the screen"> "Whiteboard" from your PC without doing that?"You might think that.However, in addition to the problem that your expression is invisible, if you call the whiteboard directly from the PC, the drawing will be drawn with a mouse or touchpad.Writing letters is still a very difficult technique to draw complex charts and figures with mice.

In that regard, if you use a tablet in this way to share a whiteboard, you can use a stylus on the desk, so you can explain it while illustrating it as if you draw it in a notebook by hand.I will upload it!Even if the screen is full of lines, you can draw as many pages by switching the page, and it may be more convenient than a normal whiteboard because you do not need to erase it.

There is no need to switch between the whiteboard and your own camera, the whiteboard can be proceeded with the meeting all the time, and when it is over, you can leave it as an image locally, so it is "Whiteboard" as a real meeting.There is no need to shoot Pasha with a smartphone.It is convenient!

6.The conference system without "Whiteboard Function" is replaced with drawing software

ZOOM has a "white board" function by default, but some other conference systems do not have a whiteboard function.In such a case, if you have a "window that can draw with a pen", you can use a drawing software such as "Paint" for example.

If it's iOS / Android, you may want to use an app that has a simultaneous recording function of templates and audio like "Metamoji Note".Try various easy -to -use software.

In addition, the ZOOM's whiteboard function can be written by other participants at the same time, so I like the place where everyone can add a lot of time while adding various things.

In this example, I used iPad+Apple Pencil, but if you can write it directly on the screen, such as the Surface+Surface pen, you can use anything.If you are a group who thinks while drawing, please try it!

The ZOOM Whiteboard Function has not yet been implemented on the iPhone, and unfortunately it cannot be used like a "small notepad".

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