Fujifilm releases "Fotonoma" with photo sharing service and photo information site functions

FUJIFILM Corporation announced on the 13th that it has released a website "Fotonoma" that has the function of a photo sharing site and also publishes information about photos. Free membership registration is required to use the photo, but non-members can view photos that have no viewing restrictions.

Fotonoma 富士フイルム、写真共有サービスと写真情報サイトの機能を持つ“Fotonoma”を公開

Fotonoma is a photo sharing service "Sharing Community" and a website where Fujifilm provides information about photos. In the sharing community, "Park" where you can publish photos to unspecified users and exchange information based on the photos, "Lounge" where you can publish and exchange photos with a limited range of disclosure, make your favorite photos We provide four services: a "gallery" that can be opened to the general public with a frame, and a "diary" that allows you to write a diary with your photos. You can also post comments on photos published by other users, and vote by choosing from eight items such as "cool", "fashionable", and "beautiful". Only JPEG files can be uploaded for photos, and there is no size limit for each photo. A total of 1GB can be saved per user.

As information on photography, we will publish photography techniques, camera glossaries, introductions to photography spots such as festivals and famous places, introductions to photography classes and events, information on holding photo contests, and columns of celebrities related to photography.

In addition, as a service for mobile phones, "GO with mobile phones" that can send uploaded photos to mobile phones will also be provided. This sends the URL of the image to the mobile phone by e-mail, and the size of the image is automatically reduced according to the model of the mobile phone. At this time, you cannot browse Fotonoma or upload photos from your mobile phone.

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