Absolute area and cosplayer with eyes nailed to the back

When I was talking to the editor in charge, it's a waste to just post a photo of the cosplayer I took, right?The purpose of this project is that it will be the flow of the story, so let's listen to various things while shooting.

Do you know "tether shooting"?Connecting the camera and a PC, incorporating the photographed image into the PC and displaying it on the monitor on the spot, it is a general term for the shooting style.

If it's a character, it's like "what is it?"Since you can check the image taken on the large screen of the monitor, you can check the focus, as well as the brightness and composition more accurately, check the image after shooting (after withdrawal), and look closely if you look closely.Avoid the mistakes, and you can develop it on the spot because it is imported into your PC.

In addition, if you are shooting a model, you can check it together on the spot, so you can check the pose and facial expressions and shoot closer to the image.Please try the tether shooting by all means.Let's have a pickup cosplayer this month!

Geomi Hanaka (@kika_hanaka) Saratoga (Fleet Collection)

――― What I would like to introduce today is Kanto Hanaka, who is a fleet, cosplaying “SARATOGA”.thank you.

[Hanaka] Thank you!(Lift the skirt)

――― (I am a mental unification to get rid of the evil thoughts) First, please tell me when I started cosplay.The trigger.

[Hanaka] There was a cute junior who was cosplaying when I was a student, and I wanted to do it together.

――― Cho, please raise the skirt a little and lower it.How often did you cosplay at that time?How is it compared to now?

[Hanaka] Is this about this?(Lower the skirt while smiling while smiling) When I started cosplay, it was not so much yet, so it was about once a month.Recently, I have been cosplaying about four times a month.I really like cosplay.

――― Which cosplay is often used for transvestites and male dresses?

[Hanaka] If you are invited, you will be dressed in a man, but it is more than 90 % of you.I like cool girls and cute girls.

――― Which is more cosplay event or studio shooting? 絶対領域と背中に目が釘付けになるコスプレイヤー

[Hanaka] I often shoot in share studios and house studios that rent a single building.Recently, I have been actively participating in events.Oh, I like location shooting, so I sometimes apply for cosplay shooting.

――― Is it an application for cosplay shooting?

[Hanaka] When shooting in such events or cosplay shooting, I apply for "cosplay shooting" in advance and get permission before shooting.I call the town hall, "Cosplay ... can I shoot in a strange look?" (Bitter smile

――― It's hard to get the understanding of the cosplay.

[Hanaka] What kind of character costumes can I shoot?It takes time to understand it because it is not easy to communicate.However, if you shoot without doing it, it will bother the people around you, and because it is a rule violation, you want to do a good shooting.

――― Please tell us why you chose the cosplay of "SARATOGA" this time.

[Hanaka] Fleet Collection is a very favorite genre, among which "SARATOGA" has a very beautiful official illustration.I also liked the character design, so I wanted to shoot with "SARATOGA" because it was a costume with my hard work.

――― What are your favorite characters that you have cosplayed so far?

[Hanaka] I also love the fleet of the fleet, and it may be the most common if I count the number of cosplays.I did it many times, so I re -created my costume.I like that much!Recently, I also love Azur Lane's "Belfast".

――― Do you have any recommended cosmetics used for cosplay makeup?

[Hanaka] My recommendation is the dolly cosmetics "Liquid Foundation Whip (White)".I often cosplay white characters with white skin, but I love them because they do not become unnatural and clear.The other is Kissme Heavy Rotation "Coloring Eyebrow", it is a natural color and is resistant to rubbing, so there is no worry about hitting the wig.

――― Is there anything you keep in mind when cosplaying?

[Hanaka] Cosplay is satisfied with wearing costumes.I don't know.I want the photographer to shoot, and I want to do it with my friends who have become friends.That's why I try to thank the photographers who shoot and the friends who cosplay with me.I am grateful that I can enjoy that moment together because I can not complete it alone.Is it a bit exaggerated?(Bitter smile)

――― Is there anything good to cosplay?

[Hanaka] After all, I like the character of the character, so I'm glad if you look at my cosplay and say "I like it" or get a reply on Twitter.I'm glad I did this cosplay, and I would like to do it again.

――― What is a “cosplay” for Mr. Ishinaka?

[Hanaka] It's a source of energy for me!Thinking about the next cosplay or actually cosplaying your favorite character will be really fun and energetic.So I think this is the best moment because it's a wonderful photo and memories.

---thank you very much.

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