Anime "Attack on Titan" orchestra concert will be held

The orchestra concert of the TV anime "Attack on Titan" will be held on August 22.

It was also announced that original soundtracks will be released only on distribution on June 23.

Below, the original text is posted.

The TV anime "Attack on Titan" will be held on August 22 (Sun)!

The TV anime "Attack on Titan" orchestra concert will be held on August 22 (Sun).

The place is Pacifico Yokohama and National Hall.Hiroyuki Sawano and KOHTA Yamamoto, who are working on the "Attack on Titan Giant" and music, will feature AIMEE BLACKSCHLEGER, ELIANA, LACO, and MPI as guest vocals.

7月7日(水)発売の「進撃の巨人」The Final Season Blu-ray&DVD第1巻にチケット優先販売申込券を封入。詳細は公式サイトをチェックしていただきたい。

In addition, it was decided that the original soundtrack will be released only on Wednesday, June 23.A total of 23 songs designed by KOHTA YAMAMOTO and Hiroyuki Sawano.The jacket photos and listening videos are released, so be sure to check them out.

▼ TV anime "Attack on Titan" THE FINAL SEASON original soundtrack audition video

Before the TV anime "Attack on Titan" scheduled to be broadcast this winter, THE FINAL SEASON PART 2, please pay attention to the music of "Attack on Titan" and events that are immersed in the world view.

Event overview

イベント名:「進撃の巨人」オーケストラコンサート日時:2021年8月22日(日)昼の部…開場13:00/開演14:00夜の部…開場17:00/開演18:00会場:パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール(神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1)出演:澤野弘之、KOHTA YAMAMOTOゲストボーカル:Aimee Blackschleger、Eliana、Laco、mpi価格:9,900円(税込)※全席指定

7月7日発売の「進撃の巨人」The Final Season Blu-ray&DVD第1巻にチケット優先販売申込券を封入。


申込受付期間:2021/07/07(水)~2021/07/20(火) 23:59抽選結果発表:2021/07/23(金)19:00以降支払手続期間:2021/07/23(金)19:00~2021/07/26(月) 23:59枚数制限:1シリアルナンバーにつき、各公演2枚まで支払方法:クレジットカード・コンビニ決済発券方法:配送(送料全国一律税込550円)

* If there are many applications, it will be a lottery * Preschool children cannot enter.

■ "Attack on Titan" THE FINAL SEASON Volume 1

Visitors would like to wear a mask.At the time of entry and exit, we will guide you to the time zone for each seat area according to the seating number.We will inform you about the meeting time for each seat.When leaving, we will guide you to leave the regulation.After the show, please wait at your seat until there is a guide from the staff.Information and installation of gifts and stand flowers (including dressing room flowers, etc.).Temperature of visitors at the entrance of the venue.(37.Customers of 5 degrees or more will refuse admission.(Installation of disinfectants in the venue and in the venue) Implementation of visitor's sole disinfect at the entrance of the venue.

■ For COVID-19 (new colonovirus infection), we would like to be sorry for the visitors to prevent infection and prevent trends, but for customers who purchased a visit ticket.We will notify you by e -mail from the purchase destination (Kyanome) Please register the contact information etc. from the form URL in advance.

At the time of entry, we will check the receiving screen of the email sent from the form reception completion screen or the form.

* If it is difficult to register due to the customer's terminal situation, please fill in the customer's information paper separately.

・ The form URL will be announced at a later date.・ We will prepare to access the form locally, but you can access it in advance from the e -mail, complete the input, and come in smoothly.

■ Since you will be registered above, we will not check the new Coronavirus contact check application (COCOA).

■ Customers who have installed the new Coronavirus contact check application (COCOA) recommend that you turn on Bluetooth on the day of the performance.

If you are not installed, search and install the App Store or Google Play for the "Contact Confirm App".

iOS13.5 In the case of a device equipped, there are cases where notifications for contact have been found.Please update the OS to the latest version and use this application.

・ Version 1.2.After updating to 3, you no longer need to restart once a day.Please update immediately.・ Please check the settings such as power -saving functions once again so that you can automatically receive notifications.

■ Please introduce LINE Corona Notice System as a measure to prevent infection in Kanagawa Prefecture.

◆ Kanagawa Prefecture LINE Corona Notice System

■ Pony Canyon (Kyunime) is held by customer information including the seat position of the customer who purchased the ticket and the contact information that was registered in the format.If something that needs to be notified to the customer occurs, we will contact you, so please receive e -mails from Pony Canyon (Kyanome) until 3 weeks after the performance.In addition, if such a contact is entered, please share information to the accompanying customer if there is an companion.

■ "Attack on Titan" THE FINAL SEASON Volume 1

■ "Attack on Titan" THE FINAL SEASON Volume 2

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