Greeting video that feels a good friendship of Will Smith x Williams sisters has arrived!A movie "Dream Plan" that live in a live -action story

Will Smith's latest "Dream Plan" for the Academy Awards

Will Smith's latest work "Dream Plan", which will be released in Japan on February 23, 2022, is a surprising story of the world's strongest tennis player sister, Venus & Serina Williams.

Richard, who has never experienced tennis, made by himself before two daughters were born, the only "plan = dream plan", the father and daughters who continued to believe in the plan, the bond between the family, the world of two.An impressive work depicting the unknown secret of the birth of the champion.

At the Golden Globe Award, which was announced the other day, Will Smith won the leading actor, and the number of prizes earned at this time.As early as the 2022 Academy Awards, attention is gaining in attention.

This time, a greeting video from Will Smith, Venus & Serina, and Williams sisters have arrived this time.

Who is Venus & Serena Williams sisters?

Venus & Serena Williams, who is involved in production with Will who played his father Richard in the Dream Plan, is the world's strongest female tennis player.The two are super celebrities who develop their business outside the court and actively participate in social contribution activities.


My sister Venus has an impact on the fashion industry with a highly highly reputed bold sense, including the name of the Best Dresser Top 10 in the United States and the Sports Illustrated 50 people.She acquired the Fashion Design Science Subjects and launched a sport wear brand in 2012.

Serena is also recognized as an entrepreneur, investor, and fashion designer.The cover was also displayed in the special issue of "highly sexual people.

Furthermore, it is also known as an eager charity, and is also a comprehensive resource network activity designed by the Williams family who suffered violence in their hometown of California, which is a necessary service provider.I'm focusing on it.

A greeting video arrives with a glimpse of the good friendship in private

The greeting video that arrived this time is a self -video video that conveys a good atmosphere in the private atmosphere of Will Smith and Williams sisters.Will, who sits on the sofa in a pure white room, is Self, and draws a smile camera, saying, "The notice of" Dream Plan "was released!

Then next to the venus of Serena and red dresses wearing white dresses!As soon as Will put out a cue with "Serena", Serena, who dyed her hair on a blonde, commented, "Don't miss it!"

Beyonce's ending theme is deep!

In addition, Beyonce, a diva of that world, works on the ending theme of this work.Beyonce, who won a total of 4 categories in the Grammy Awards last year, and set a new record of "the most awarded as a female artist" after a total of 28 times, has written down for this work "Bealive (from King Richard).| Bee Alive (from King Richard).

Beyonce is a very close friend, attending Serena's wedding and visiting her tournaments.It is a song with a deep message that could only be achieved by her friendly relationship, and the powerful singing voice flows at the ending of the "surprising true story" between the father and daughter who overturns the common sense of the world.Predict the birth of a drama.

Two Academy Awards Nominated, Wil Smith, which has the top of Hollywood, the world's strongest tennis player, Venus & Serena Williams sisters, and Beyonce, and Beyonce's luxurious tags.Don't let go!

The movie "Dream Plan" was released in Japan on February 23, 2022.(Frontro editorial department)

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