A 19 -year -old woman who has been looked down on the father of the University of Tokyo is "Telephone Life Consultation" Last week's highlights that look down on the surrounding friends as "that girl is stupid."

Last week's "Telephone Life Consultation" (Nippon Broadcasting, Monday, Friday 11: 00- / RADIKO) is a week for Ms. Tokiko Imai to respond to the troubles of younger generations in their teens and twenties with daily advisors.

She is tossed by her (28), who is tossed by her (a circle crusher feeling is full), who does not go out with her, even though she has sex with a little date, and says "I go out of my parents' house and live with my boyfriend.There were many consultations such as a woman (25) who was worried about the poisonous mother who opposed the poisonous mother who opposed it! "

Consulting from a 19 -year -old woman who has made a status from the University of Tokyo on his nose and does not help raise children or look down on his father, who has identified himself as "can study".。

平日の午前に突然始まるテレフォン人生相談。アドバイザーは大原敬子(幼児教育研究)、マドモアゼル・愛(エッセイスト)、高橋龍太郎(精神科医)、三石由起子(作家・翻訳家)、田中ウルヴェ京(メンタルトレーナー)、中川潤(弁護士)、大迫恵美子(弁護士)、坂井眞(弁護士)、塩谷崇之(弁護士)、野島梨恵(弁護士) イラスト/北村ヂン

A father who boasts his educational background and is ranted by the counselor and mother.He said that his mother always grew up, saying, "It doesn't make sense to study, but it doesn't make sense if the contents are not."

"I can't be a student like a father. I have a friend with my friends."

He seems to have been looking back by becoming a great Tokyo University student, which is different from his father, but he has not escaped from the spell of "highly educated = Elai" when he sticks to the "University of Tokyo".Moreover, the balance of her heart is lost just before taking the exam, and I can't even study.

"I have a good personality, I will do various things hard, and I think I'm a child who works hard .... When I couldn't study, I was stupid about people.The remarks were terrible and remembered in my head. "

She hated her father looking down, and looked down on her friends as "that girl is stupid."She was crushed by the pressure that she might fall to the University of Tokyo, and her delusion that her stupid friends hit her, saying, "I thought she would fall."I will be obsessed with.

As you can see so far, he is a consultant who has exploded his self -consciousness anyway.And the story is long and unity!

What I do not know what is a problem and talks with Gudaguda is "excuses that I couldn't get to my study" and "the precautionary line when I fell to the exam", and I fell to the essential "taking the exam.""Is it?"

"Did you go to take the exam?"

"I don't think that such a person can go to college and contribute to society. I'm thinking of punishing myself. I want to solve the mark sheet in a way .... I think that I'm thinking about that.It's impossible to solve it ... "

"Did you take the exam?"

"I went all ........... It is a difficult private with the University of Tokyo."

"So, did you pass after all?"

東大卒の父親に見下されてきた19歳女性が周囲の友達を「あの子はバカだ」と見下す 「テレフォン人生相談」先週のハイライト

"It was no good anymore."

"Did you all fall?"

"……is that so"

In this period, the word "Tokyo University and Difficult Private Private" and "Difficulty" entered the word "difficult".

A cut of her self -conscious monster by advisor Yukiko Mitsuishi (writer and translator).

"You haven't done any self -analysis! Did you say everything up to the excuses? The fact that you did not say anything at all, and that you did not say it at all was that you fell at the University of Tokyo.Yeah. The excuse is coming first. "

Until now, she has been "studying" as her heart.She dropped all the non -slip private, but the pride was shredded, but she still liked me (my friends) worked hard.She says and tries to protect her last pride.

However, Professor Mitsuishi said, "The best thing to do is not to make an effort. The guy who can do it without effort is the best. The guy who can make an effort is the second.I'm better, "said Bassari.

It's right, but it's too hard!

「東大」にこだわってしまう相談者を「アナタは自己分析が全然できていない! アナタが全然ハキハキ言わなかったのは、東大を受けて落ちたという事実ですよ」三石由起子がぶった切った イラスト/北村ヂン

The reason that the counselor is particular about his educational background and distorts his self -consciousness is the complex to his father.While her father was mounting in her educational background, she looked down on her father, saying, "I'm out of the University of Tokyo but her personality is useless."

"Isn't it great to be out of the University of Tokyo? No matter how much personality is, there are a lot of guys who don't have both."

"Because (with tears), I'm going to the University of Tokyo and look back at my father ..."

"If so (again), please accept the University of Tokyo!

The strict advice of the listeners to speak for the thoughts, "The point is a rosen life, so don't say it, study!"As expected, I was worried that the pride would be shattered too much, but the counselor was hanging out somewhere, saying, "I wanted a excitement."

"Don't use your hard work so far to win."

This year's University of Tokyo entrance ceremony where she could not participate.So I wanted her to hear the congratulations on Chizuru Ueno, which became her topic.

【参考記事】42歳無職の弟が、両親の財布からお金を抜いてパチンコと酒に使っています。突きつけられた「家族の病理」 ニッポン放送「テレフォン人生相談」先週のハイライト

From sentences to illustrations, manga, and videos, Hyper Media Writer Twitter that looks good on the Internet with that kind of hand

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