Nintendo and PS recommend changing from announcement career mail to Gmail and other web mails to the migration of each mobile company to the new rate plan.

Updated 2021年3月22日17:01 Posted 2021年3月22日15:16

It is better not to use a mobile phone carrier email address for the Nintendo account or PSN sign -in ID.This is because new plans that mobile phone companies such as AHAMO, POVO, and LINEMO are planning to launch a service in March 2021, because they do not have a career email address.If you switch to a new plan, you will not be able to use the carrier email address you used until then.If you use a carrier email with a Nintendo account or PSN, you may not be able to change your password or change your email address.There was such an announcement of such an awareness by the Nintendo formula and the PS formula.

携帯各社の新料金プランへの移行に伴う注意を任天堂とPSがアナウンス キャリアメールからGmailなどのWebメールへの変更を推奨

To prevent you from logging in your account, use Gmail and other web emails for e -mail addresses used for services such as Nintendo accounts and PSN.The Nintendo account is here, and the PSN is described here how to change the e -mail address.

If you are considering a new plan in the future, even if you are not now, we want to make sure that you are not using your mobile phone career mail dress at this time.

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