Neuro Space Kotoku Kobayashi | "Entrepreneur, Sleeping" Productivity and Happiness Sleeping Technology 10 or Sleptech Neuros Space

The key to success is sleep and attention, sleeping skills of President Sleptech

"Work without sleep!" "It's more efficient to sleep properly." Some entrepreneurs who are passionate about work, who do not sleep, and sleep properly.

The former is a case where the startups are inevitable in the turbulent period of the startup, or if you have high tensions due to entrepreneurs, such as cases are extremely rare.The latter is a type that improves performance by preparing sleep, meals, and exercise.

For example, it is famous that Horiemon Takafumi Horie prioritizes sleeping for 7 or 8 hours every day.There were rare cases where the founding notebook was "working without sleeping" immediately after launch, but overall has a stable performance for sleeping normally.

In some cases, a long -time worker "Sleeping time" and "sleeping school" may be divided into a quarrel.Japan is one of the world's leading sleeping hours, but in the world in general, it is gradually reviewing that sleep time is gradually being reviewed, and many people care about physical condition such as muscle training and meals.。

Sleptech is a scientific approach to "sleep", an important foundation that makes up the performance of the owner's abilities.

From the current situation where Japanese people have many mental illnesses due to short sleep, the social impact and the highlight of the large market "Sleeping Market" Sleptech Sleptech are the President and CEO of Nuro Space Co., Ltd., President and CEO.

Okubo, the founding notebook, asked Kobayashi about "sleeping with Japanese people" and "sleeping skills that can be used by entrepreneurs and managers".

小林孝徳(こばやしたかのり)株式会社ニューロスペース 代表取締役社長 CEO1987年⽣まれ、新潟⼤学理学部素粒⼦物理学科卒。受験生から社会人時代まで自身の睡眠障害の経験をきっかけに、この社会問題を解決すべく、2013年12月株式会社ニューロスペースを設立。睡眠の悩みを根本的に解決すべく、大学や医療機関と連携し 『法人向け 睡眠改善プログラム』を開発し、企業で働く多くの従業員の睡眠改善を実現。

Furthermore, at school, we are working on the spread of "sleep education" and are working with many institutions to learn sleep, which is an important wisdom for living.Just as a sleep, one of the three major needs, as a modern person enjoying a meal at a restaurant, we aim to be a world where each one can design and enjoy sleep.

[Optimal sleep time] 7 hours 30 minutes [Chronotype (sleep characteristics)]

インタビュアー 大久保幸世創業手帳 株式会社 代表取締役

He was a major IT venture officer, and when he saw many entrepreneurs, he realized that "it is common to be in trouble after the founding" and devised a company's guidebook "Founding Handbook".Current: Founded a founding notebook.A unique business model was successful.The printed version has a total of 1 million copies, and the monthly web visits are over 1 million in the entrepreneurial field, and the development of the “Standing Concierge” is developed and free entrepreneurship consultation, and the one -stop study meeting of the Cabinet Office company.He also provides permanent members and classes at university.It has become a topic as a person in T -shirts found every day.

* In the "Founding Handbook" that writes this article, more fulfilling information is also explained in the thick "Founding Handbook / Printing Version".Please order it because you can get it for free.

Contents of this article

  • Management and company have a "sleepy" organization.The loss of sleep deprivation is great!
  • The background of starting a business in sleep tech
  • The negative effect of sleep deprivation "I forgot what I said 10 seconds ago"

    Okubo: Because the body affects the performance of the brain, I feel that the owners have more people who are exercising, sleeping, eating, etc. than ordinary people.Sleep is especially important.Mr. Kobayashi is a sleep -tech business, how did you start?

    Kobayashi: Originally, I worked for a famous IT venture that was listed before starting a business.I had a sleep disorder since that time.I slept for about 4 hours every day, and my brain was clearly worse.

    For example, I couldn't remember what I was told 10 seconds before my boss.I couldn't sleep on weekdays and slept all the time, but I didn't notice my lack of sleep.

    For example, in sleep, roughly speaking, in the first half, you have to rest your body, and in the second half of REM sleep, you have unconsciously organize emotions and thoughts.If you sleep short, you will not be able to organize your emotions and thoughts in the latter half, which will worsen your brain performance or mental worse.


    Okubo: Indeed, the human brain works by restarting on a computer during sleep, or doing something like a deflag that is performed when it gets heavy (processing a piece of memory to improve the work of a PC).You are recovering.

    If the PC is heavy and it doesn't move, it seems that you can't google the solution, and if you don't sleep enough, you won't notice that you are terrible.

    What you notice yourself is that you need advanced judgment ability that you can see objectively, but your judgment is slow.The performance will decrease so much that you will not notice your own performance.You can't even think.

    Kobayashi: In that state, for example, you may fall into paranoia, such as "being attacked", even though your boss has just taken care of it.


    However, if the judgment is solid, it can be considered separately, but the facts and emotions are mixed.It is not unusual for such self -denials to accumulate and be driven to mental illness or one step ahead.

    Insufficient sleep and obesity are also affected.In addition to sleep enough, the activity time simply increases, and you want excessive stimulation.As a result, you will eat a lot of dark flavored foods.If you overlap your sleep, you will have a negative effect on breathing, like sleep apnea syndrome.

    In that case, the oxygen is not enough, so even if you sleep, the quality of sleep is poor, and in some cases it is life -threatening.Lack of sleep affects not only sleep but also your physical condition and your whole life, including your meals.

    Okubo: People have a reputation for being able to work or cannot be done, have good relationships in the workplace, and work, and are not interesting, but if they lack sleep, they will not have any work performance.But maybe the workplace human relationships and the thoughts and emotions of sleep may have been affected.

    So if you have a lack of sleep, you may want to stop and get sleep.

    Kobayashi: If the skills and ways of work, the way of holding the mind, but the lack of sleep is that the part related to the emotional amygdala of the brain has been overreacted, the efforts of the person or company will not do anything.。Because it is a problem of brain mechanism.

    For example, accidents of Space Shuttle and Chernobyl are also caused by human errors, but in fact, lack of sleep was also significantly affected by the causes of human errors.Lack of sleep causes significant losses to individuals, companies and society.


    Japanese people have a short sleep time in the world

    Okubo: It seems that there is a habits of long working hours in Japanese and the neglect of sleep in the reaction.

    Kobayashi: Japanese people are in various surveys such as OECD, and are always at the bottom of sleep time.About one hour shorter than the average.OECD productivity is also lower.Sleeping is not the only cause of productivity, but I think that low productivity has reduced sleep time and reduces productivity.

    It is said that there are 30 to 40 million people who are suffering from sleep in Japan.In Japan, there are more than 4 million mental illnesses such as depression, which are closely related to sleep deprivation.

    More than 30,000 suicides are deeply involved in mental illness.The number of deaths in traffic accidents is 3,000 a year, so it is 10 times.In fact, sleep has a considerable effect on the underlying part of the mental illness.

    ニューロスペース 小林 孝徳|「起業家よ眠れ」生産性と幸福度アップの眠る技術10か条・スリープテックのニューロスペース

    Okubo: The situation in Japan is summarized from the data,

    All of them are related to chicken eggs, so they are in a vicious cycle.But what should I do?

    Recommended methods to get good sleep 10

    Kobayashi: The company itself is a habit like "I can't return earlier than my boss", so if you're a manager or manager, please change your mind.The company will introduce how to do it individually as a company.


    For example, even a very short sleep is extremely rare, such as 1 % or less.However, even if you imitate, you just break your physical condition.In addition, the morning type and night type are determined to some extent, so it is correct to match your physical condition without overdoing it.

    This kind of sleepy pattern is called Chronotype.I myself need to sleep well, and it is a night type.However, there are common parts for many people to get a good sleep, so here are some easy ways to make readers positive.

    Especially smartphones in beds have many disadvantages, so avoid them.

    1. Sleeping time is reduced by looking at it 2. The brain is not recognized at the place where the bed is laid on the bed.

    1 is easy to understand.There are easy and interesting content, so I just look at it.In addition, working with the head becomes dominant, making it difficult to fall asleep.

    In 2, the brain is distinguished between morning and night, and the brain cannot be awakened by exposed to strong light.

    3 is not well known, but humans are memorized by linking places and actions and affects their actions without consciousness.

    Originally, if the pattern of bed, futon = sleeping place is repeated, it is easy to sleep just by entering a bed or futon.If you play with your smartphone in a bed, you will not fall asleep if you recognize that the bed is not a place to sleep, but to play with a smartphone.

    Caffeine contained in coffee, tea and energy drinks has the effect of making it less drowsy.

    Caffeine intake after the evening affects sleep.

    I'm sleepy, so take a drink with caffeine.Don't sleep because you can't sleep, you're sleepy and sleepy, so don't drink a drink in caffeine again.

    Recently, be careful not to take too much caffeine and energy drinks with sugar.In addition to drinking too much energy drinks, there are cases where caffeine poisoning can be worsened even if it does not go so far.

    If you can't sleep, review the caffeine intake and the timing of taking.

    Caffeine content comparison per 100ml Coffee 60 mg Sencha 20 mg Energy drink 32-300 mg

    In addition, alcohol tends to make sleep shallow.You get sleepy when you drink alcohol, right?As a result, it is easy to illusion, but alcohol has been known to lower the quality of sleep itself.

    I get sleepy when I drink alcohol, but I don't really sleep well.In addition, using alcohol to fall asleep may gradually increase the amount of alcohol and become alcoholic.Let's make alcohol moderately.

    Let's finish the meal at 3 hours before going to bed.Immediately after eating, the gastrointestinal tract is active and the blood sugar level rises.It is important to sleep without burdening the digestive organs.

    When you take a bath, etc., the deep body temperature in the center of the body temporarily rises, and then descends.

    Sudden decrease in deep body temperature promotes a condition that is easy to rest and sleep.

    By turning the light in the bedroom to a warm color, it has the effect of calm and easier to sleep.

    An ordinary pale white light can cause your head to be clear and you will not be able to sleep.

    When you wake up in the morning, you will wake your brain in the morning by bathing in the sunshine.This makes it easier to create a cycle that makes you sleep at night.

    Melatonin, which is more likely to be produced at night by exposing the sunlight, also affects sleep.

    Moving your body makes it easier to sleep.

    If you have any problems due to stress, you will not be able to sleep.First, forget before going to bed and relax.

    Sleep measurement devices such as Fitbit are widespread.Use these devices to record your daily sleep and depth.

    You can also see that the time you sleep is short or the depth is not enough.There are things that can be seen by using these devices because it is hard to notice.

    Management and company have a "sleepy" organization.The loss of sleep deprivation is great!

    Kobayashi: A state of low productivity and low productivity, which are working in the company due to lack of sleep, is called absentism.

    The loss of sleep deprivation in the company is great.

    In Japan, there is still a habit that it is not good to return earlier than your boss.If you are responsible, create an environment where the members of the company can sleep with peace of mind.

    The background of starting a business in sleep tech

    Kobayashi: In our company, we provide guidance and training to improve sleep on devices and apps, but aim to improve productivity by sleeping by changing the culture and customs for each organization.I hope you can.

    Sleeping is often neglected in an organization.

    In addition, it is left to an individual in a private part and is left unhealthy.But there are issues about the understanding and proceeding of the whole company, and it is better to change the customs from the organization.

    If you can change your sleep on a company -by -basis, including technology, company system and training, I think that sleep problems will approach the essential solution.

    I started doing this business to tell you the importance of sleep because I suffered from insomnia.

    At first, I started with a hand, and an investor came from the middle.I came out in a vizicon and gave me advice from outside people.

    I think it's worth it if it's my own judgment, but it's not.It is important to hit such external professionals.

    Okubo: In a new business or entrepreneurship, we started with the provider's self -esteem that "the user would be in trouble", but it was often different from the needs.

    In the case of Kobayashi -san, it is not a "research of others", but it is strong to create business and services based on the intense experiences of yourself and the company and the pain of users.

    Kobayashi: Now, it has triggered the spread of remote work in Corona, and reviewing the old work.Instead of repeating mistakes so far, I hope that we can help the work style that increases productivity over the medium to long term, not a short -term perspective.


    (Cooperation of coverage: President and CEO of Neuros Space CEO Takanori Kobayashi) (Edit: Founding Handbook Editorial Department)

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