Naoki Urasawa "Not overtaken by any country" Japanese manga culture is the strongest

NHK E -Tele "Naoki Urasawa's Mandai NEO" (C) NHK


The new series of NHK E -Tele "Naoki Urazawa's Mandani NEO" will be broadcast from March, and manga artist Naoki Urasawa (62) has recently responded to the interview. A manga culture that has always been a Japanese stronghold as the world's entertainment power map changes rapidly. I heard the pride of "not being overtaken by any country" and the background of strength. ◇◇◇ -Since the broadcast in 2014, I have seen about 30 manga artists' creative sites, but what I feel back. Writing Urasawa manga is really fun. If you come up with an interesting story and have a painting technique, you can start manga that day. In a movie, you need to prepare for more than a year from the recruitment of a sponsor, but if you have the power of delusions as the power of delusion, you can do it from that day. Everyone, including me, are those who are obsessed with the fun. -While entertainment of Korea and other places swell around the world in genres such as movies, dramas, and music, the manga genre is the strongest impression in the world in the world. You haven't been overtaken by any country. Urasawa: I think so too. -What do you think is the reason? Urasawa: Probably doesn't cost money. It is a self -independent culture where the huge production is not moving because the world of children's delusions is growing. After the Pacific War was over, Tezuka Osamu expressed entertainment without spending any money on paper and pen. At first, it was a big bang that was too big, so I guess I've been inheriting the grammar even after about 60 years. -Est. that country is also working on it. I think Japanese manga is outstanding to use Urasawa emotional expression. The role of Tetsuya Chiba is amazing, and there is no unexpected country in a scene where you can look down on your eyes and the feeling of creating the emotions between the lines quickly. The power of the great world view of Tezuka Osamu Tezuka and the emotional expression of Chiba -sensei's emotion. I feel that these two wheels have raised us. -What kind of era is it now in the history of manga culture? Urasawa Digital. It has been changing the manga world considerably. Some analog groups will retire when the screen tone is gone, while others have never written on paper. Since the picture does not fit on the tablet, it is also a transitional period of how to read tools. I wrote digitally about Shinichi Sakamoto's drawing scenery, the quality of the movie theater. I think there is a terrible possibility that the era of watching comics in a movie theater may come. -What are those who have been shocked among the manga artists who have appeared in the program. Urazawa is really different for each person, and it's strange to have a pen of Motomo Hagio. It seems that the cat is writing too much with the nails. That was interesting. Kazuhiro Fujita's use of white will not deteriorate over time if it is applied so much 5 times and 6 times. Erasing it over and over again is a digital way, and the style of analog is in the style. -Do you have an effect on your own style? Urazawa Thanks to "Mandai", it may be polite to write eyes. The girl manga -based was written with the feeling that "eyes are life", so I thought I had to take care of it. The paper towels that Tetsuya Chiba laid under her hands is really good, that (laughs). -In this series, three people, Watanabe Watanabe of Yowamushi Pedal, Yasuko Aoike of "Cologne City Police Odo", and Hideki Arai of "Pangearne" will appear. Urazawa: You can see how a wide variety of manga genres are so different that you don't think it's the same occupation. The pen speed is also the fastest in "Mandai" history. Arai may be the slowest. Dr. Aoike has been a legend for more than 50 years, and Arai has been withdrawn for about 20 years. I think you can see that such works are oozing out of each life. -Did you change your way of thinking about manga through the program? Urazawa: When I write alone, I think that only one person is very serious, but I met many teachers and encouraged that everyone is hard. Everyone is amazing. ◆ NHK E -Tele's "Mandani NEO" broadcast March 2 ... Wataru Watanabe / "Yowamushi Pedal" March 9 ... Yasuko Aoike / "Cologne City Police Odo" March 16 ... Hideki Arai / "Pangeare" ◆ Urasawa A manga artist Naoki. His main hits include "YAWARA!" He has won many awards, including the Osamu Tezuka Cultural Award and the Media Arts Festival Manga Division Excellence Award. [Keiko Umeda] (Nikkan Sports Com / Entertainment Reporter column "Ume -chan Nuru")


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