<Mother -in -law's wonder> [Part 1] Naze will you just contact your bride without contacting your son?Don't get involved!| Mamaster Select

If you get married and become a "family", you want to spend your time with your husband's family without waving.In order to keep your relationship with your parents, who was originally a red stranger, may need your husband's efforts and some rules.Sometimes the behavior of each other is burdened by the other party ...

"Contact your bride instead of your son" may be exactly "there is a mother -in -law".

The same is true!Why are you calling me while you are with your husband?

Like the contributor, I received many comments that my mother -in -law jumped over my husband, my son, and contacted my bride's mom directly.Once you contact your son, but you can't connect, you can understand it, but you have a question that "the window about the righteous family is a bride."

"Contact the bride" If you guess the inside of your mother -in -law's chest ...

If you give something, isn't your bride talking faster than your son?And moms.It may be that it is smoother to contact directly because the bride is the bride in the house.

<義母の不思議>【前編】ナゼ自分の息子に連絡せずに嫁にばかり連絡してくるの?巻き込まないで! | ママスタセレクト

Even if you do it kindly, you may not even be grateful if the receiving partner is your son.If you contact your bride who is pleased with "Thank you!"

Too sweet for my son (husband)!Don't get involved in your bride!

However, in the Mamasta community, there is such a harsh comment.

I don't want to talk if I'm a son ... because my son's reply is slow ... or so, I want you not to clean up the problem that you should interact with your "son".!And moms are in anger mode.

It seems that the reality of the moms appears in the comments of moms, saying, "If your bride doesn't reply or thank you, you'll be bullish to your bride." Even though she did the same thing as her husband, her mother -in -law's son, she was accused of being accused of being accused of being accused ... So, I feel uncomfortable. My relationship with my son has built it by my mother -in -law. In the meantime, it may be an anachronistic to try to put the bride who was originally a person as a matter of course. At the same time, my son, who is a son, is also thinking of continuing to be spoiled by parents just because he is also a child. If you treat your parents with some respect, you'll think that your bride's moms don't have to worry so much.

Continue to the second part.

Sentence, Tae Watanabe editing, Minami Chichinaga Illustration, Ngimamu

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