Murata Seisakusho is more sophisticated by quantum random numbers, supports the quantum computer era: Automotive World 2022

 Murata Seisakusho exhibited a quantum random number of hardware security modules (HSM) at the 14th International Car Electronics Technology Exhibition (January 19-21, 2022, Tokyo Big Sight).Incorporating HSM, which generates less biased quantum random numbers available in the quantum computers required in the computer -resistant computers (PQC), is incorporated into a car or drone system as an external part, to achieve more advanced security measures.We are developing the sample in 2025.

量子ショットノイズに基づく乱数生成の仕組み[クリックで拡大] 出所:村田製作所

 The quantum random number HSM under development uses the principle that the CMOS image sensor is used to extract the quantum shot noise for each unit hours and extract random data, which is the basis of random numbers."Since conventional random numbers based on physical phenomena such as heat noise have some correlation before and after, using a huge amount of computing capacity such as quantum computers can see the random numbers from the previous random numbers, and decodes the ciphers.It may be possible. On the other hand, the quantum shot noise has no correlation before and after, so it is difficult to decipher the cryptographer even on quantum computers. "


 Murata Seisakusho has a joint development with Switzerland's ID Quantique, which handles quantum cryptographic communication technology and quantum random number generators, and promotes one package such as the function of generating quantum random numbers based on quantum shot noise, dark and complex circuits.There is.

 Currently, when a software update with an OTA (Over the Air) of the car is performed, it is required to have a security function on the in -vehicle system, but many are realized by the HSM circuit inside the microcomputer.However, in the coming quantum computers, it is difficult to ensure security in the HSM circuit of the microcomputer.Therefore, Murata Seisakusho plans to propose a quantum random number HSM that can realize PQC required in the quantum computer era simply by adding external parts without a large -scale design change.In addition to cars, it is also assumed to be applied to drones, data centers, servers, etc.

量子乱数HSMの用途と構成図[クリックで拡大] 出所:村田製作所

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