Telegraph More ideas for business.Does the device to watch online videos spread to home TV receivers?

In this survey, about a quarter (23) of the television -receiver owner (23).It turns out that 8 %) is using a TV connected to the net.At present, it seems that those who connect TV receivers to the Internet are still a minority.

In addition, when asked which equipment is connected to the Internet for those who are watching online videos on a TV receiver, the most people who connect the TV receiver directly to the Internet (69))..0 %), then recording machines (28).6 %), game console (26).2 %), external tuner (22).8 %) and Internet connection via another device (multiple answers).

Furthermore, those who actually watch online videos on a TV receiver connected to the Internet are 11 on the TV receiving machine..It was 7 %.At this time, when various video distribution services are full -scale entry, there are only half of those who own the online video service, rather than discussing the size of this figure itself.I think you should pay attention to the points.

It is easy to imagine working directly to increase the appeal and convenience of the Internet video service itself in the direction of increasing the number of online videos on TV receivers.However, when considering the reception of online videos on TV receivers, various external factors are complicated, such as the usage of digital devices such as smartphones and personal computers, and the degree of involvement in package images such as broadcasting content and DVDs.You can't miss the fact that it works.Watching online videos on a television receiver that looks like a large stretch, but in order to gain a prospect of the future spread of this viewing style, it is necessary to consider a variety of perspectives.

ビジネスにもっとアイデアを。 ネット動画を見るデバイスは家庭のテレビ受像機にまで広がるのか?

What online videos are you watching via TV?

What online videos are being watched on TV receivers?In this survey, the shared video service is the most common, and the ratio to the owner of the TV receiver is 6..It was 9 %.It is thought that many services are free.Shared video services are representative examples of content genres where music and animation are often viewed on TV receivers.

Next, the paid video distribution service continues.The ratio of the user to the owner of the TV receiver is 5.At 9 %, many movies, dramas, animations, etc. are being watched.

The paid video distribution service includes the fixed -rate video distribution service and the billing video distribution service each time, but the usage rate is 4 for TV receiving machine owners..9 % and 1.It was 8 %.

The user of the free video distribution service is the owner of the TV receiver.It accounts for 1 %.The content genres that were often viewed were animation, movies, music, etc.

This survey revealed the actual situation of overlapping two or more online video services.In detail, the duplicate user of paid video distribution services is about 36 %, indicating that the service you have contracted is intensively used on a TV receiver.On the other hand, you can also check the existence of a small number of people who use all of the paid video distribution services, free video distribution services, and shared video services.

Watch one video through multiple devices, a new viewing style

One of the advantages of internet videos is that they are not limited to specific devices.In particular, in paid video distribution services, for example, it seems that the service is often appealed as the appeal of the service that the drama is watched halfway while traveling, and when returning home, it can be seen on a TV receiver.

In this survey, paid video distribution services (fixed -rate video distribution services or billing video distribution services each time) can be used across devices, that is, smartphones, tablets, and personal computers, in addition to TV receivers.For those who use the paid video distribution service, the continuation of the videos seen on the TV receiver may be seen on other digital devices, and conversely, the continuation of the videos seen in other digital devices.I asked if I could see it on a TV receiver.

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