"Monthly system" will be abolished!? ○ and × of au's new rate plan "povo 2.0" that can be freely selected with "toppings" | @DIME at dime

Series / Junya Ishino's Gachi Review

KDDI has changed its online-only rate plan povo to povo2.0 and has revamped its billing system. The original povo was a 20GB plan to compete with docomo's ahamo and Softbank's LINEMO. It was a mechanism that allows you to add options called "toppings", but it is also true that we could not propose uses other than 24-hour data unlimited use and voice call flat rate. The price for 20GB is certainly cheap, but it can be said that the topping mechanism was not fully utilized.

On the other hand, povo 2.0 has abolished the monthly payment system that was commonplace in mobile phone charges. The basic fee is 0 yen. What's new about povo 2.0 is that it only tops your data capacity when you want to use high-speed data communication. In addition to the data capacity, flat-rate voice calls and content toppings are also available. Being able to easily add and remove these toppings with the app is unique to online-only products.

On the other hand, KDDI provides the service directly, so the area and speed are the same as au. It can be used in a stable communication environment. Does povo 2.0 have any blind spots? The author, who signed a contract immediately after the service started and has been using it for more than a month, verifies its ability.

povo2.0 launched on September 29th. Adopting a mechanism that existing telecommunications carriers did not have, it is attracting attention as a new initiative

Two types of SIMs, physical SIM and eSIM, eSIM can be used from the day

 First, we will introduce the basics of povo2.0. Although it is a communication service provided by KDDI, it is an online-specific specification and cannot be contracted at a physical store. Apply from the povo2.0 site. Unlike au and UQ mobile, it is not sold as a set with smartphones or tablets. Users need to procure their own terminals that are not SIM-locked. Although it is a communication service provided by a major carrier, it can be said that the specifications around here are close to MVNO.

 There are two types of SIM available: a physical SIM card and an eSIM. If the terminal you have prepared supports eSIM, you can start using it immediately without waiting for the SIM card to be mailed if you complete your identity verification online. Although there is a waiting time due to identity verification, it is much smoother than sending a SIM card by mail. If you have a compatible terminal, you should choose eSIM. With eSIM, you can set multiple carriers in advance and switch between them by selecting them in the settings menu.

You can choose either physical SIM or eSIM at the time of contract

 By the way, the author who applied for the service on the same day completed the opening of the account at 11:06. The application completion email was received at 11:07, one minute later. It was 13:57 when the identity verification was completed. It became available in about 3 hours. It may have taken more time than usual because it was the day of the service, but it's still fast enough to finish in 3 hours. If the SIM card was sent by mail, it would take at least a day, or even a few days at the latest.

With eSIM, it's easy to switch between SIMs

 A credit card is registered when applying, but it is for purchasing toppings. Unlike general mobile phone charges, there is no need to pay a monthly fee, and contracts can be easily made. This point is unique to povo2.0. It's perfect for a sub-line because there's basically no charge if you just maintain it. Of course, if you purchase toppings as described later, the quality is enough to be used as a main line. This high degree of freedom is the point where povo 2.0 can be evaluated.

A credit card is required to purchase toppings.

Buy additional data capacity with toppings, high degree of freedom is attractive

 There are 6 types of data capacity toppings. In addition to 1GB, 3GB, 20GB, 60GB, and 150GB, toppings that allow unlimited use for 24 hours are available. However, please note that the 1GB topping has a short expiration date of 7 days. Unlike previous mobile phone billing plans, it is not possible to use 1GB in one month. 3GB and 20GB have an expiration date of 30 days, and if you choose these two, you can use it in a form similar to a monthly billing plan. The amounts are shown in the image below.

There are 5 types of data capacity toppings from 1GB to 150GB. You can also choose 24 hours unlimited use

However, it should be noted that the expiration date is 30 days. In the case of a month with 31 days, high-speed data communication cannot be used on the last day. You can buy the next month's portion on the 31st, but in that case, the next month's topping will end on the 29th. While the 30-day period is easy to understand, not being able to use the entire month is a bit frustrating. Anyway, I wanted the validity period to be 31 days.

Monthly fee will be abolished ○ and × of au's new rate plan

On the other hand, 60GB and 150GB toppings have a long expiration date, and data communication can be used for multiple months. 60GB is for 90 days, 150GB is for 180 days, etc. It is a data capacity that is assumed to be used for multiple months. Of course, you can use up 60GB and Ping in one month, but the price is a little high. The charge is 6490 yen, and for those who use up this capacity every month, it is less stressful to subscribe to au's unlimited plan. If anything, this topping is for using around 20GB per month for three months.

Considering 20GB x 3 months, 6490 yen can be said to be an exceptionally low price. The price per month is about 2,163 yen, which is set at a cheaper price level than MVNO. The 150GB topping has a longer validity period of 180 days and can be used for about half a year. This is also about 2163 yen when converted to one month, which is the same amount as using 60GB toppings and 20GB each month. On the other hand, if you divide the 150GB topping by 6 months, you get 25GB of data per month. It is a topping for those who want to use a larger capacity carefully.

60GB and 150GB toppings are relatively expensive, but they can be used for a long time, so the monthly fee is close to MVNO

The usage of povo 2.0 is left up to the user, such as buying 1GB each for short-term use, buying a small capacity plan of 3GB, or using a medium capacity plan of 20-25GB in bulk. ing. It is possible to have a small amount of data in one month and a medium amount in another month, and when a large amount of data communication is absolutely necessary, you can use unlimited data communication for 24 hours for 330 yen. This high degree of freedom is a charm that is not found in MVNOs, let alone other carriers. On the other hand, although there is the complexity of buying additional toppings each time, the application is easy to operate and does not cause much stress.

Voice call toppings are also available, so you can use it exclusively for phone calls.

The area is wide enough, the speed is sufficient, and the giga life of the new initiative is also worth watching

 The appeal of povo 2.0 is that it is not cheap or bad. Depending on which terminal you use, if the conditions are the same, the communication speed will be the same as au, and the data communication speed will not decrease during certain hours like MVNO. Moreover, it can also connect to 5G. au's 5G uses a frequency band diverted from 4G, so the area is wide, and the frequency of seeing 5G icons in the city center has increased considerably. For example, along the Yamanote Line, where KDDI is actively developing areas, 5G is connected almost uninterrupted while riding.

Area map showing au's 5G area. povo2.0 is also available in the same area

 Compared to frequencies allocated exclusively for 5G, 5G diverted from 4G has the disadvantage that it is difficult to achieve communication speeds, but even so, download speeds often exceed 100 Mbps. Actually, the following is the speed measured in the 4G diversion area in Shibuya. Although 5G, which can exceed 1 Gbps, is a little unsatisfactory, it is enough to communicate with a smartphone, and there is no stress when watching videos or downloading apps. The 4G area is wide, and there are very few places where radio waves do not enter.

Over 400Mbps, downloads are crisp. Even in diversion areas, it's considerably faster

If the signal is weak indoors, it can be slow, but it's still fast enough to use your smartphone.

What's even more interesting about povo2.0 is that it's running a campaign called "Gigakatsu". Giga-katsu is a system in which data capacity is granted by purchasing items above a certain amount at a specific store.At the moment, it has been introduced to franchises and chain stores such as Lawson and Doutor Coffee that are expanding nationwide. there is Depending on the store, only purchases over a certain amount are eligible for grants, but most require payment with au PAY in addition to that.

 For example, in the case of Lawson, if you pay 500 yen or more with au PAY, you will receive a 300MB promo code by email at a later date. Moreover, there is no limit to the number of times, and if you shop 500 yen or more twice a day, you can get a total of 600MB of promo codes. People who routinely buy daily necessities and food at Lawson should be given a large amount of data capacity in a month. As for the author, I survived October and November with promo codes alone. Povo2.0 uses about 13GB in a month and a half, but the charge is free.

Promo code received from Gigakatsu. You can easily obtain data capacity just by purchasing a certain amount with au PAY

 It is unknown how long it will last because of the campaign, but I feel that there is potential for a system that gives some kind of purchase experience data capacity. If there is a customer referral effect like a point program, there is a possibility that it will be deployed on a larger scale. If the business model can be successfully created, it can become a pioneer in a new position of operating by earning communication charges from companies other than users. At the moment, it's just a trial version, but it seems to be expected to develop in the future.

 Because of the online-only plan, the support is weak, and it takes time to resolve any problems. In addition, discount services such as family discounts and set discounts with fixed lines are not provided. The same is true for network services, and answering machines and forwarding calls will not be supported. It can be said that low fees are realized by cutting off support and legacy services.

 It is not suitable for people who absolutely need this kind of service, but it is possible to use it as a backup line or a second line for tablets. Since there is no basic charge, you can use it as a trial. The width of this frontage seems to be the charm of povo 2.0.

[Ishino's Judgment] Communication speed★★★★★Communication area★★★★★Usability of the app★★★★Easy to apply★★★★Low price★★★★★Discount service★★★Support ★★★ * Scoring is determined on a maximum of 5 points for each item

Interview / Text / Junya Ishino

After graduating from Keio University, joined Takarajimasha. After becoming independent, he has been active in a wide range of media as a mobile journalist/writer. He is the author of many books, including "Keitai Children" (Softbank Shinsho) and "Raku-Raku Phone: Easy to Understand in an Hour" (Mainichi Shimbun).

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