The mobile reform is the seventh station, "The ball was handed to a carrier and dealer," said Nomura Sohoku: Wireless Japan 2021

 6月上旬、「ワイヤレスジャパン​2021」の中で、携帯電話販売店をテーマとした講演「コロナ禍によって加速するケータイ業界の変革とスマホ流通市場のこれから」が開催された。その最後の講演者として、野村総合研究所(NRI) パートナーの北俊一氏が登壇。「ケータイ業界の変革の行方」と題して携帯電話業界の現状について概括した。

野村総合研究所(NRI) パートナーの北俊一氏

 Mr. Kita has long been involved in the reform of these mobile phone markets as a NRI consultant.He has been a lecture in the wireless Japan since 2006 and has been playing every year.

 In this lecture, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, mobile shops, and used portable dealers also presented.The contents are digital administration and smartphone utilization support (Iikura Tax Division, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), Current status and future status and future status (Director of All -Council Tsukyo Matano), and the expansion of the used terminal market (reward Mobile Japan Awazu)President Hama and Sanjin).

 Mr. Kita points out that there is a common policy issue in the content of the three lectures.They are "digitization" and "green".

 In the mobile phone market, smartphones have been spread, and public services on the premise of smartphones have become possible.Also, in the mobile market, a major technological renewal is visited once every 10 years, such as 5g.At that time, the "digital device", which is left behind by the elderly who are unfamiliar with smartphones, will be a major social issue in the future.


 In the two trends: the progress of smartphone conversion and the prolonged replacement cycle, the role required by mobile shops has also changed.In other words, mobile carriers need to review the conventional distributor system and change their mobile shops into a sustainable business model.And Mr. Kita's claim that if the mobile shop enhances services as a local IT base and evolves into an existence that helps digitize the elderly who are unfamiliar with smartphones, they will win the survival competition.。

 On the other hand, smartphones have continued to be dramatically improved in mass production and a short replacement cycle of one or two years, but in recent years, it has been increasingly functional, and the replacement cycle is becoming prolonged.In Japan, the momentum of global warming measures in Japan has increased, and Japan has expressed its goal of reducing greenhouse gases by 2030.

携帯改革は7合目、「ボールはキャリアと販売店に渡された」 野村総研北氏が語る:ワイヤレスジャパン 2021

 Mr. Kita argues that the development of a used market is indispensable to revitalize the smartphone distribution market while considering the global environment.A smartphone, which is expensive and has a long useful period, stabilizes used distribution like the automotive industry, leading to revitalization of new sales.

 The used car market has a mechanism to control the supply and demand of new cars.For example, when the economy retreats, the demand for used cars increases and prices retreat.Then some demand flows to the new car, and the sales of new cars will increase.At the time of expanding the economy, many new cars sell and supplied to the used car market.Mr. Kita's proposal is to see if the ecosystem of the used car market can be reproduced with a long -term replacement cycle.

 Mr. Kita has been participating in the formula of the mobile industry in the mobile industry since 2006 as a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.In addition, in the "Anshin Shop Certification System" of a mobile phone store and the "Reuse Mobile Business Certification System" of a used portable store, it is involved in each system as a member of the third -party committee that supervises the system.。

 Why do we need to review the role of a mobile shop?The factor is the policy that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has promoted.

 In recent years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has been actively promoting "communication and completely separation of terminals" as the flag of the mobile phone market.The main content is almost implemented by 2020.Discount restrictions are included in the communication service and the terminal set discount, and commissions and SIM locks that prevent transfer and SIM locks are also included.

 In the mobile market that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications aims for, the method of using the smartphone purchased at the store in combination with the communication services of each carrier is the standard.At the moment of realization, Mr. Kita says that it is in the "7th station in the world to be aimed."

 Until now, mobile carriers have expanded their mobile shops nationwide using the agency system.Most of the stores that operate mobile shops are agencies.

 The business model of the conventional mobile shop is based on a set sales of mobile phones and communication lines.For example, the price of a smartphone can be set freely by the store to be sold.However, mobile shops can hardly benefit just by selling smartphone.

 This is because when purchasing by a mobile shop, the direct sales price is often the wholesale price.Mobile shops sometimes sell with profits as "down payments", but in most cases, there are restrictions on the additional width.In an online shop directly managed by a mobile carrier, it often sells directly at the wholesale price sold to a mobile shop, which functions as a substantial standard price.

 In addition, mobile carriers have returned to mobile shops that sell a lot of communication services in the form of rewards.This return is an important profit for mobile shops.In other words, a mobile shop sells as a set of smartphones and communication services as a set, and is the first business to get a reward from a mobile carrier.Complete separation policies are the basis of these business models.

 Changes in the market due to this policy highlighted various issues.Mr. Kita points out that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications needs to deepen discussions on terminal sales.


 Regarding the problem of down payment, "there is no profit even if sold at a retail price. There is no such product in the world."It was expressed.

 On the other hand, in areas where mobile shop choices such as depopulated areas are limited, there is a possibility that mobile shops that add a lot of gross profit will appear.Mr. Kita supplements that while avoiding excessive additions, it is necessary to have a system design that can benefit from mobile shops.

 Mr. Kita said, "No matter how much the government, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications guided by a policy," Do this, do this, don't do it, "it depends on whether the carrier and staff will change the closest to customers at the end.He said, "we need to pack the right way to be completely separated," he said, "the industry has the industry," he said.

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