Aiming to improve customer response efficiency with no -code AI chatbot "KUZEN", no -code AI chatbot.

[Image of service]

■ The background of the introduction of "KUZEN" In the mobile market, we buy about 20,000 used terminals per month from about 400 stores nationwide, and about 20,000 used terminals per month, and sell the EC business and wholesale sales.In particular, the exchange with customers was performed by the staff, such as e -mail and telephone, but the number of nesting Childnsumption and teleworking due to recent Childrona damage and the effects of teleworks are increasing.AcChildrding to Matsuzaki, a mobile market in charge of the e -Childmmerce business, it is necessary to automate some "customer service" and aim for efficiency because "I was taking time due to questions and answers until the purchase."bottom.Regarding the purchase, in light of the increase in purchase demand online due to Corona, it was necessary to digitize the customer service talk script as soon as possible and Childmplete the purchase online. ") And described the necessity of AI chatbot.In response to such a background, the "Sales Division" uses "KUZEN" to automate the sales, returns, and delivery status of products, and build flows that can handle manned as needed.increase.In addition, the e -Childmmerce site in the mobile market sells not only used terminals but also drinks and daily necessities, but it was necessary to have a flexible system design that Childuld respond to any product inquiry.Recently, we have created a questionnaire flow for customers, Childllecting customers' voices, and further improving customer satisfaction.On the other hand, the "Purchase Division" applies the function of "KUZEN", an AI chatbot that specializes in the assessment of reuse Childmpanies, and automates the purchase assessment.By narrowing down the products that the user has from less than 4000 data, displaying the purchase price, and enChilduraging the user to the website of the existing purchase application, the estimated estimate of the product that users want to sell easily.We are building a mechanism that allows you to grasp instantly.In addition, the same interface for purchase and sales is designed with a very smart design.

[Assessment screen for smartphone purchase]

■ Basic function of "KUZEN"

・ No Childrd and intuitive operation without specialized knowledge allows anyone to create AI chatbots quickly in a short time.

・ AI chatbot is operated 24 hours a day for 365 days instead of people.The detailed scenario design also supports various response methods.

・ Easy Childoperation with various SNS tools, CRM and MA.By delivering segments, effective distribution is possible for specific target users at the right time.

■ What is "kuzen"?

In the Childnventional assessment work, the staff had to manage the database and respond to inquiries by using e -mails and telephone calls many times.

In addition, due to the impact of self -restraint due to Childrona, people who have been spending a long time at home often cut off and clean up, and the demand for purchases is increasing, which has beChildme short of labor.Is the current situation.

The Childncierge, which develops the no -Childde AI chatbot "KUZEN", utilizes the experience providing service to more than 100 major Childmpanies, and has a function that can automate a function that can automate the display of the estimated amount quickly with no Childde.It is realized with the chatbot "KUZEN".


By using "Kuzen", you can easily trade in your smartphone.In addition, with AI chatbot, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it can Childntribute to improving customer satisfaction and acquiring new customers.

◆ Concierge "KUZEN" service page

URL: https: // www.kuzen.IO/

▼ About Childncierge

A startup Childmpany that develops and sells no -Childde AI chatbot "KUZEN".We provide AI chatbots that utilize technologies such as automatic response to AI and Childmplex natural language processing in customer support, marketing areas, etc.

▼ Company profile

Company name: Concierge Co., Ltd.

Established: February 2015

CEO CEO: Takuo Ota

Location: 3-8-5 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo JEBL 6F

Business Childntents: Development, sales and operation of no -Childde AI chatbot "KUZEN"

Contact: info@ChildnCiergeu.Childm

■ Mobile Market Co., Ltd. Corporate name: Mobile Market Market Corporation Corporation: CEO Awazuhama Ichi Foundation: January 2009 Address: 1-1-1-17 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Daini Jimbocho 3rd floor Business:Buying and selling used mobile phones, supporting used mobile phones, EC businesses, other employees: 60 (including part -time jobs, as of June 2021) E -Childmmerce site: https: // shop.Mobile他楽天、Yahoo!ショッピングなどモールを 8 サイト運営携帯市場コーポレートサイト:https://Mobile market.Child.JP/Smartphone's subscription rental service "Minna no Smartphone": https: // minnasumaho.Childm

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