Collaboration with Microsoft and KPMG, quantum cloud projects -ZDNET JAPAN

 Microsoft and the consultant company KPMG use the "Azure Quantum" cloud service that is inspired by quantum mechanics to collaborate on solving the general problems of companies.

 It is thought that a powerful quantum computer can be solved (and probably the root of today's encryption technology) to solve computing complex problems.Nevertheless, many companies, including Google, IBM, Honeywell Quantum Solutions (HQS), and Cambridge Quantum (CQ), are steadily progressing.

 Microsoft and KPMG are working to solve quantum optimization issues by running quantum computing emulation using today's hardware on the Microsoft Azure cloud.KPMG calls this initiative "Qio" (Quantum-Inspired Optimization: optimized for quantums).

 Microsoft states in a blog that "emulating quantum mechanical actions on classic computers has led to the development of QIO algorithms running on classic hardware."

 "These algorithms can enjoy the benefits of the quantum approach using today's classic hardware, and achieve the faster execution speed than the conventional approach") (Microsoft) (Microsoft).

 Microsoft says that Azure Quantum is a full -stacked public cloud ecosystem for quantum solutions, and partner partners like KPMG use this cloud to solve business issues.He states that he will be able to evaluate.

マイクロソフトとKPMG、量子クラウドプロジェクトで協業 - ZDNet Japan

 "The Azure Quantum platform can use the same code to examine various solver approaches by using the same code to minimize work, and minimize work, and efficient KPMG.You will be able to make it possible. "

 "The common goal of the initial project group is to use Azure Quantum to create a blue photo of solutions for optimization problems found in the general industry, and provide it to more customers.(Mr. Dalager)

 According to the two companies, the initial collaborative project focuses on benchmark solutions for optimizing financial service portfolios and optimizing communication services.The results will be revealed in a few months.

 Microsoft is competing in Amazon, Google, IBM, IonQ, NVIDIA and other companies and quantum computers.According to CONSTELLATION Research, more than 240 companies have invested $ 8,510 billion.

 Each company is promoting various efforts.Consultant company ACCENTURE is also working with IonQ.In December, IBM revealed an overview of the new quantum processor Eagle.EAGLE has realized 127 cubits.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.

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