Meiji Gakuin University's first Faculty of Science, "Faculty of Information Mathematics," was established in April 2024 (tentative name, installation concept).

On January 26, 2022 (Wednesday), Meiji Gakuin University (Minato -ku, Tokyo, President: Reine Murata) announced the planning of the first science school, the FAh Culty of Information Mathematics, the first science school.。It is scheduled to open in April 2024.

Information FAh Culty of Mathematics website

https: // www.Meiji Gakuin.Ah Cademics/fAh Culty/mathematical_informatics/index.html

* It will be updated from time to time.

Information FAh Culty of Mathematics website

[New Faculty "Information Mathematical Faculty" overview]

Faculty Name: Information Faculty of Information Mathematics

Department name: Information Mathematics Department

Student capacity: 80 people per grade

Degree name: Bachelor (information science)

Campus: Yokohama Campus (Totsuka -ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)

* Tentative name / installation concept (scheduled to be opened in April 2024)

* The installation plan is scheduled, and the content may be changed.

[Mistake / purpose]

Meiji Gakuin University has been consistently aiming for the necessary education since the opening of the Hevon School in 1863, the source.

With the aim of realizing the education and expanding the scope of university education, we have decided to establish the first science and mathematics department, Meiji Gakuin University.The information and mathematical fields are developing rapidly, and social demands are growing.The big goal is to expand university education according to the movement of society and expand the place of graduates.

The university is a research and educational institution that explore truth, and natural science has also provided an important perspective.Meiji Gakuin University will also have a science faculty here, and under the educational philosophy "Do for Others (contribution to others)", we will develop more balanced human resources as UNIVERSITY.I'm thinking of sending it out to the world.

Meiji Gakuin University is a university that has always pursued diversity.This time, teachers and students who have a new background of science will join as friends.We hope that students with various cultural backgrounds meet, interact, and work together on the campus to understand others and be the leaders of the symbiotic society.

[About the Faculty of Information Mathematics]

In recent years, information technology centered on AI (artificial intelligence) has been rapidly developing and changing society.Society 5, which was proposed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, promotion of data science education, and proposed by the Cabinet Office.Due to 0, etc., the information and mathematical field will become even more important, and human resources who have learned information mathematical will be required.The Faculty of Information Mathematics at the University is a faculty that tries to learn the movement of information technology from a mathematical standpoint.

In the field of information and mathematics, new and flexible education, such as classes using ICT (ICT and Communication Technology) and PBL (Project Bassed Learning), have been developed and have already begun to be implemented.Meiji Gakuin University also provides such education, and will develop classes that have developed further for the new era, combining them with the educational methods and contents they have cultivated.

The highly expected information and mathematical fields will lead to the opportunity to collaborate with industry -academia -government.There is a possibility that various cooperation can be made by taking advantage of the good location of Meiji Gakuin University.

Meiji Gakuin University has accumulated great results as a liberal arts university.In order to take advantage of this property, we will establish an "Information Science Fusion District Center" with the aim of organic cooperation between the Faculty of Information Mathematics and the existing undergraduate and organizations.This center will be a stage for collaboration between the new faculty and the existing faculty, and will also be a window for industry -academia -government collaboration with off -campus.

【Conceptual diagram】

明治学院大学として初の理系学部「情報数理学部」を 2024年4月に新設(仮称・設置構想中)  文系理系を備えた総合大学に

Conceptual diagram

[Human resource image to be nurtured]

・ Human resource image 1:

In a near -future society where AI and humans coexist at a high level, human resources who have the ability to think about what can be done with AI and apply information technology to issues

・ Human resource image 2:

Human resources who have the ability to solve problems cultivated in PBL (Project Bassed Learning) subjects, etc., which can respond to technological innovation and changes in information science

・ Human resource image 3:

ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues: Ethical, Legal, Social Term), Human Resources who can embody the educational philosophy "Do for Others (contribution to others)" by the power of information mathematics.

[Features of education]


Education to acquire mathematical understanding (mathematical) that can adapt and apply to fast changes in the information science field assembled with mathematical materials


Education that learns information science (information language) that uses mathematics as basic culture and knows what can be done with future computers and AI


Education that strongly aware of contact and fusion between information and mathematical science and society


English education that can make use of mathematics and information languages in the international community, get information from the world, and disseminate themselves

[Message from President Reine Murata]

What is happening in my head when we think and make a decision?What kind of information is exchanged?The human brain was always the surprise and interest of the people.In recent years, the development of information science has partially raised the ability of computer to a level that is close to human thoughts.In the near future, it is said that AI (artificial intelligence) will join our society as a companion.

Meiji Gakuin University has selected the Faculty of Information Mathematics as the first Faculty of Science to establish since its opening.Here, we use mathematics and information science to explore AI's abilities and future potential.Also, for humans, he thinks how to get along with AI.The fields handled by the Faculty of Information are very young and rapidly developing.We hope that young students will use the knowledge they have learned here and play an active part in the world's information field.

Meiji Gakuin University President Reine Murata

【Future schedule】

April 2022 Information Faculty of Mathematical Department / Information Science Fusion District Center established preparation room

April 2024 Information Faculty of Mathematical Mathematics / Information Science Fusion Division Center Scheduled to open

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