"Master of Monsters" sent out by the system software of the great strategy

Retro games of memories that we loved


 A series of nostalgic advertisements and game screens at the time, a serial corner that is immersed in the history and nostalgia of domestic PCs.This time, we have taken up the PC-8801MKIISR series compatible version of the fantasy war game "Master of Monsters" released by system software in 1988.

 In the "Great Strategy" series, system software, which determines the impression of a soft house that is strong in simulation games, will then appear various derivative works.In addition to the mainstream "Daikai Strategy" series, "Fantasy Knight", which replaces the unit with a fantasy world resident, and "Lord of Wars", which was a pioneer in simulation RPG where commanders grow.However, the software that could be said to have sublimated the characteristics of these three works and sublimated into one title was the fantasy war game "Master of Monsters".


 Speaking of simulation games, CPU power is required, so it was often released mainly in the PC-98 series, but the PC-8801MKIISR version was first released for this work.Looking at the magazine "Login" at that time, the advertisement of the issue released on September 2, 1988 said "on sale", so it appeared on the market at that time.The story of this work was as follows.

入門用としては最適な、こぢんまりとした島が舞台のDUEL PLACEをはじめとした、20のマップが用意されています。キャンペーンモードでは、8つのマップを連続で戦っていきます。設定ターン数が厳しいので、緻密な作戦が求められます。


 When the Demon King Standed on the magic circle, he called a spell and called four wizards.The Master of Monsters World, which consists of 20 terrain, is prepared as the next time to decide the next Demon King.There are many magical tower in the world, and the more the tower, the more magic increases.Gaia said that if they summoned monsters with magic and became soldiers, they would grow with each other and help them.The absolute protection is that the wizard must not be out of the castle or the castle, and cannot magically the magician, and reads the parchment written like that.The four wizards who heard these were disappeared into their own castles, with the oath that we were the next Demon King.


 Players select one from five types of masters, Necrock, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Wizard, and Summoner, and summons monsters with up to four people, including computers for each map, and will lead the battle.The master is divided into Law, chaos, and neutral, and the monsters that can be summoned differ depending on which one to choose.There were 51 types in total, and four types of elemental called by the master were prepared.


 HP is set for masters and monsters, and when this is 0, it will die.The HP differs for each monster and decreases due to combat and magic attacks, but if you are in the tower, it recovered a certain amount.The master calls a monster that consumes magical power and becomes his own minions, but basically the stronger the unit increases the required magic, so what kind of strategy is to take.In addition, some monsters were able to class to higher monsters by repeating the fight and gaining experience.


 The purpose is to manipulate these monsters to attack enemy units, occupy the tower, and defeat all rival masters while accumulating magic.However, since the number of monsters that can be called is +1 of the tower owned at that time, if you do not proceed well, it is said that "the magical power is surplus, but the number of tower is not enough and the strength is not enhanced."You can fall into a situation ...


 In addition, the search mode with a limited range of visible, the great magic that can be used only once per turn, the adoption of the campaign mode that captures eight maps in advance within a fixed turn., We had various modes.Especially in the campaign mode, if the monster is evolved, the next map can be called in the post -evolution state, and it has the charm that is not found in a normal map.


 "Master of Monsters", which became a hit with these elements, has been transplanted to other models, and new campaigns and maps have been sold, and new routes have been opened.。

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