LINE gift, new function "Message card made with photos" will start soon!Looking back on memories with your family, let's give a gift with an original message card of the "only one in the world"!

LINE Gift Staff carefully selected a gift recommended on the day of the elderly LINE Co., Ltd. LINE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo; President: Tsuyoshi Dezawa), a variety of friends through "LINE" provided by the Company.A service that allows you to give a present "LINE Gift https: // Gift.LINE.We are pleased to announce that we have launched a new function, "Message Card made with photos," which allows you to make an original message card using photos with family, friends, and loved ones.In addition, we will introduce recommended gifts on the day of Respect for the Elderly, which LINE gift staff carefully selected."LINE Gift" is a communication service that allows you to give gifts with friends through "LINE" talk.Even if you don't know your address or not, you can easily give a gift on LINE, so you use it in various scenes, such as when you want to give a little thanks, seasonal events, and important life events.Especially in the Corona evils, the tendency for users to send gifts onLINE, whether they are far or not, and have a total number of users*in May 2021 exceeded 15 million.rice field.* Number of unique users who have given LINE gifts or have experienced given ■ Starts offering a new feature that can create an original message card of “only one in the world” using photos of memories!With LINE gifts, you can give a gift with a message card with appreciation and celebration when giving a gift.The message card has a design tailored to the various scenes that give gifts, such as "Birthday", "Thank you", "Celebration", "Thank you, return", "Support, and visit", and I like it from a total of over 180 types*message cards.You can choose a card with a design and give it.In addition to the abundance of designs that convey support and appreciation, and popular creators of LINE stamps, there are plenty of designs drawn down, and in August 2021, popular characters familiar to LINE stamps move "Animation Card".Is appearing and the variations are expanding further.*As of August 2021, the LINE gift has started providing a new function, "Message Card made with photos," which can create an original message card using photos with family, friends and loved ones.。You can deliver memories of your loved ones, with the gratitude and celebration gifts with an original message card of "only one in the world".■ Respect for the elderly soon!Deliver your gratitude along with your family photos that make you smile unintentionally and the photos that you can see the cheerful appearance of your grandchildren who are hard to meet due to prolonged corona!This year's Respect for the Aged Day will be greeted by Corona as in last year.It is possible that there are many people who have less time to go out with their families, and have less opportunities to meet grandpa and grandmother who live away.This year's Respect for the Aged Day, with a photo full of memories of a family that can be laughed, and a LINE gift with a LINE gift with an original message card using photos that make it difficult to meet.Would you like to see?▼ "Message card made with photos" creation flow 1.On the screen for creating a gift message, select the design from the "Message Card to be made with photos" (12 types in total) 2.Tap the photo icon, select and upload photos or images used for message cards from the device 3.Adjust the position and size of the photo according to the shape of the frame, and tap the completed button 4.Enter a message 5.After completing the message of the message, tap "Confirm gift message" and send it 1.Tap "Receive LINE Gift" in the message card (envelope)*displayed on the LINE talk screen 2.The envelope opens and checks the contents of the original message card made with photos 3.In the case of delivery gifts, register the delivery destination.In the case of E gifts, display the barcode at the store and exchange it for the gift*On the talk screen, the message card to be created in the photo is not displayed. Details of the creation method: https: // gift-blog-ja..LINE.Me/Archives/11017175.html誕生日やお礼など、さまざまなシーンで贈ることが可能!「写真で作るメッセージカード」を作るためのデザインは、敬老の日だけでなく、ギフトを贈るシーンに合わせて選ぶことができます。家族や友人の誕生日や、仕事での労いや感謝を伝えるちょっとしたお礼など、ギフトを贈る相手やシーンに合わせてフレームデザインや写真を選択し、LINEギフトと一緒に贈ることができます。■LINEギフトスタッフ厳選!敬老の日におすすめのギフト( )*をご紹介*スマートフォン限定/LINEアプリ起動岐阜中津川の栗きんとん5個・栗柿5個入[価格]3,680円(税込・送料込)秋の味覚を堪能できる贅沢スイーツ!岐阜中津川の創業百年余年の老舗が作る完全手作りの栗きんとん。国産栗のみを使用し、栗と砂糖のみで炊き上げたからだに優しい最高級和菓子。幅広い年代が楽しめる秋の定番スイーツとしてギフトにピッタリです! **商品購入はスマートフォン限定/LINEアプリ起動浜名湖 うなぎ 蒲焼 2食分[価格]5,400円(税込・送料込)皮はパリッと、身はふわふわととろけるような絶妙な食感のうなぎ。鰻の本場、浜名湖畔で伸び伸びと育ったうなぎを食べると、自然と元気も食欲も急上昇!元気に過ごして欲しいという願いを込めた、パワー溢れる贈り物です。 **商品購入はスマートフォン限定/LINEアプリ起動Seasonal bouquet(sm)[価格]4,400円(税込・送料込)色とりどりの花をまとめた鮮やかなブーケは、特別な贈り物におすすめ!見ているだけで明るい気持ちになれる色とりどりのお花と一緒に感謝の気持ちを伝えてみるのはいかがですか? **商品購入はスマートフォン限定/LINEアプリ起動LINEギフトは、新しいコミュニケーションサービスの一つとしてユーザーのギフトシーンに寄り添ってまいります。またLINEでは、今後も様々なサービスを通じて、企業・ユーザーの双方にとって価値のある情報接点を提供し、コミュニケーションインフラとして多様な活用の可能性を広げてまいります。<LINEギフトについて>「LINEギフト」は、「LINE」のトークを通じて友だちとギフトを贈り合うことができるコミュニケーションサービスです。住所を知らなくても直接会えなくても、LINE上で簡単にギフトを贈ることができるため、ちょっとしたお礼を言いたい時や季節イベント、大切なライフイベントなど様々なシーンでご利用いただいています。贈れるギフトは手軽なコンビニのコーヒーから本格的なものまで、シーンに合わせたもらって嬉しい多様なラインナップを揃えています。また、“気軽に会う”ことが難しくなってしまったコロナ禍において、LINEギフトは、“会えないけれど気持ちを伝えたい"というユーザーの気持ちを実現する新しいコミュニケーションサービスとして注目されており、LINEギフトの累計ユーザー数*は1,500万人を突破、2020年の年間総流通額は前年比250%と急成長しています。*2021年5月時点でLINEギフトを贈ったことがあるもしくはもらったことがあるユニークユーザー※以下、メディア関係者限定の特記情報です。個人のSNS等での情報公開はご遠慮ください。


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  3. LINEギフト、新機能「写真で作るメッセージカード」の提供開始

LINEギフト、新機能「写真で作るメッセージカード」の提供開始 もうすぐ敬老の日!家族との思い出を振り返る “世界でたったひとつ”のオリジナルメッセージカードを添えてギフトを贈ろう!

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