Windows version appears in "How to handle PCs" for Lenovo elementary and junior high school students --Itmedia PC USER

 From May 26, Lenovo Japan has released two videos on how to use PCs on the company's YouTube channel.The sequel to the video released from May 17 is assumed to be elementary and junior high school students using Windows 10 Pro PC as a learning terminal in the "GIGA School Concept".

レノボが新たに公開した「パソコンのきほんそうさ」のWindows 10 Pro版

 As mentioned earlier, the video added this time is assumed to be elementary and junior high school students using Windows 10 Pro PC as a learning terminal, and explains how to use Lenovo Japan's "IdeaPad D330" as a model.

 "How to deal with a personal computer" explains how to carry it from the basics of PCs, such as "I can't beat", "don't drop", "don't throw", and "don't spill water".It has a configuration.

 This video is the same as the CHROMEBOOK (Chrome OS) version published earlier.


 "Personal computer horsetail name" is a configuration that introduces the names of the parts to be known at a minimum in handling PCs, and then explain how to start Windows 10 Pro / shutdown and return from sleep.。

パソコンのかくぶのなまえ(Windows 10 Pro版)IdeaPad D330では、電源コネクターが独立したものとなっている。PCに詳しい人なら、先に公開されたChromebook版との違いを見比べるのも面白いかもしれない

 "Personal computer" introduces how to use Windows 10 standard camera apps, how to draw handwritten characters after taking a picture, and how to save edited images (photos).

 You might think, "If you are used to your smartphone, can you manage it?", But you may not be able to operate unless you know the meaning of the icon to some extent.In addition, the buttons displayed in text may not be ready to read kanji.

 Especially when assuming children in elementary school lower grades, such explanations should be "necessary".

パソコンのきほんそうさ(Windows 10 Pro版)カメラが位置情報を尋ねてきたときの対処法も紹介されている

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