[Latest] How is the reputation of UQ Mobile?Thorough explanation of recommended points and points to be recommended!| Getnavi Web Get Navi

UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM service provided by UQ Communications.

The best feature is that the communication speed is faster and more stable than other companies cheap SIMs, because the parent company's LTE line is used!

This time, I will introduce the features of UQ Mobile as the following advantages and points to note!


In conclusion, UQ Mobile is a recommended cheap SIM for the following people.

  • 安定した速度の回線を安く使いたい人
  • いざというとき店舗のサポートを受けたい人
  • 少ないデータ容量で十分な人
  • SIMカードのみ契約したい人
  • Stability and price on AULTE line! UQ Mobile

    Up to 10,000 yen cashback for sim only!The monthly fee of the carryover plan is free for one month!

    See the UQ Mobile special online window

    In this article, I will explain in detail how to apply for UQ Mobile, cancellation method, and comparison results of cheap SIM and UQ Mobile.

    If you are considering UQ Mobile, please refer to this article.


    UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM that uses au LTE lines!Introducing people who can recommend

    First of all, the outline of UQ Mobile is summarized in the list, so let's check it.

    [UQ Mobile Overview]

    利用回線au LTE回線
    平均通信速度下り:44.1Mbps 上り:9.26Mbps
  • SIMのみ&くりこしプラン契約で 最大10,000円キャッシュバック
  • くりこしプランの月額料金が1か月無料
  • UQでんきとのセット割
  • * Price is tax included

    UQ Mobile is a service that uses au LTE lines and has a reputation for the speed and stability of the communication speed among cheap SIMs.

    Cheap SIMs do not have their own lines and borrow lines from major carriers to provide services, so there is a limit to the specifications of the line and the speed is likely to be slow.

    However, since UQ Mobile is an au group, you can use your own au line with priority over cheaper SIMs in other companies, and use the Internet in an environment comparable to major carriers.

    The average speed of UQ Mobile is down 44, even at the speed measurement site of everyone on the net line speed.It's stable with 1Mbps!

    Later, we also compare the speed with other companies cheap SIMs, so check them out.

    UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM recommended for such people.

  • 安定した速度の回線を安く使いたい人
  • いざというとき店舗のサポートを受けたい人
  • 少ないデータ容量で十分な人
  • SIMカードのみ契約したい人
  • Although UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM, the mother is a major carrier au, so there is a sense of security in the speed and support side.

    If you are the first person to switch to a cheap SIM from your career and are worried about speed and support, UQ Mobile is recommended!

    There are no stores in cheap SIM carriers, and there are many places where support is accepted only online, so UQ Mobile, which has many stores all over Japan, will be a promising candidate for those who emphasize support.

    Although it is not the cheapest in terms of price, UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM with a balance between speed, support and price.

    In addition, we are currently carrying up to 10,000 yen for only SIM contracts only for UQ Mobile's special online window.

    There is also a campaign that will make the monthly fee of the new plan "Kurikoshi Plan", which started in February 2021, to be free for one month, so please check it out.

    See the UQ Mobile special online window

    However, UQ Mobile has a maximum data capacity of 25GB that can be contracted, so it is not recommended for those who are looking for a large capacity plan!

    UQ Mobile can charge additional data, but the price is expensive, so if you need a large capacity of 50GB per month, you should choose a cheap SIM from another company.

    Jump to recommended cheap SIMs other than UQ Mobile!

    Nine benefits to contract with UQ Mobile

    First, let's explain the benefits of contracting UQ Mobile.

    The benefits of UQ Mobile are mainly the following nine!

    1. 3つのデータプランがお得に利用できる
    2. 余ったデータ容量は翌月に繰り越し可能
    3. 現行プランは解約手数料がかからない縛りなしプラン
    4. 15日間無料でSIM・スマホがお試しできる
    5. SIMだけの契約が可能
    6. 高速で快適なau回線が利用可能
    7. テザリングが無料で使える
    8. メールサービスが使える
    9. 店舗サポートが受けられる

    I will explain the actual UQ Mobile user word -of -mouth and explain it!

    Please read while thinking about whether UQ Mobile is a perfect service for you.

    UQ Mobile has the following three data plans, allowing you to select a plan according to the required amount of data.

    [UQ Mobile Plan]

    データチャージ100MB:220円 500MB:550円

    * Price is tax included

    If you plan up to 3GB per month, you can sign up for UQ mobile at a low price of 1,628 yen per month, so if you use it with mobile Wi-Fi, or if you connect to Wi-Fi to an optical line or home router at home, communication costs are charged.You can save money.

    In the unlikely event that the data capacity is insufficient, data charge can be performed, and the 15GB / 25GB plan will speed up 1Mbps even if the speed limit is applied.

    If you have 1Mbps speed, you can search for the Internet or watch YouTube!

    If you are wondering which plan you should contract, check out the guideline for data consumption for each 1GB.

    Twitter (140文字でツイート)約3,100回
    オンラインゲーム (SwitchやPS4)約6時間
    オンラインゲーム のアップデート (SwitchやPS4)1回未満 (1.5GB~10GB以上)
    Hulu (ハイビジョン画質)約1時間

    In addition, if you make a call, you will be charged 22 yen per 30 seconds, but if you call well, you can add three types of call options.


    * Price is tax included

    UQ Mobile can carry over the surplus data capacity of the previous month in the following month.

    For example, if you use only 2GB data in Kurikoshi Plan S (3GB/month), you can use 4GB data with extra 1GB the following month.

    Even those who have uneven data capacity used in a month can be used without waste because they can carry over the next month!

    As in the above, even if you have a lot of data capacity in UQ Mobile, there is no waste without being cut off.

    However, you can carry over until the end of the following month, so if you have more surplus, let's review your plan!

    The smartphone line contract had a contract period for two years, such as two years.

    However, there is no contract period in the "Kurikoshi Plan S/M/L", which is currently accepting new contracts in UQ Mobile.

    UQ Mobile doesn't cost a penalty anytime you cancel!

    It is safe if you assume a short -term contract or if UQ Mobile does not fit the application very much.

    However, the old plan that has been accepting contracts in the past has a two -year automatic renewal contract period.

    Please note that if the cancellation of the renewal month that comes every two years, the contract cancellation fee will be charged 10,450 yen.

    By the way, changing the plan from the old plan to the Sakikoshi plan does not require a contract cancellation fee!

    If you have a contract with an old plan, you will not need to pay the cancellation fee if you change the plan to the Kurikoshi plan and cancel it.

    UQ Mobile has a campaign called "Try UQ Mobile", which allows you to try UQ Mobile SIM cards and smartphones for free for 15 days.

    You can check for free to see if the UQ mobile radio wave condition is not bad in places where you often use your home or workplace, and that your smartphone and UQ Mobile's SIM card are not compatible.

    I'm glad to be able to check using UQ Mobile!

    Applications for TRY UQ Mobile are accepted by store and web, and the required documents and procedures are different.


    identification documents (driver's license, passport, etc.)

    1. 店舗で申込み手続きを行う
    2. 15日間のお試し
    3. 申込みをした店舗に返却

    1. 申込みページから手続き
    2. SIMカード・端末の受け取り
    3. 15日間のお試し
    4. 郵送での返却(送料はUQモバイル負担)

    Credit cards are required to apply from the web, but they are not actually charged and prevent fraud.

    There were also reviews from those who actually used a 15 -day trial and decided to switch to UQ Mobile.

    In the afternoon when many people use smartphones, depending on the cheap SIM, the line may be crowded and the speed is slow.

    Even during the time when the speed tends to be slow, you can try Try UQ Mobile to see how fast you get.

    With UQ Mobile, you can not only purchase a set with a smartphone, but also contract only with SIM cards.

    If you want to use your current smartphone as it is, sign only SIM cards!

    Currently, the UQ Mobile Special online Store also has a SIM card -only contract with a cashback of up to 10,000 yen, so you can apply more.

    UQ Mobile also supports the popular iPhone series, so you can easily switch by simply inserting a SIM card, but since there are some non -compatible models, check it in advance from [Operation check terminal list].prize.

    In addition, if the current smartphone is purchased at DOCOMO and Softbank, it will be locked, and it will not be used as it is.

    Let's unlock the SIM with a carrier who purchased the terminal in advance!

    In addition, some au smartphones need to be unlocked, so let's check.


    UQ Mobile is provided using au line.

    There are other cheap SIM carriers that use au lines, but UQ Mobile is an au group company, so you can use au lines more priority and high -speed and stable communication.

    I actually compared the actual measured values of the cheap SIM of other companies and the communication speed!

    [Speed comparison table]


    * Reference: Everyone's internet line speed

    UQ Mobile is down 44.1Mbps, up 9.You can see that there is a stable speed of 26Mbps.

    However, the actual speed varies greatly depending on the area, the surrounding environment, and time of day.

    Looking at the word -of -mouth of UQ Mobile users, there were also voices saying that the speed of a fixed line, 188 Mbps, is coming out!

    For those who are uneasy that switching to a cheap SIM will slow down, we can recommend UQ Mobile.

    With UQ Mobile, you can use a smartphone as a WiFi router, and the tethering function can be used for free.

    Even in career, SoftBank costs tethering option fees, so UQ Mobile is a great deal!

    Some people are thinking of stopping tablet contracts and connecting them to smartphones because tethering can be used for free.

    If tethering is possible, the contract can be put together in one, so you can reduce the communication cost.

    However, in tethering, the data capacity of UQ mobile is consumed, and if you use it too much, the UQ mobile itself becomes a speed limit.

    Be careful not to select or use the plan to be contracted, as low -capacity plans will quickly become a speed limit.

    There are many places where cheap SIM does not support mail services, but with UQ Mobile for 220 yen per month, "@uqmobile..You can use a dedicated e -mail address with "JP".

    If you email, you don't need a free email "Gmail" or "Yahoo! Mail" because you can use it for free, right?

    Some internet services cannot register reliable free emails.

    If you want to use highly reliable career emails, UQ Mobile, which can use email services, has a great merit.

    However, be aware that if you cancel the UQ Mobile, your e -mail address will disappear.

    UQ Mobile has stores such as carrier shops and UQ spots in the city and in consumer electronics retailers.

    UQ Mobile can receive the following support at stores, like major carriers.


    【最新】UQモバイルの評判って実際どう?おすすめできるポイントや注意点を徹底解説! | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

    However, depending on the store and the timing of the visit, a long waiting time will occur.

    UQ Mobile allows you to make a reservation, so make good use of it and minimize your waiting time.

    1. 【販売店舗一覧】から来店したい店舗を選択
    2. 「来店予約を行う」を選択
    3. 必要事項を入力、注意事項を確認し予約を確定する

    UQ Mobile Contract 5 points to know before you know

    UQ Mobile has many benefits, but there are some points to keep in mind.

    Understand the precautions and think about whether to contract for UQ Mobile!

    1. 選べるデータプランが3GB・15GB・25GBの3つだけ
    2. くりこしプランは家族割・WiMAXとのセット割適用外
    3. 従来のキャリアメールが使えなくなる
    4. LINEのID検索が使えなくなる
    5. 大手キャリアに比べて購入できる機種が少ない

    Before applying, make sure that your purpose is fine.

    There are only three UQ mobile data plans, 3GB, 15GB, and 25GB per month.

    UQ Mobile will not be suitable for those who need a large capacity of 25GB or more.

    In addition, there are some companies that can select data capacity every 2 to 5 GB for cheap SIMs other companies, but some users feel that UQ Mobile is dissatisfied with 15GB after 3GB.

    If you can't choose the data capacity that suits you, you'll end up paying for waste!

    Later, we will explain cheaper SIMs other companies, so please compare one of the perfect services for you.

    Jump to recommended cheap SIMs other than UQ Mobile!

    In UQ Mobile, the following discount services are available for "smartphone plan", "chatting plan", "perfect plan", which was able to contract until the end of January 2021.

    However, the Kurikoshi plan currently accepting new contracts is not eligible for family discount or Giga MAX monthly discount.

    There is no discount if you sign up multiple units between families, so be careful!

    Even in the Kurikoshi plan, it is included in the condition of "the second or more" of the family discount, but be careful as the discount itself is not received.

    We will introduce Y -Mobile later as a cheap SIM where the family per discount is advantageous, so please check it out.

    Jump to Y -Mobile's commentary!

    If you switch to UQ Mobile, you will not be able to use carrier emails such as au, docomo, and Softbank, which you have used so far.

    If you are contacting by carrier email or registered with the Internet service, you will need to change the registration.

    Be aware that the change in registration information by transfer may be enormous, as in the above person.

    However, being unable to use carrier emails by changing is not limited to UQ Mobile.

    Be careful when you change your smartphone carrier, so your carrier email address will disappear!

    If you switch from a major smartphone carrier to UQ Mobile, you will not be able to use the "ID search" of the message application LINE.

    The reason is that UQ Mobile cannot perform age verification linked to the contractor information.

    LINE ID search is basically not available for cheap SIMs other companies!

    However, LINEMO, a cheap plan for Y -Mobile and SoftBank, is an exception.

    Many people use LINE ID search, and some have heard that they feel inconvenient.

    In addition, there are the following methods as an alternative to ID search, so please refer to it.


    UQ Mobile allows you to purchase a set with a smartphone, but the models you handle are less than that of major carriers.

    Here, I compared the number of UQ Mobile and au handling models.

    [Comparison of the number of models handled]


    If you don't have a desired model in UQ Mobile, buy a SIM -free smartphone other than UQ Mobile, and sign up only with a SIM card.

    UQ Mobile is recommended to apply at the online store!

    It is recommended that you apply for UQ Mobile to receive a window -only campaign from the online store.

    You can apply for UQ Mobile from stores and online stores, but each has the following features.


    If you apply from the online store, it will be advantageous because campaigns that cannot be accepted at stores will be applied!

    It's a nice point that you can apply for 24 hours without waiting time!

    Currently, the following campaigns are being implemented at the UQ Mobile special online window.


    If you apply for only SIM cards instead of a set with the terminal, you can receive the following cashback depending on whether you are a new contract or transfer.

    Also, if you apply for the Kurikoshi Plan in a new period or change from the old plan during the period from August 2 to 31, the monthly fee for one month is free!

    The above campaign is not listed on the UQ Mobile official website, so please apply from the UQ Mobile special online window below.

    See the UQ Mobile special online window

    UQ Mobile application procedure

    I will explain in detail the procedure for applying for UQ Mobile from a great online store.

    UQ Mobile application procedure
    1. MNP予約番号の取得(他社からの乗り換えの場合)
    2. オンライン窓口から申し込む
    3. 端末・SIMカードの初期設定をする

    Some people may find it difficult to apply from the online store, but it's easy if you follow the screen guidance!

    First, let's get the following necessary information.


    Also, if you use the current smartphone as it is on UQ Mobile as it is, check if the model is compatible with UQ Mobile from the [operation confirmation terminal].

    Some models of DoCoMo, Softbank, and au need to unlock SIM!

    If you want to use your current phone number on UQ Mobile, you need to get an MNP reservation number.

    The MNP reservation number can be obtained from the store window of the career currently under contract or from the web My Page.


    The MNP reservation number has a 15 -day expiration date from the acquisition.

    If the expiration date has expired or the remaining days are small, you will not be able to apply for UQ Mobile, so proceed to the application immediately after obtaining it.

    Access the [UQ Mobile Special Online Counter] and proceed with the application.

    Select "Model + SIM" when purchasing a set with a smartphone, and "SIM only" is selected from the screen menu when contracting only for SIM cards.

    Enter the information of the contractor (name, address, telephone number, etc.) and payment information and upload photos of identification documents to complete the application.

    See the UQ Mobile special online window

    In UQ Mobile, the product is shipped in the shortest day from the application.

    After the terminal or SIM card arrives, make the initial settings.

    Insert the SIM card into the main unit and set it.

    If the terminal has been purchased on UQ Mobile, you can basically use the Internet as it is without setting.

    On the other hand, if you use the current smartphone as it is, you need an APN setting (Internet connection setting) by operating the smartphone itself.

    1. iPhoneをWiFiに接続
    2. 既存APNプロファイルの削除 「設定」アプリを起動し、「一般」>「プロファイルとデバイス管理」>表示されている「構成プロファイル」と進みます。 表示画面の下部「プロファイルを削除」から、既存のAPN設定情報を削除します。
    3. UQモバイルのプロファイルをダウンロード 【UQモバイルAPNプロファイル】を選択し、プロファイルデータをダウンロードしましょう。
    4. プロファイルのインストール 「設定」アプリを起動し、表示されている「プロファイルがダウンロードされました」>「インストール」と進み、プロファイルをインストールします。
    1. APN設定画面を開く ホーム画面から設定アプリを起動し、「ネットワークとインターネット」>「モバイルネットワーク」>「詳細設定」>「アクセスポイント名」と進みます。 画面上部「+」を選択し、APN設定画面を開きましょう。
    2. UQモバイルのAPN情報を入力 表示されているAPN設定項目で対応する箇所に以下を入力し、設定を保存します。

    Please refer to the APN information to enter the following!

    [UQ Mobile APN Information]


    How to cancel UQ Mobile

    You can cancel the UQ Mobile in either:


    If you want to cancel from My UQ Mobile, you need a login ID and password.

    You can check your ID and password from the document received during the UQ Mobile contract!

    By the way, there is no contract period for the newly accepting UQ Mobile, so there is no cancellation penalty, but in the old plan, a penalty will be incurred by cancellation other than the contract renewal month.

    You can check the following procedure from My UQ mobile to see when the current contract will be renewed.

    1. 【my UQ mobile】にログイン
    2. 画面下部の「ご契約中のプラン」内の記載を確認

    Also, if you are purchasing a smartphone with UQ Mobile, you must continue to pay the installment of the model after canceling the UQ Mobile.

    Depending on the timing, payments for several years may remain, so check the following procedure how many payments remain before cancellation.

    1. 【my UQ mobile】にログイン
    2. メニューの「料金案内」を選択
    3. 「料金内訳を見る」を選択し記載を確認

    By the way, the monthly fee for the cancellation month of UQ Mobile will be calculated daily!

    The UQ Mobile will be suspended on the day the cancellation is completed (the day when the transfer is completed if you transfer on MNP), and the fee will only be charged until the cancellation date.

    However, some paid options may not be sunny, so check before canceling.

    Introducing recommended cheap SIMs other than UQ Mobile!

    We have introduced the advantages and points of UQ Mobile, but there may be cheaper SIMs of other companies except those who apply to the following points.

  • 安定した速度の回線を安く使いたい人
  • いざというとき店舗のサポートを受けたい人
  • 少ないデータ容量で十分な人
  • SIMカードのみ契約したい人
  • As a result of comparing 7 major cheap SIM companies, including UQ Mobile, the following contracts are recommended for each application other than UQ Mobile.


    First, let's check the comparison table of 7 cheap SIM companies!

    UQモバイル3GB1,628円下り:44.1Mbps 上り:9.26Mbps
  • SIMのみ購入&くりこしプラン 契約でキャッシュバック
  • くりこしプランの月額料金が 1か月無料
  • UQでんきとのセット割
  • 15GB2,728円
    ワイモバイル3GB2,178円下り:53.01Mbps 上り:12.44Mbps
  • 1年間データ増量オプション無料
  • 家族割
  • 光回線セット割
  • 15GB3,278円
    mineo1GB1,298円下り:30.47Mbps 上り:9.12Mbps
  • パケットシェア
  • 家族割
  • 5GB1,518円
    OCN モバイル ONE1GB770円下り:56.62Mbps 上り:11.49Mbps
  • 繰り越し機能
  • 容量シェア
  • 3GB990円
    IIJmio2GB858円下り:44.79Mbps 上り:9.55Mbps
  • セット購入端末割引
  • 初期費用割引
  • 光回線セット割
  • 4GB1,078円
    BIGLOBEモバイル1GB1,078円下り:24.04Mbps 上り:8.56Mbps
  • エンタメフリー・オプション
  • 1年目月額料金割引
  • 家族割
  • 光回線セット割
  • セット購入端末割引
  • 3GB1,320円
    イオンモバイル1GB1,078円下り:37.88Mbps 上り:8.78Mbps・紹介キャンペーン

    * Price is tax included * Reference: Everyone's internet line speed

    In addition to UQ Mobile, we will explain the recommended cheap SIM in detail!

    Y -Mobile is a sub brand of major smartphone carriers, like UQ Mobile.

    Y -Mobile is a cheap SIM operated by a SoftBank subsidiary, and you can use SoftBank's LTE line!

    The average measurement speed is faster than UQ Mobile, so it is recommended for those who want to focus on speed.

    Check out the table comparing Y -Mobile and UQ Mobile!

    [Y -Mobile / UQ Mobile Overview]

    平均速度下り:53.01Mbps 上り:12.44Mbps下り:44.1Mbps 上り:9.26Mbps
    繰り越し機能なし (8月から対応)あり
    キャンペーン・オプション・PayPay還元 ・端末タイムセール ・端末ストレットセール ・1年間データ増量無料 ・家族割 ・ソフトバンク光とのセット割 ・ソフトバンクエアーとのセット割・SIMのみ購入&くりこしプラン 契約でキャッシュバック ・くりこしプランの月額料金 が1か月無料 ・UQでんきとのセット割

    * All prices include tax

    In addition, when comparing the price, UQ Mobile is set cheaper for the same data capacity.

    However, Y -Mobile has a higher family discount than UQ Mobile, so if you use it in multiple units, it is better to use Y -Mobile.


    By the way, the current plan that can be newly contracted with UQ Mobile is not eligible for the family discount!

    In addition, the set discount with WiMAX is not applied in the UQ Mobile Kirikoshi Plan, but the Y -Mobile is applied to Softbank Hikari and SoftBank Air, and up to 10 units are discounted up to 10 units between families.。

    As mentioned above, consider Y -Mobile if you use it with your family.

    Click here for Y -Mobile online store!

    If you value the price of the price, "OCN Mobile ONE" is recommended.

    OCN Mobile ONE is 1GB = 770 yen and cheap smartphone!

    [OCN Mobile ONE Overview]

    平均速度下り:53.96Mbps 上り:11.24Mbps
    キャンペーン・オプション・MUSICカウントフリー ・データシェア ・OCN光とのセット割

    * All prices include tax

    OCN Mobile ONE uses DOCOMO's LTE line, so the speed is stable.

    For those who listen to music on smartphones, OCN Mobile One is a nice point that OCN Mobile One can use "Music count free" that does not consume data from the target services such as Amazon Music and Spotify for free.

    OCN Mobile ONE will discount 220 yen per unit for OCN Hikari!

    However, since the contract plan is only up to 10GB, it is suitable for those who do not use much data capacity.

    Click here for OCN Mobile ONE official!

    "BIGLOBE Mobile" is a cheap SIM with "entertainment -free options", where services such as YouTube and Amazon Music become data -free.

    If the data usage of the subservative service is not counted, you can use a smartphone with a small amount of data!

    [BIGLOBE Mobile Overview]

    平均速度下り:25.63Mbps 上り:8.54Mbps
    キャンペーン・オプション・エンタメフリー・オプション ・1年間月額料金割引 ・6か月間エンタメフリー・オプション無料 ・端末セット購入割引で最大20,000円分ポイント還元 ・ビッグローブ光とのセット割

    * All prices include tax

    The entertainment free option is only 308 yen per month, and the data consumption of the target service is not counted.

    If you apply for an entertainment free option for the first time, a free campaign for 6 months is also held.

    BIGLOBE Mobile also has a family discount and a set of big robe light, so check it out!

    If you frequently use video distribution services and music distribution services, use the entertainment free options to enjoy more content.

    Click here for BIGLOBE Mobile Official!

    If you want to buy a terminal at a lower set at the time of application, "IIJmio" is recommended.

    Although it is limited to transfer from other companies' carriers and cheap smartphones, we are conducting a very advantageous campaign that allows the target smartphone to be purchased for 110 yen.

    In some times, smartphone terminals exceed 20,000 yen to 100,000 yen, 110 yen is surprisingly cheap!

    [IIJmio Mobile Overview]

    平均速度下り:42.26Mbps 上り:9.64Mbps
    キャンペーン・オプション・端末セット購入割引 ・データシェア ・IIJmioひかりとのセット割

    * All prices include tax

    Also, even if you do not transfer, you can purchase a terminal at a low price of 9,980 yen if you purchase a set.

    If you want to make a cheap SIM and want to renew your terminal at the same time, take a look at the IIJmio Mobile online site.

    You can't miss the fact that the smartphone fee is automatically discounted by 660 yen every month in the set discount with IIJmio Hikari!

    Click here for IIJmio official!

    Frequently Asked Questions about UQ Mobile

    Finally, let's answer frequently asked questions about UQ Mobile.

    1. UQモバイルはどんな人にオススメ?
    2. UQモバイルで実施中のキャンペーンは?
    3. ワイモバイルとどっちが安い?
    4. iPhoneは使える?

    The following people who can recommend UQ Mobile are as follows.

    1. 安定した速度の回線を安く使いたい人
    2. いざというとき店舗のサポートを受けたい人
    3. 少ないデータ容量で十分な人
    4. SIMカードのみ契約したい人

    UQ Mobile can give priority to your company's au line, so the speed is perfect.

    UQ Mobile is also recommended for those who are not good at operating smartphones.

    It is also an advantage that you can contract a small capacity plan up to 3GB at 1,628 yen!

    However, since the maximum amount of monthly data capacity is up to 25GB, it may be unsatisfactory if you use a lot of data every month.

    The more detailed content is also explained by [People with UQ Mobile are like this].

    If you apply from the special online window for UQ Mobile, you can receive the following campaign.


    If you want to use a UQ Mobile SIM card into your smartphone and use it, get a cashback and sign a great deal.

    If you are already contracting for UQ Mobile as well as new contracts, if you change from the old plan to the chorus plan, the monthly fee will be free for one month.

    However, the Kurikoshi plan is not eligible for the discount for family discount and Giga MAX monthly discount!

    For details, [UQ Mobile is recommended to apply at an online store!] Is explained.

    It is a Y -Mobile that is easy to compare with UQ Mobile, but which is cheaper depends on the number of lines you contract.

    [Monthly fee comparison with Y -Mobile]


    * Price is tax included

    In this way, UQ Mobile is cheaper if you compare the monthly fee alone, but when using multiple lines, it is recommended to use a Y -Mobile, which applies up to 10 lines with a family discount or fixed line.


    In other words, choosing a UQ mobile for users alone, and if you use it with multiple people, the overall fee will be cheaper.

    For more information, please check [We recommend "Wy Mobile" for speed -oriented or multiple contracts.

    UQ Mobile is also available on the iPhone.

    All new models are supported, but some old models are not compatible with some old models, so check them out in the [Operation Confirmation List].

    You can also purchase an iPhone set on UQ Mobile.

    The iPhone model currently handled by UQ Mobile is as follows.



    UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM service provided by au group company UQ Communications.

    The au line can be used priority and the speed is fast and stable, and the price is cheap.

    In conclusion, UQ Mobile is recommended for such people!

    1. 安定した速度の回線を安く使いたい人
    2. いざというとき店舗のサポートを受けたい人
    3. 少ないデータ容量で十分な人
    4. SIMカードのみ契約したい人

    Stability and price on AULTE line! UQ Mobile

    Up to 10,000 yen cashback for sim only!The monthly fee of the carryover plan is free for one month!

    See the UQ Mobile special online window

    However, since the monthly data amount is 25GB, it may not be suitable for those who use a large amount of data every month, such as watching videos for a long time.

    In addition, the UQ Mobile Kurikoshi Plan is not applicable to the family discount and WiMAX, so if you value discounts, Y -Mobile is recommended.

    Consider the following cheap SIMs for other companies according to the conditions!


    Please look for the best cheap SIM according to your own usage environment.


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