[Latest] Is the reputation of EO light really recommended?Thorough explanation of benefits and precautions from word of mouth | Getnavi Web Get Navi

EO Hikari is an optical line of its own line that can be used only in the Kansai region.

The au Smart Value, a set of au smartphone, can be applied, and the smartphone fee is discounted every month, so it is a recommended optical line for au users living in Kansai.

If you choose an optical line where you can apply a set discount with your smartphone, you can save the whole communication cost, so it's a great deal.

In addition, the advantage of EO Hikari is that the usage fee is low, such as the application of the monthly discount, and the communication speed is fast at its own line.

However, when considering, not only the price and the content of the campaign, but also the reputation of those who actually use it.

No matter how cheap the usage fee is, I'm a little worried if the reputation of the user is bad!

In this article, in addition to the benefits and precautions of EO light, each reputation (word of mouth) is introduced.

EO Light BenefitsPoints to note about EO light

We are investigating not only the price and communication speed, but also the reputation of the support system and communication disorders, so please check it out.

We will also introduce the latest official campaign information that EO Hikari is currently holding.

Recommended for au users living in the Kansai area "EO Hikari"

The communication speed is fast on your own line!In addition, au smart value can be applied and smartphone charges are discounted!

See the EO light campaign


What is EO Hikari in the first place?Let's know the basic information

EO Hikari (Io Hikari) is an optical line of its own line operated by Optage Co., Ltd., which can be used in the Kansai region and Fukui Prefecture.

Because the set discount with au smartphone can be applied, it is a recommended optical line for au users living in the Kansai region!

EO Hikari is recommended because the monthly fee is discounted in campaigns such as the start of EO living, or the communication speed is fast on the original line.

First, let's look at the basic information of EO light.

提供エリア大阪府・奈良県 京都府・滋賀県 兵庫県・和歌山 県福井県
月額料金【戸建て】 1年目:3,248円 2年目以降:5,448円 【マンション】 3,326円
実質月額料金(3年間)戸建て:4,175円 マンション:3,653円
セット割auスマートバリュー 月額最大1,100円割引

* All prices include tax * The average communication speed is the measured average value posted at "everyone's internet line speed (jump to everyone's net line speed confirmation site)".

The optical line of the original line is not a FLET'S Hikari line, but an optical line that offers a line in -house.In the case of the optical collaboration line, there are many users and it is easy to crowd depending on the time of day because the line of FLET'S Hikari is used, but the original line is relatively fast.

So should I actively choose the optical line of my own line?

Certainly, its own line is recommended in terms of communication speed!However, it is important to note that the FLET'S optical line can be used nationwide, but the unique lines are limited to available areas.

In the case of EO light, it can be used in Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Shiga, Hyogo, Wakayama, and Fukui prefectures.

EO Hikari has a set discount with au smartphone, but the most recommended optical line for au users is actually "au Hikari" with cashback and fast communication speed.

However, au Hikari is also an optical line of its own line, like EO Hikari, and cannot be used in the Kansai and Tokai areas.

Therefore, the recommended EO Hikari is "au users living in the Kansai area (a person outside the au Hikari area)".

I see!"EO Hikari" is recommended because au Hikari, which is the most recommended for au users, cannot be used in the Kansai area.

From the next item, let's check the actual reputation (word of mouth) about the benefits of EO light.

See the EO light campaign

EO Light Benefitsは?評判をもとにチェック!

Quote: EO Hikari

We will explain the benefits of EO light and the reputation for each.

I'm glad to see the reputation of the person who actually uses it!

The benefits of comparing the price and speed are also important, but the actual voice is helpful, so check it out.

EO Light Benefits

Let's check the items one by one.

Because EO Hikari is an optical line of its own line, the advantage is that it is faster than the optical collaboration line that uses FLET'S light and FLET'S Hikari line.

If you use the FLET'S Hikari line, there are many users, and it is easy to crowd and slow down, but in the case of proprietary lines, it is attractive that the speed is difficult to slow down.

In "Everyone's Net Line Speed", which users actually post their own communication speed, EO Hikari records a faster speed compared to other companies' optical lines.


Compared to the optical line that uses the FLET'S Hikari line, the average speed seems to be higher!

Of course, it is impossible to say that it is affected by time and communication environment, but when comparing the average speed, the unique line tends to be faster.

In the actual word -of -mouth, the reputation of being fast communication was often seen.

In addition, there was a reputation not only in the communication environment but also felt slow.

In the following items, we will look at the reputation of the slow communication environment.

There are some reviews that the communication speed of EO light is slow.

First, let's check the actual reputation.

The communication speed depends on the environment used, the connection time zone, and the router performance used.

If you are connected by WiFi, the distance to the router or if there is an obstacle in between, the communication speed may be slower, and you use a device that uses a microwave or other radio waves (such as a cordless phone).If you do, you may be slow due to radio disorder.

EO Hikari also provides IPv6 Internet connection that allows stable high -speed communication, but cannot be used unless the router used does not support IPv6.

In order to perform high -speed communication, it is important not only to contract, but also to think about equipment preparation and installation location!

In the facility, EO light rents a router that supports IPv6 connection for 105 yen per month.If you apply for the router at the same time when applying for EO Hikari, you will be holding a campaign that can be used for free for one year, so if you do not have a suitable router, it is recommended to consider it.

In addition to facilities, the communication speed may be slow depending on the contract type of the apartment.

For the apartment type of EO light, the optical fiber cable is drawn directly to the apartment, but it is important to note that the maximum communication speed differs depending on the wiring method from the apartment to each room.

The communication speed of the apartment type is described in detail in this item, but if the maximum communication speed is 100Mbps, the communication speed will be slower than the contract with a maximum communication speed of 1 Gbps.

It's a good idea to remember that the speed of EO light communication speed may not be fully demonstrated depending on your home environment, equipment performance, and contract content.

EO Hikari can be used cheaply by applying "EO Life Start Discount" and cashback campaign.

The monthly fee for EO light is discounted by 2,200 yen (tax included) by the application of the EO living start discount, so it can be used cheaply.

In addition to the monthly discount, you can also receive a 10,000 yen gift certificate and 5,000 yen cashback in the questionnaire!

Compared to other company optical lines, it does not go to the lowest price, but you can see that it can be used at a low price.

eo光 (公式からの申し込み)4,175円
NURO光 (公式からの申し込み)4,013円
auひかり (代理店NEXTからの申し込み)3,300円
フレッツ光 (公式からの申し込み)7,242〜7,682円
ドコモ光 (ドコモオンラインコンシェルジュからの申し込み)5,574円
ソフトバンク光 (代理店NEXTからの申し込み)5,966円

* All prices include tax * If it is a detached house

Regarding the usage fee, there are word -of -mouth communications such as the transfer speed and the lower price due to the transfer.

In addition to the low usage fee, there is also a word of mouth that evaluates the stability of the line.

You can see that some users are not only cheap but also find benefits in other points.

However, as you can see from the table compared to other companies' optical lines in this item, it may be cheaper to use eo light, such as applying for au Hikari from the agency NEXT.

Since au Hikari is not available in the Kansai region, it is difficult to use it if you live in Kansai, but it would be nice to be able to compare optical lines with a wide field of view.

The optical line is used by drawing the line to your home, so you need to open it.

In the case of opening work, construction costs are always incurred, and in the case of EO light, it is usually necessary to open 29,700 yen (tax included).

However, the EO Hikari has a campaign where opening construction costs are virtually free, so the advantage is that it can be used without paying construction costs.

Regarding the actual free of opening construction costs, you can see that word of mouth has been well received.

If you need to open, you will be hesitant for contracts because the initial cost will be high, but if you do not have to pay for the construction cost, you can use it casually.

The optical line may hold a set discount that applies discounts when contracted with a smartphone, so choosing a optical line for set discount is the point to choose a good optical line.

EO Hikari is recommended for au users because the "au Smart Value", which is a set discount with au smartphone, is reduced, and the entire communication cost is cheaper.

By applying au Smart Value, the smartphone fee will be a discount of up to 1,100 yen (tax included) every month.

The monthly fee for EO light does not change, but the smartphone fee is cheaper, so you can use it at a great price if you look at the whole household budget!

The au smartphone set of EO Hikari has a favorable opinion even if you investigate word of mouth.

AU smart value can be applied not only for au smartphones but also for tablets and 3G mobile phones.

For au Smart Value, the discount amount changes depending on the plan to apply, so please check the table below.

スマートフォン(5G) スマートフォン(4G LTE)ピタットプラン 5G ピタットプラン 4G LTE (新auピタットプランN)1GBまで
使い放題MAX 5G ALL STAR パック 使い放題MAX 5G テレビパック 使い放題MAX 5G Netflixパック(P) 使い放題MAX 5G Netflixパック 使い放題MAX 5G with Amazonプライム 使い放題MAX 5G 使い放題MAX 4G テレビパック 使い放題MAX 4G Netflixパック(P) 使い放題MAX 4G Netflixパック 使い放題MAX 4G1,100円
ピタットプラン 5G(s) ピタットプラン 4G LTE(s)2GB超~20GBまで550円
4G LTEタブレット 4G LTE対応PCタブレットプラン201,100円

* All prices including tax

In addition, you can apply up to 10 lines of au terminals, so if you are using au with your family, you can use it at a great price.

See the EO light campaign

EO Hikari can also apply a smartphone set with a cheap smartphone mineo.

Please check the smartphone set with mineo in the item "Is there a smartphone set with mineo?"

知っておきたいPoints to note about EO light!評判もチェック

EO Light Benefitsと評判をみてきましたが、ここでは契約前には知っておきたい注意点を解説します。

Of course, please check it out with each reputation.

I didn't know after I signed up!Let's check in advance so that it doesn't happen!

Points to note about EO light

Let's look at it one by one.

It is important to note that EO Hikari is a unique line that can only be used in the Kansai area and Fukui Prefecture, so the provided area is limited.

Since it cannot be used nationwide like a Hikari collaboration line that uses FLET'S Hikari and FLET'S Hikari line, it is necessary to first check if it can be used in your area.

I want to use it!Even if you think, you can't contract outside the area, so it's important to check the area!

Even if you are investigating your reputation, you may find that you want to use it but cannot use it outside the area.

It should be noted that the unique line is recommended because the communication speed is fast, but there are some areas that are not eligible because it is a unique line.

EO Hikari is not available except in the Kansai area, so check the optical lines other than the area outside the area.

Quote: NEXT

If you are an au user, if you live outside the Kansai area, "au Hikari" is recommended because the EO light is outside the provided area.

If you live in the Kansai area, "EO Hikari" is recommended, and in other areas, "au Hikari" is recommended!

Um, just au Hikari is outside the area in the Kansai area and Tokai area, so if the au Hikari is outside the area, it is recommended that the "So-net Hikari Plus" that can be used nationwide on the optical collaboration line can also be used.Then.

au Hikari is a unique line like EO Hikari, so the communication speed is fast, and au smart value can be used.

Also, if you apply from the agency NEXT, the cashback amount is up to 65,000 yen, so you can use it at a great price, so if you are au users, au Hikari is recommended.

The basic information of au Hikari is as follows.

提供エリア・北海道 ・東北(青森県、秋田県、岩手県、山形県、宮城県、福島県) ・関東(東京都、神奈川県、千葉県、埼玉県、群馬県、茨城県、栃木県) ・甲信越(新潟県、山梨県) ・北陸(石川県、富山県、福井県) ・中国(鳥取県、岡山県、島根県、広島県、山口県) ・四国(香川県、徳島県、愛媛県、高知県) ・九州(福岡県、大分県、佐賀県、宮崎県、熊本県、長崎県、鹿児島県)
月額料金【戸建て】 1年目 5,610円 2年目 5,500円 3年目以降 5,390円 ホーム1ギガ:ずっとギガ得プランの場合 【マンション】 4,180円 マンション タイプV・都市機構の場合
契約期間戸建て:3年 マンション:2年
実質月額料金(3年間)戸建て:4,180円 マンション:3,300円
最大通信速度1Gbps ※一部の地域限定で10Gbpsのプランあり
セット割auスマートバリュー 月額最大1,100円割引

* All prices include tax * The average communication speed is the measured average value posted at "everyone's internet line speed (jump to everyone's net line speed confirmation site)".

Since the cashback amount is large and the communication speed is fast, au users recommend au Hikari first, but we recommend EO Hikari as an option outside of the area because it is not available in the Kansai area.

Even though I was investigating the reputation, there was a word of mouth that au Hikari was not available in Kansai, so I was considering EO light.

First of all, it is important to check which optical lines can be used in the area where you live!

If you do not use au smartphones, you will not be able to receive a smartphone set, so if you are using Softbank or cheap SIM smartphones, docomo users are "docomo Hikari", Rakuten Mobile users are "Rakuten Hikari".Is recommended.

It is recommended that you select the optical line while checking the provision area, based on the set discount with your smartphone, but the detailed recommendation is "7 recommended selections comparing all 15 optical lines! Five checkpoints that will not fail".Please check it out because it is introduced in the article.

The optical line often holds great campaigns for each window, and many cashback campaigns are held.

EO Hikari also holds a campaign, but it is important to note that the cashback amount is modest compared to other company optical lines.

However, since EO Hikari has not only cashback but also a monthly fee discount, it is not the same because the real charge is not high overall.

If you look at the cashback amount alone, you may feel less advantageous, but you can also get a monthly fee discount, so the real charge is not high.

Certainly it was not expensive when compared with real charges!

Let's take a look at other companies' optical lines and the actual rates that detail the cashback and monthly fee discount.

eo光 (公式からの申し込み)4,175円・10,000円の商品券 ・5,000円現金キャッシュバック最大12ヶ月、月額2,200円割引
NURO光 (公式からの申し込み)4,013円45,000円 キャッシュバック
auひかり (代理店NEXTからの申し込み)3,300円最大65,000円 キャッシュバック
フレッツ光 (公式からの申し込み)7,242〜7,682円
ドコモ光 (ドコモオンラインコンシェルジュからの申し込み)5,574円20,000円 キャッシュバック
ソフトバンク光 (代理店NEXTからの申し込み)5,966円最大37,000円 キャッシュバック

* All prices include tax * If it is a detached house

If you look at the comparison table, you can see that there is not much cashback amount, but there is also a monthly fee discount, so you can see that the real charge is not high.

In addition, not only EO Hikari but also any optical line is not always constant, and it is important to check each time because it is changed regularly.

Investigating the reputation of EO Hikari's cashback shows that the cashback form has changed, but the campaign has been held in the past.

There are various cases where you can get cash or a gift certificate, but I'm glad that cashback is being held!

The EO light apartment type draws optical fiber to the apartment, but the maximum communication speed varies depending on the wiring method from the apartment to each room.

The following is described after the maximum communication speed for each method, but it is important to note that the VDSL or Ethernet system is often slow.

VDSL方式最大100Mbps電話回線を利用した 高速デジタルデータ通信技術で提供 (各戸まで配線された電話線を流用)
光配線方式【100Mコースの場合】 最大100Mbps 【1ギガコースの場合】 最大1Gbps光ファイバーケーブルを 各戸まで直結

When I was investigating the reputation of the communication speed of the EO light apartment type, I found that the communication speed was slow when the 100m course was selected or the wiring method was a VDSL system.

The actual communication speed varies depending on the communication environment and the connection time, but it is necessary to be careful if the maximum communication speed itself is not at least the speed.

Even in the case of an optical distribution system that draws an optical fiber to the room, if you apply for a 100m course, the maximum communication speed is only one -tenth of the 100 Mbps and one giga course, so be careful.

If you want to use EO light in an apartment, you need to first check if EO light has been introduced in the apartment, and if it is not introduced, it is necessary to check with the management company or landlord if it is possible to introduce it.

In condominiums, it is not possible to contract with EO light without permission in apartments, so it is necessary to confirm that it is necessary to confirm that it can be introduced.

Check out the reputation of EO light!Support?Is there a communication failure?

I picked up not only the reputation and precautions about EO light, but also other items that I was interested in.

The following two items have been picked up this time.

Each of them has also investigated the reputation, so let's look at it one by one.

First, let's check the reputation of the EO light support system.

Although it is a high possibility that it will be used after the contract, it has been reputed that it was good and polite when the reputation was investigated.

I think word of mouth often speaks when you have a bad impression, but you can guess that there are many good reviews with good impressions!

Of course, it has a negative reputation, but it's a good trend to have a lot of positive reputation!

First, let's look at the reputation that has a good impression.

There is also a reputation for being able to solve it as soon as we consulted with other companies.

It has a reputation for being able to respond at any time.

It has a reputation that it will respond carefully even if there is no cause.

【最新】eo光の評判は本当におすすめ? メリットと注意点を口コミから徹底解説 | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

In addition to good reputation, it has a reputation that it cannot be solved immediately after consulting with support, and it is poor.

From now on, we will check the reputation of the EO light support system that is not very good.

Some have reputed that the specific response was not good, and others criticized that the response itself was not good.

Depending on the content of consultation, it seems that consultation in fields that cannot be handled may take some time.

I can't measure the actual situation until I actually consult with myself, but as a result of investigating the reputation, I found a lot of good reputation.

Next, let's look at the reputation of EO light next.

EO Hikari is an optical line of its own line, but it has been difficult to connect due to communication failures several times.

When I checked the reputation of EO light communication disorder, I found a reputation that communication disorders had occurred and could not be connected.

According to the reputation of past communication disorders, it seems that communication disorders have also occurred due to weather conditions.

First, let's check the actual reputation.

Communication disorders can be widespread in the area of EO light, or in some areas.

When a communication failure occurs, the web of the EO light can be transmitted to confirm the disability information.

Quote: EO Hikari

The line test can be performed on the page of the disability information list, and it is possible to check if there is a failure in where you use it or not.

One of the advantages is that you can quickly check whether a disability has occurred in order to narrow down the wide -area failure information from the area you are using.

EO Hikari provides not only transmitting disability information on the web, but also services that let us know LINE and Twitter.

If the service of EO light occurs, there is a service that notifies LINE or Twitter of "service failure information" in the event and restoration.

Quote: EO Hikari

The following methods to receive service disorder information on LINE and Twitter are as follows.

How to receive service disorder information on LINE

  1. eo LINE公式アカウントを友だち登録する
  2. トーク画面を開いて、メニューの〔ID連携〕をタップし、eoIDとの連携を行う

How to receive service disorder information on Twitter

  1. ホーム画面上部の〔検索ボタン〕をタップ
  2. 「@eosupport」を検索して〔フォローする〕をタップ
  3. ベルのアイコン(ツイートされたら通知が来るようになるボタン)をタップし、アカウント通知設定を行う

You can also check the disability information and maintenance information on the EO My Page.

I don't know because there is no information even if I have a disability!That doesn't seem so much!

The best thing is that there is no communication failure, but it is good to be able to know the occurrence status by multiple means.

[Latest in 2022] EO Hikari official campaign information

EO Light Benefitsや注意点などを評判を踏まえてチェックしてきましたが、ここではeo光の公式で開催されているキャンペーン情報をご紹介します。

As of 2022, there are many campaigns in EO Hikari.

Let's look at it one by one.

Quote: EO Hikari

In addition to the campaign where you can get a 10,000 yen gift certificate for a new transfer, EO Hikari is currently holding a campaign to get 5,000 yen in cash by answering the questionnaire after applying.

It is important to note that only the "home type" and "maison type" are subject to benefits, but it is a great campaign because you can get 15,000 yen benefits in the questionnaire answer.

Quote: EO Hikari

If you apply for an EO light apartment type, you will not be able to receive a 5,000 yen cashback at the time of the questionnaire, and you will be able to receive a 3,000 yen gift certificate.

Quote: EO Hikari

The contents of the cashback benefits of EO light are summarized for each type.

ホームタイプメゾンタイプ10,000円分の商品券現金5,000円 キャッシュバック

The gift certificate will be sent in about one month after the opening of the EO light!

Be careful because the cashback that you can get with a new or transfer application will be received with a gift certificate instead of cash.

In addition to the gift certificate for 10,000 yen, it is also possible to change to "IoT set present" or "EO mesh Wi-Fi up to 2 years free" benefits in addition to gift certificates.

Quote: EO Hikari

The following three campaigns can be applied by applying for home type or maison type.

特典受け取りパターン選べる特典アンケート返答で 受け取り可能
パターン110,000円分の商品券 プレゼント現金5,000円 キャッシュバック
パターン3eoメッシュWi-Fi 最大2年間無料

Please check the following for the "IoT set gift campaign" of pattern 2 and 3 and "EO mesh Wi-Fi up to 2 years free campaign".

Quote: EO Hikari

In EO Hikari, a campaign will be conducted to receive an IoT set after opening the home type maison type.

It is a campaign that does not apply when applying from a consumer electronics retailer, so be sure to apply from the web window.

It is important to note that it cannot be used together with the 10,000 yen gift certificate design campaign and EO mesh Wi-Fi for up to 2 years.

The model number and color of the IoT set to be presented may be changed, but it can be said that it is a great campaign because you can just apply for the campaign.

It seems that you can get the gift of the IoT set about two months after opening.

Note that the apartment type is not applicable because the target is the home type or the maison type.

Quote: EO Hikari

EO mesh Wi-Fi is a device that can expand the range where Wi-Fi is comfortable, and has the following advantages.

EO Mesh Wi-Fi merit

Quote: EO Hikari

Therefore, if you live in a detached house and it is difficult to reach Wi-Fi to the second floor, if it is difficult to reach the radio wave with reinforced concrete, or if the number of connected equipment is large and communication is unstable, it will be received from the nearby radio wave interference.It is a recommended service in case.

EO Hikari can usually rent EO mesh Wi-Fi for 550 yen per month, but can be used for up to 2 years free by applying a campaign.

Wi-Fi of the house is difficult to connect!It's a nice campaign if you think!

Note that it cannot be used together with the 10,000 yen gift certificate design campaign and IoT set gift campaign.

Quote: EO Hikari

In the EO Hikari, we carry out a campaign where the monthly fee will be discounted by 110 yen per month if you apply for the EO Hikari net and Netflix.

Netflix is the world's largest video distribution service, and you can enjoy movies, animations, dramas, etc.!

EO Hikari Netflix Pack can choose between a standard plan or a premium plan that supports 4K images.

The difference between the standard plan and the premium plan is as follows.

料金― eo光ネット Netflixパックに含まれています+490円/月

In the case of new and transfer, you can receive the benefits of Netflix 1 year (privilege A) or Netflix 4 years + Media Player Pretty (Bonus B).

If you are already using EO, you can use one EO ticket to apply 1,490 yen from monthly fee for 3 months.

EO tickets are tickets that can be obtained according to the EO member rank.The expiration date is 5 years, and it can be used for equipment replacement and EO services.

Quote: EO Hikari

You can select various benefits, but let's look at the usage simulation when applying a new and transferring to EO Hikari and applying the Netflix 1 year plastic privilege A.

1年目 キャンペーン適用あり2年目
1ギガコース Netflixパック3,138円6,828円
5ギガコース Netflixパック3,650円7,340円
10ギガコース Netflixパック4,220円7,910円

* All prices including tax

The above is the price when the standard plan is applied, and if you want a premium plan, you will need 490 yen / month addition to the above amount.

In addition, the simulation when using EO lights is as follows.

1ギガコース Netflixパック6,828円eoチケット1枚のご利用で 1,490円を3カ月間割引
5ギガコース Netflixパック7,780円
10ギガコース Netflixパック8,350円

* All prices including tax

This is also the price when the standard plan is applied, and if you want a premium plan, it will be plus 490 yen / month.

This is a perfect campaign when you are considering a video distribution service as a contract for an optical line.

Quote: EO Hikari

EO Hikari has a campaign called "EO Life Start Discount", and can be used at a great price, such as the actual free construction cost and the monthly fee discounted.

The benefits of EO living start discount are as follows.

Quote: EO Hikari

EO Hikari can be applied to the EO living start discount where various benefits are applied, so even if the cashback amount is not large, the real charge is not high and you can use it at a discount.

In addition, the actual free benefits of the standard construction cost are a privilege that will discount the construction costs per month, so if you cancel the EO light during the campaign, the remaining bonds of the construction cost will be generated.So be careful.

Quote: EO Hikari

When switching an optical line, a cancellation penalty may be incurred if you switch outside the contract renewal month.

The EO Hikari is holding a campaign to cash back the terms of cancellation and removal costs when switching from another company with a maximum of 50,000 yen.

In the case of a condominium type, it will be a cashback of up to 15,000 yen.

It is a nice campaign because it costs a lot if a new opening work is performed after a cancellation penalty and a removal cost will be incurred!

EO Hikari has a campaign that will be free for opening construction costs, so you can use it with low initial costs.

The costs corresponding to the cancellation penalty and removal cost are as follows.

The procedure for receiving the cashback is as follows.

Cancellation penalty / Removal cost How to receive cashback

  1. Webから申請または申請書を郵送する
  2. 開通から7ヶ月目以降に受付番号が来る(eoメールとハガキ)
  3. メール送信日から40日以内に手続きを行う 入力内容:受付番号、認証キー、振り込み口座情報など
  4. キャッシュバック受け取り

The receipt requires a copy of the certificate that shows the amount of the cancellation penalty and the removal cost, so if you wish to receive it, prepare the required documents.

Quote: EO Hikari

EO Hikari has a campaign that allows you to use wireless routers that are convenient for WiFi for 12 months.

EO light router rental can be rented for free with a wired router, but a wireless router usually requires 105 yen (tax included) per month.

It is not expensive at 105 yen (tax included) per month, but it is a nice campaign to be able to use it for 12 months just by applying for a campaign!

In addition, if it is difficult to connect with a wireless router alone, it is also providing a service that can rent a mesh Wi-Fi that is hard to interrupt communication.

In addition, a campaign that can rent a mesh Wi-Fi for free for a limited time is held, so I will introduce it in the next item.

Quote: EO Hikari

EO Hikari holds a campaign that allows you to use "fraud wall", a security software specializing in detecting fraud sites for 12 months.

It is essential to use security software to use the Internet.

Even if you are wondering which security software to use, it's a perfect campaign to try it out.

Normally, it costs 385 yen (tax included) per month (165 yen for EO security pack and set), so you can use it at a great price.

Quote: EO Hikari

The EO Security Pack is a service that has a full -packed service of McAfee and Remote Support, which are general security software.

By applying this campaign, an EO security pack that usually requires 275 yen is available for 12 months free.

Quote: EO Hikari

Contents of EO security packs

Quote: EO Hikari

This is a campaign that offers a monthly fee for EO Hikari TV by 1,582 yen for 11 months by applying for EO Hikari and EO Hikari TV at the same time.

Note that the campaign will only be the home type or maison type of EO light.

EO Hikari TV also has a TV tuner that supports 4K as standard.

However, the standard 4K tuner does not have a recording function, so if you want to record, you can use a 4K tuner with a recording function by 770 yen (tax included).

EO Hikari holds a campaign where you can use a 4K TV tuner with a recording function at a great price, so I will introduce it below.

Quote: EO Hikari

It is a TV tuner with a 4K recording function that can be used as an option on EO Hikari TV, but it can be used for up to 2 months free by applying this campaign.

Quote: EO Hikari

The normal 4K TV tuner is free of charge, but it is a recommended campaign if you want to enjoy recording.

Quote: EO Hikari

If you apply for the U-NEXT of the EO Hikari and the video distribution service at the same time, there is also a campaign where U-NEXT will be unlimited for up to 3 months.

Please note that the target U-NEXT plan is only for the "Monthly Plan" work, and other works will be charged separately.

It is a good idea to remember that U-NEXT's monthly plan is 1,089 yen (tax included) from the monthly fee, so it is good to remember that the claim from U-NEXT does not disappear.

It is also important to remember that the discount information of the campaign (both the monthly fee of the U-NEXT and the EO line fee discount) is not displayed in the usage details during the campaign application period.

Quote: EO Hikari

If you apply for the video distribution service Hulu and EO Hikari at the same time, you will be able to see Hulu's "Unlimited Watching" works for up to 3 months.

It is a campaign to discount 1,026 yen (tax included), which is equivalent to Hulu's monthly plan, from monthly fee.

Please note that there is no duplication with the first month free applied to those who applied for Hulu for the first time!

It is also a nice point that EO Hikari has a substantial campaign where video distribution services can be used at a great price.

Quote: EO Hikari

If you apply for the EO Home type or Maison type and EO electricity, it is a campaign that discounts the monthly fee of EO light 550 yen (tax included) for 12 months.

This is one of the discount benefits of the EO living start discount that is introduced in the "[Construction costs real free & monthly discount] EO Life Start Discount].

Even if you apply for eo light and EO electricity at the same time, it can be applied even if you apply for one service and apply for one service, so it is advantageous to remember.

Procedure to apply for EO Hikari [EO Hikari Official Window is advantageous]

EO Light Benefitsや注意点、開催されているキャンペーンについて解説してきましたが、ここではeo光を実際に申し込む手順をご紹介します。

EO Hikari is the most advantageous and recommended to apply from the official window, so explain the procedure to apply from the official.

If you apply from the official, you can apply a great EO living start discount, and it is recommended because it has a lot of support.

  1. eo光公式Web窓口から申し込み
  2. 開通工事の日程を調整する
  3. 工事を行い、開通
  4. キャッシュバックの受け取り申請を行う

Let's look at the application procedure one by one.

Quote: EO Hikari

First, apply from the official EO light window.

If you click the application button on the web, it will be a screen to select the home type, maison type, and apartment type, so click on the corresponding point.

Quote: EO Hikari

In the case of the home type, the screen search (postal code, address, map) screen will be the screen, so first check if your home is in the provided area before applying.

Quote: EO Hikari

In the case of a maison type or condominium type, it will be transferred to an apartment search, so make sure that EO light can be used in apartments you want to use.

Quote: EO Hikari

Confirm, fill in the necessary information and apply.

After applying, adjust the schedule for opening work.

It is necessary to stand up to open, so let's have a day when you can make a schedule.

We will adjust the construction date and actually work.

After the construction is completed, if you set the router etc., you will start using EO light.

EO Hikari has a cashback campaign, but the reception number for receiving the campaign will be sent to the registered e -mail address about two months after opening.

It is necessary to enter the necessary information within 40 days from the date of the email, so be sure to check and when the date it is opened or two months will be around.

Frequently Asked Questions about EO Hikari

Here are some common questions about EO Hikari.

Then I will explain one by one.

To cancel the EO Hikari, you need to contact the cancellation by phone.

It is important to note that if you cancel the EO light, you will need to remove the line.

The removal cost is 0 to 18,700 yen, so be sure to check how much you need before cancellation.

In addition, if the EO light is canceled during the minimum usage period, a cancellation of 13,200 yen for less than one year is required for less than one year, and 6,600 yen for less than two years.

EO Light 5 Giga and 10 Giga Plan has a maximum communication speed of 5 giga and 10 giga, respectively, and high -speed communication is possible.

If you want to use the Internet comfortably, such as telework or online classes, one giga plan is enough, but if you want to enjoy large -capacity communication with the whole family, 5 giga trees are recommended, and 10 giga trees are recommended if you want to enjoy online games without stress.。

However, it is important to note that the 5 giga and 10 giga plans are still smaller than 1 Giga Plan.

Quote: EO Hikari

The area to be offered is not too narrow because the area is expanding, but keep in mind that some areas cannot be used.

EO Hikari has a fixed monthly data communication amount for each course, and communication speeds may be restricted if communication that exceeds the upper limit for three consecutive months.

The upper limit of the course used and the monthly data communication volume is as follows.

For example, if you have applied for a 1 giga course, the maximum communication speed may be restricted if you do more than 5 TB more than 5 TB per month.

If you are subject to restrictions, you should be careful if you continue to do large -capacity communications, as the announcement email will be sent from the EO Hikari.

You can see how much monthly data communication amount is used from the EO My Page.

You can check the data traffic for the past three months, so it's a good idea to check how much communication you are doing or to restrict communication.

Kansai Electric Power Group, which operates the EO Hikari, also operates a cheap smartphone mineo.

Even if you sign up for both EO Hikari and mineo, there is no smartphone set discount that will discount the smartphone fee often found in other companies, but the monthly fee for the EO light net will be discounted by 330 yen (tax included) for 12 months.A campaign is being held.

If you use a smartphone set of other companies, the smartphone fee will be discounted, so it will be advantageous for the entire household communication cost, but in the case of EO Hikari x mineo, the monthly fee of EO Hikari (net) will be advantageous.。

In addition, if you have a contract for mineo, a campaign is underway to receive a cashback of 10,000 yen in cash if you apply for the EO Home Maison type.

EO Hikari is a great deal to apply to au Smart Value, which is a set discount with au smartphone, and the smartphone set with mineo is also advantageous, so it is a recommended optical line for au users or mineo users.


EO Hikari is an optical line of its own line that can be used in the Kansai region, and is recommended for au users because it has a set with au smartphone.

When considering the optical line, what you care about is not only the great deal, but also the "reputation" of how people who actually use it feel.

本記事で実際にEO Light Benefitsとそれぞれの評判を調査した結果は以下のとおり。

In addition, we have investigated not only the benefits but also the points you want to be aware of in conjunction with the reputation, so please check it out.

EO Light BenefitsPoints to note about EO light

We investigated not only the benefits and precautions, but also items that are worrisome when actually using it.

As a result of investigating the reputation of each item, there are advantages and disadvantages, and there are good reputation and bad reputation, but because of the relatively large reputation in addition to the low price and the speed of communication speeds, the recommended optical line.It can be said.

In addition, since the official application for EO Hikari is also recommended for the campaign, please check out "[latest in 2022] EO light official campaign information".


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