[Latest] Is Qt Mobile's reputation good?Thorough explanation of benefits and precautions, recommended people!

In conclusion, QT Mobile is a cheap SIM service that can be operated more than other companies if you live in the Kyushu region that contracts Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ Hikari.

QT mobileのメリットQT mobileの注意点

In this article, we will thoroughly explain the reputation of QT Mobile!

We will thoroughly explain the benefits, precautions, recommended people, etc., as well as the outline!

If you are considering an application for QT Mobile, please take a look.

豊富なデータ容量から自分の使い方に合ったプランを選べる「QT mobile」

You can use it with QT Mobile even on a terminal purchased from 3 major carriers!No troublesome SIM unlock procedure!

See Qt Mobile in detail


First, check the overview and price plan of QT Mobile!

The cheap SIM "QT Mobile" provided by Kyushu Electric Power's group company QTNET.

QT Mobile supports DOCOMO, au and SoftBank three lines, and the contract plan is divided into D -type, A type, and S type!

First of all, let's get a rough outline of what kind of service QT Mobile is.

【QT mobileの概要表】
使用回線・Dタイプ:NTTドコモ Xi・FOMA ・Aタイプ:au 4G LTE・au 3G ・Sタイプ:ソフトバンク 4G LTE・3G

* In the case of D / A type

【データ+通話コース】 ・2GB:1,100円 ・3GB:1,540円 ・6GB:1,760円 ・10GB:1,980円 ・20GB:2,200円 ・30GB:3,300円

[Data course] ・ 2GB: 770 yen ・ 3GB: 990 yen ・ 6GB: 1,430 yen ・ 10GB: 1,650 yen ・ 20GB: 1,870 yen ・ 30GB: 2,970 yen

初期費用・契約事務手数料:3,300円 ・SIM発行手数料:375円
実測値平均下り速度:18.48Mbps 平均上り速度:9.37Mbps
キャンペーン・iPhone限定30,000円キャッシュバック ・かけ放題加入で3,000円キャッシュバック ・九電グループsummaryてあんしん割 ・BBIQ会員限定特典 ・おともだち紹介特典

* All prices include tax※2022年2月時点のみんなのネット回線速度のデータを引用

In QT Mobile, the line used varies depending on the contract type, but also the monthly fee fluctuates.

In the old fee plan, the D -type D -type D -type was the most affordable contract type.

However, in the new rate plan that started on October 1, 2021, the AU line A type is the same as the D type, making it easier to use.

I understand the characteristics of Qt Mobile, but it's difficult to judge whether it's a service that suits you.

Whether you are right for you is to judge whether you will be attracted to the recommended points to be introduced in the future!

I will explain in detail what parts are recommended for the above five points.

See Qt Mobile in detail

QT Mobile's merits and reviews / reputation

If you are considering Qt Mobile, decide on the application depending on how attractive you are in the following five benefits.

About the above five benefits, we will dig deeper while introducing users' reviews.

Abundant price plan that can be used without waste

With QT Mobile, you can choose a plan that matches your usage from a wealth of data capacity of 2 to 30GB of 2 to 30GB.

You can choose not only a plan with voice calls, but also a course that supports data communication only, so it is recommended to use it as a second sub -skiphone.

This person seems to be attractive not only in the large capacity of QT Mobile but also in the small capacity plan.

I felt like a service that could be selected too much, and it was a difficult service.

It's okay, so it may feel difficult if it's just a sentence, but it should be easy to understand in the table!


* All prices include tax※Sタイプの()内は7ヶ月目以降の料金


* All prices include tax※Sタイプの()内は7ヶ月目以降の料金

In this way, QT Mobile can be operated within 1,000 yen for any type of data course.

So how much is the price for a plan with voice calls compared to other companies?

I compared QT Mobile and other companies' cheap SIMs and cheap plans and monthly fees, so please check the difference.

容量QT mobile (D・Aタイプ)ワイモバイルmineoBIGLOBEモバイルahamopovo
1GB1,298円1,078円390円 (7日間)

* All prices include tax

You can see that Qt Mobile may be higher or chose depending on the service and capacity you compare.

However, in Qt Mobile, a set discount can be assembled, so if it can be applied, there is a high possibility that it can be operated more than other companies.

Also, if the new rate plan starts on October 1, 2021, it is a great advantage that you can contract at a discount than a cheap career plan!

Selectable 3 lines

As I mentioned earlier, QT Mobile can choose your favorite line from DOCOMO, au and SoftBank.

The choice of a line means that you can use it with QT Mobile even on terminals purchased from 3 major carriers.

If you choose the same line type as the contracted career, it is attractive for some people that you can use your smartphone as it is without a troublesome SIM unlock procedure!

Naturally, if you unlock the SIM, you can use a different carrier line than before, so it is also an advantage that you have a high degree of freedom.

This person describes the convenience of the cheap SIM that supports 3 carriers.

Qt Mobile supports 3 carriers, so even those who have trouble locking the SIM are easy to switch.

However, as mentioned earlier, the monthly fee varies depending on the line type, so be sure to check before applying.


* All prices include tax※Sタイプの()内は7ヶ月目以降の料金

Differences in the monthly fee for data courses are described in the "A wealth of price plan that can be used without waste".

It is important to note that not only the price but also the communication speed is slightly different for each line type.

タイプ名 (キャリア)エリア最大速度
Dタイプ (ドコモ)Xiエリア下り:150Mbps 上り:50Mbps
FOMAエリア下り:14Mbps 上り:5.7Mbps
Aタイプ (au)4G LTEエリア下り:100Mbps 上り:25Mbps
3Gエリア下り:9.2Mbps 上り:5.5Mbps
Sタイプ (ソフトバンク)4G LTEエリア下り:172Mbps 上り:15Mbps
3Gエリア下り:21Mbps 上り:5.7Mbps

In this way, you can see that the communication speed is not much different depending on the contract type.

Since the D / A type can be contracted at a great price, those who use docomo and au do not need SIM locking procedures, so it is recommended to contract with the corresponding line type!

Set discount campaign with Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ Hikari

QT Mobile is a good deal at regular rates, but if you apply a set discount with Kyushu Electric Power or BBIQ Hikari, you can further reduce the monthly fee.

It is easy to understand what kind of contents are divided into the set.


This is a set -off service that allows you to receive discounts on smartphone charges by contracting your home electricity with Kyushu Electric Power and QT Mobile.

If you apply, you will receive a discount of 110 yen per month from the monthly fee of QT Mobile, but you need to be careful that you need to apply separately.


If you are a BBIQ subscriber, you can get a monthly fee discount on your smartphone by using Qt Mobile at the same time.

At the time of applying, the 2GB plan is 110 yen, and for 3-30GB, 220 yen is deducted from the monthly QT Mobile monthly fee.

The set discount with BBIQ is different from Kyushu Electric Power, so there is no need to apply separately.

If you apply two sets, you can get a maximum of 330 yen per month from the monthly fee of QT Mobile, so I would like to consider it aggressively!

He seems to have decided to continue using Qt Mobile while considering a cheap plan for major carriers.

If it is a new rate plan of QT Mobile, there is a possibility that it can be operated at a discount than a cheap plan for major carriers by making full use of the set discount.

Unfortunately, both Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ are services for those living in the Kyushu region.

Inevitably, the set discount is also a service limited to Kyushu region, so not all areas can be applied.

If you live in the Kyushu region, you should keep in mind that if you live in the Kyushu region, it is a cheap SIM that will be even better than the regular price.

Happy and fulfilling service

QT Mobile is also characterized by a variety of services that are pleased with users, such as free telephone support and smartphone usage guides.

Even if you have any problems after the QT Mobile contract, you can receive free phone support from 9:00 to 20:00 all year round.

QT mobile電話窓口0120-986-0089時~20時(年中無休) ※12/31~1/3は9時~18時

This person actually has the convenience of Qt Mobile's free phone support.Like this review, QT Mobile has a support system, such as free calls and chat.

In addition to free phone support, QT Mobile also offers chat support for operators to respond on the official website.

In addition, there is also a inquiry system that can be easily asked on LINE, so it is safe even if you are in trouble!

For beginners who do not know how to use smartphones, we are enriching guide content on the official website is one of the reasons we can recommend QT Mobile for a wide range of people.

In addition, although it is a fee, you can add a "safe filtering" function option if you pay 385 yen per month.

A safe filtering is a function that allows you to block dangerous web pages and apps, or watch the target smartphone from a remote place!

If you are a smartphone that has joined the options, you can limit the Internet usage and terminal use time, so it should be useful when you have a smartphone for the first time.

Even if you are worried about the safe filtering function, it is difficult to try it because it is charged, but now you can use it for up to two months.

"Terminal compensation service" that can register up to 5 units for 550 yen

QT Mobile is a nice point that you can receive a generous "terminal compensation service" by paying 550 yen per month.

【最新】QT mobileの評判は良いの? メリット・注意点、おすすめの人を徹底解説!

But isn't the terminal compensation available for other cheap SIMs at the same price?

That's true, but the terminal compensation of QT Mobile is a bit different.

QT Mobile's terminal compensation service is for up to 5 tablets, smartphones, and mobile routers.

What is worth noting is that the target terminal also includes terminals purchased other than QT Mobile.

There are not many cheap SIMs that offer services included in the range of up to 5 other companies in other companies.

I know that the compensation is generous, but if it breaks down, can I think that I can repair it completely free of charge?

Whether it is free depends on whether the terminal is repaired or replaced!

修理無料 ※最大40,000円までは完全無料
交換1回目:4,400円 2回目:8,800円

* All prices include tax

If you replace it, it will be charged, but if it is repaired, you can respond free of charge.

Please keep in mind that repair and exchange correspondence is up to twice a year.

This person seems to be surprised by the height of the cospa, including the terminal compensation of QT Mobile.

Considering that QT Mobile's terminal compensation is also subject to other terminals, it can be said that 550 yen is good enough!

If you apply for a terminal compensation service, the monthly fee of 550 yen will be free, so it is recommended that you join when you apply for QT Mobile.

Qt Mobile's precautions and reviews / reputation

When applying for Qt Mobile, be sure to look at not only benefits but also precautions so that you do not regret the contract.

I will explain in detail the above three precautions.

The price varies depending on the line you apply for

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that can be selected from three lines, but you must be aware that the fee varies depending on the application line type.

It is especially important to be careful about those who are considering S -type S -type contracts on the SoftBank line!

Compared to the D -type DOCOMO line and the AU line A type fee, the S type fee is expensive.

If you are considering the D type of the SoftBank line, we also recommend LINEMO or Y -Mobile if you value the price.

While this person has contracted a line other than DOCOMO with QT Mobile, he seems to have advised that he should switch to another line.

However, with the new rate plan, the price of docomo and au line does not change.

It's a good idea to remember that if you are using SoftBank line, you may be able to save a line by changing the line!

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the price of the D / A type is relatively low for the whole cheap SIM, so it is recommended for those who are not particular about the SoftBank line.

It is a content specializing in living in the Kyushu region

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that is a good deal for the DOCOMO line and the Au line A type.

However, in order to operate at the lowest price compared to other cheaper SIMs other companies, "Kyuden Group Collection and BBIQ x QT Mobile Set Discount" must be applied.

If you apply two sets, a total of 330 yen discounts will be applied, so it can be said that it is better than other companies because of the low price of the normal price.

This person states that not only smartphones but also fixed lines and electricity should be unified to the Kyushu Electric Power Group service.

Keeping Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ light can save communication costs, but keep in mind that it is a discount service limited to Kyushu region.

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that is good enough for regular fees, considering the thorough support system and generous terminal compensation.

However, in order to operate at the cheapest price, it is necessary to apply a set discount, so remember that it is a service for those living in the Kyushu region.

All shops that can trade face -to -face are all in the Kyushu region

In Qt Mobile, there are shops that can be traded face -to -face, but please note that all are only in the Kyushu region.

For those who want to apply while consulting directly or want to receive the advice of specialized staff if they are in trouble, it may be inconvenient.

There are only nine stores in the Kyushu region, as shown below.

The number of stores is small in this way, so even those who live in the Kyushu region will need to exchange online online.

While this person is considering a QT mobile contract, he seems to be hesitant to apply because he cannot receive the store service.

If you feel convenient about the store services of major carriers, you may be more suitable for services that have a large number of stores nationwide!

However, QT Mobile supports telephone, chat support, and LINE inquiries that can be handed over all year round.

In addition, there are few actual stores, not only QT Mobile, but also disadvantages that can be said for the whole cheap SIM, so if you value the price, it will be inevitable.

People who recommend Qt Mobile

From the benefits and precautions we have introduced so far, I will explain what kind of service QT Mobile is recommended for.

If you are not sure about the QT mobile application, check how much you apply to the following items!

I will explain why Qt Mobile is recommended for such people.

See Qt Mobile in detail

People who want to reduce communication costs

QT Mobile is a service that can be used at a great price even if you look at the DOCOMO line D type and au line A type.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, if you have a 20GB plan, you can use your smartphone more than a cheap plan for a carrier such as AHAMO!

If you want to keep the communication costs down, consider the QT Mobile's D / A type contract.

People who are using or considering Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ Hikari

Qt Mobile can apply two sets and operate at a great price if you subscribe to Kyushu Electric Power and BBIQ.

As I have said so far, QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that is good enough even at regular rates.

If you apply a set discount to the regular price, you can use your smartphone at the cheapest fee even if you look at the whole cheap SIM!

If you are currently using Kyushu Electric Power or BBIQ Hikari, or if you are considering a contract, QT Mobile is a recommended cheap SIM.

People who are considering transfer

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that supports the triple carrier of DoCoMo, au SoftBank.

If you are using three carriers, you can use the terminal as it is without the SIM unlocking procedure by selecting the corresponding line!

QT Mobile is a recommended cheap SIM for those who have trouble unlocking the SIM when transferring or who are particular about the line used.

Cheap smartphone that you want to consider with Qt Mobile

I know that Qt Mobile is attractive, but it may be a bit scary to apply without knowing other cheap SIMs.

Certainly, if you know only QT Mobile, it's hard to tell if it's the best for you.I will also introduce some recommended cheaper companies, so decide the application destination while comparing with QT Mobile!


See Rakuten Mobile in detail


See UQ Mobile in detail


See Y -Mobile in detail


See BIGLOBE Mobile in detail

Procedure from application for QT mobile to start of use

If you compare it to other companies cheap SIM and feel that Qt Mobile is right for you, move to the application procedure.

There are three ways to apply for QT Mobile: shop, telephone, and web site.

  1. 事前準備をする
  2. 公式サイトから申し込む
  3. 受け取り後、端末設定を行う

Here, we will explain the procedure for applying from the official website.

① Prepare in advance

When applying for Qt Mobile, you need to keep the following!

Please check the identity verification document in advance because the usable documents are fixed.

If you want to transfer from another company, if you want to continue using the phone number as it is, you must obtain a "MNP reservation number".

Here, we will introduce the acquisition window on the premise of switching from a major carrier to QT Mobile!

ドコモMy docomo24時間
ドコモ携帯電話:151 一般電話:0120-800-0009:00~20:00
auMy au24時間
ソフトバンクMy SoftBank24時間
ソフトバンク携帯電話:*5533 一般電話:0800-100-55339:00~20:00

Since the MNP reservation number has a 15 -day expiration date, please move to the Qt Mobile application procedure as soon as possible.

② Apply from the official website

First, after accessing the official website of Qt Mobile, select the line to use from the three types of D / A, S type from the application form.

After that, let's select the service content in order.

  1. 契約コースを選択
  2. オプションの有無を選択
  3. データ容量を選択
  4. 端末の購入有無を選択
  5. SIMカードのサイズを選択
  6. MNP利用の有無を選択

After all of these inputs, upload your identity verification documents to complete the application procedure.

③ After receiving, set the terminal

If there is no defect in the application, depending on the course, the SIM card / terminal will arrive in about 4 to 10 days.

In the case of a transfer, when the terminal arrives, don't forget to switch MNP from the "QTNET Member -only page"!

In order to connect to the Internet, the APN settings of the terminal are required.

The APN settings can be done without any problems if you proceed as instructed to "Communication (APN)" on the Qt Mobile official website.

Once the APN setting is completed, the use of Qt Mobile will start.

Frequently asked questions in Qt Mobile

最後にFrequently asked questions in Qt Mobileについて、Q&A形式で3つほどご紹介します。

The elements of each review are strong, but I think there are some points that you have missed, so please read them to the end.

What kind of mobile service is Qt Mobile?

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM provided by the Kyushu Electric Power Group's telecommunications company "QTNET".

The contract type is divided for each of the three lines of DoCoMo, au and SoftBank, each with different rates and communication speed!

Qt Mobile can use generous support and abundant options, so it is a recommended service for a wide range of people, from beginners to advanced users.

If you want to know more about Qt Mobile, "First, check the summary of Qt Mobile and the price plan!"Please refer to the.

What are the recommended points and precautions of Qt Mobile?

The recommended points and precautions of Qt Mobile are as follows.

If you want to know more about the recommended points of QT Mobile, please refer to "Qt Mobile's merits and word -of -mouth and reputation" and "Qt Mobile's precautions and reviews and reputation" for points to note.

People who recommend Qt Mobileはどんな人?

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM that can be recommended for those who apply more to the following items.

QT Mobile is a recommended service for those who want to reduce communication costs and those who are considering switching from major carriers.

For those who recommend Qt Mobile, we will explain in more detail in "Qt Mobile recommended".


This time, we have explained the merits, precautions, and the characteristics of recommended people for those who are considering Qt Mobile.

If you apply for Qt Mobile, you will find the following five benefits.

When applying for QT Mobile, you should be able to prevent regret by understanding not only the benefits but also the points to note.

From the above advantages and precautions, Qt Mobile is a cheap SIM recommended for the following people.

If you are considering Qt Mobile, please refer to this article and apply after fully understood not only the advantages but also the disadvantages.

See Qt Mobile in detail


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