Kyoto University elucidates the optical characteristics of methylanumonium lead chloride | Science and Technology / University News | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

[Science and technology / university]


(2018/2/12 05:00)

Professor Yoshihiko Kanemitsu of the Kyoto University Institute of Chemicals has elucidated the optical characteristics of methylanumonium chloride in the semiconductor.It can be expected to be used as a new blue light -emitting material."Photon recycling phenomenon" that repeats light release and reabsorption occurs efficiently.It has high light emission efficiency and has few defects and impurities.It leads to the development of high -efficiency high -efficiency blue light emitting diodes and light detectors.

The research group created a single crystal and a thin film sample for methyl anonium lead chloride.The correlation between light absorption and light emitting was examined in the light -emitting encouragement spectrum measurement method, which measures while changing the wavelength of the laser light that is absorbed.

As a result, there was an exciting child in which electrons and holes (empty seats) were integrated in the semiconductor, and it was confirmed that a photon recycling phenomenon was caused.Methylanium -chloride chloride can produce a high -quality thin film using a simple application process in a low -temperature environment.A type of halogen -shaped metal pellobskite semiconductor, which is attracting attention as a low -cost and efficient optical device material.

(2018/2/12 05:00)

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