Kasumigaura City Homepage Public Relations Kasumiura No196 July 2021 issue (published on July 20)

■[表紙]オリンピックの舞台で活躍誓う■かすみエールプレミアム商品券第3弾/事業継続力強化促進奨励金■神立駅周辺のにぎわい再生による持続可能なまちづくり/新型コロナウイルスワクチンの接種のお知らせ■地域包括支援センターってどんなところ?/空き家や空き地で困っていませんか■お知らせ/スポーツインフォメーション/シリーズ環境問題を考える■図書館だより/あじさい土曜名画座/歴史にふれる/文芸ひろば■健康&子育て情報/かすみっ湖子育て通信■まちのわだい■熱い想いを胸に いざオリンピックへ

Multi -language -friendly electronic distribution tool "Catalog pocket"

Public relations Kasumi can now read with the free app "Catalog Pocket".The "Catalog Pocket" is compatible with multi -language, and people who do not use Japanese as their native language can read public relations magazines.Furthermore, due to the automatic audio reading function and the enlargement function of characters, it is a public relations digital version that is friendly to the elderly and those with disabilities.Please see this page for the features of the "catalog pocket" and how to operate after installing the application.* "Catalog pocket" is a service provided by Morisawa Co., Ltd.

かすみがうら市ホームページ 広報かすみがうらNo196 2021年7月号(7月20日発行)

How to obtain and browse apps

Ibaraki Portal site "Ibarakie Books" that conveys the charm of Ibaraki prefecture

Ibarakai Books is a regional specialized e -book portal site that allows you to browse e -books in Ibaraki Prefecture for free on the Internet.

(Open with a new window)

This is not compatible with multilingualization and audio reading

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