It depicts the half-life of Tesla, an inventor a hundred years before the times. Comment on the movie Tesla Edison's afraid Genius

Speaking of "Tesla"?

The first thing that comes to mind is Mr. Elon Musk's electric car? But the name "Tesla Motors" actually comes from the slightly unusual inventor of the 19th century, Nicholas Tesla. Genius Elon fell in love with Tesla, the genius of the company name. What kind of person is he?

The currently released film "Tesla Edison's afraid Genius" shows its answer incisively and vividly.

Nikolai Tesla (1856-1943) was born in Croatia and went to the United States where he was a physicist, electrical engineer and inventor. Despite many great achievements, its name is not well known. Because of its low popularity in Japan, it is often introduced as Thomas Edison's biggest competitor. The same is true of the Japanese title of this work.

However, whether the name is a household name or not, it can be said that Tesla's invention supports modern society. Because Tesla is the born parent of AC electrical system.

The quagmire relationship with competitor Edison

I can't imagine life without electricity now. But just 150 years ago, the invisible power of electricity was considered dangerous magic. In such an era, Edison invented the incandescent lamp and lit up new hope in people's hearts.

Edison used to promote DC electrical systems. However, DC will cause a lot of loss in transmission. So when scientists around the world were exploring whether there were more effective ways to generate and transmit electricity, young Tesla invented the two-phase AC motor while walking in Budapest Park.

With an epoch-making communication motor, Tesla crossed the sea to visit the yearning veteran Edison. I wanted to admit my AC motor and work next to Edison, but unfortunately, Edison completely denied it. From this time on, the opposition between Tesla and Edison became clear, and soon the direct current school and the communication school would break out the "current war" for superiority.

As a result, it was Tesla's communication system that was chosen as the time. On the basis of the two-phase AC motor, Tesla, who successively invented induction motor, reluctance motor and synchronous motor, became the darling of the electric power revolution and achieved great success.

In the film, the battle between Tesla and Edison is humorous and is the biggest attraction. Edison, once a realist, was a playboy who was good at business. In contrast, Tesla is a romantic who constantly pursues his dreams, with zero sense of money and a desperate shy boy with a love bias. Perhaps it is because of such a contrasting competitor that the ability to invent each other is fully blossomed.

時代を100年先取りした発明家・テスラの半生を描く。映画『テスラ エジソンが恐れた天才』レビュー

Distressed by being a genius

In addition to the AC motor, Tesla also successively invented Tesla coil, wireless transmitter and discharge lighting prototype. Tesla's electric cars, microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, now finally become a reality of the wireless power supply system, as long as all restored to the original state, Tesla's invention can be realized. I am deeply moved once again that modern society has been blessed by his mind.

However, such a great inventor will also be nailed in the second half of his life. The source of funding was cut off and fell like a loser.

One of the reasons is Tesla's innovation. Tesla, who is expected to be more than 100 years old, was so innovative that he was not understood in the society at that time. Anyway, in the era of radio invention, Tesla has conceived a wireless communication system like Wi-Fi, so it is impossible for anyone to keep up with it.

Another reason is genius, but the price is. Tesla, who was once called a "child prodigy" at school, especially in mathematics, literature and linguistics, is actually perplexed by brain pathology, which is regarded as a genius.

In addition to this hallucination, Tesla is also an extraordinarily perfectionist with a penchant for cleanliness. He is also plagued by computational obsessive-compulsive disorder (temperament that cannot be calm without counting personal belongings), self-talk, women's fear of jewelry, bacteriophobia and so on.

In the film, Tesla's reality and hallucinations are intertwined and are sometimes imprisoned in Tesla's mind. Moreover, Ethan Hawk excellently portrays this difficult character with both one and two fetishes, which makes it impossible to see.

Why is Tesla now?

Tesla, who lived 100 years before the times. After his death, the impression of the "mad scientist" walking alone, although famous in supernatural areas, has long been forgotten by many people. What's the point of it coming here now to make a movie?

Director Michael Almeida first wanted to make a film about Tesla under the influence of a friend of enthusiastic Tesla fans at the age of 16, Poco'ce reported. Then at the age of 22, he tried to write a screenplay, and the then funding company went bankrupt unexpectedly. I always feel that the arrangement of the source of funds is like being cursed by Tesla's undead, and then it took more than 30 years for it to be made into a film. "Tesla Edison's afraid Genius."

Oddly enough, Tesla suffered a heart attack in his office in 1921 and ended his life of illness in 1943. This year is exactly the 100th year. In the world depicted by Tesla in his hospital bed at that time, we live now. Perhaps it can be said that the times finally caught up with Tesla.

Although Tesla has his own failures and setbacks, it is precisely because a scientist has taken over his future that science has been able to come down in one continuous line and develop. I thank Tesla for playing a particularly important role in the development of science. I also thank him for his kindness.

Tesla, as a great inventor, should be known more. In order to understand Tesla, you should watch this movie!


Reference:CineRack,BE-SQUARE, author of the unknown Genius Nikolai Tesla (a new book by the ordinary Society)

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