Is the disability discount applied to Rakuten Mobile? Thorough comparison with 3 major mobile carrier companies! | Beyond

Rakuten Mobile is popular because it can be used comfortably at any time without any restrictions on the amount of data communication that can be used. Since we are using a cheap SIM, the charge is also cheap.

Is such Rakuten Mobile applicable to the discount for persons with disabilities? In this article, we will introduce the availability of discounts for persons with disabilities on Rakuten Mobile, comparisons with the three major companies, and Rakuten Mobile's rate plans.

We compared Rakuten Mobile and the three major companies, and summarized the people who can and cannot recommend it. We hope that you will use it as a reference when choosing a smartphone carrier.

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Is there a discount for people with disabilities on Rakuten Mobile?

In the first place, what kind of discount is for people with disabilities, and what kind of discount you can get is also a concern. We will introduce an overview of discounts for persons with disabilities and whether or not there are discounts for persons with disabilities on Rakuten Mobile.

There are many places in the world that offer " disability discounts " for public transportation fares, admission fees for amusement facilities, and restaurants. Disability discount refers to a system that allows you to get on public transportation at a low fare and enjoy amusement facilities at a discounted price by presenting your disability certificate.

There are three types of disability certificate required to receive a discount: " Physical Disability Certificate ", " Rehabilitation Certificate ", and " Mental Disability Certificate ". The more severe the symptoms of the disability, the lower the grade number.

In the case of people with disabilities, there are many situations where it costs more than healthy people due to medical expenses and home remodeling costs. In addition, there are many cases where it is difficult to move the train or it is not possible to move without a companion, so there are many people who go out less often and their relationship with society diminishes.

In order to create an environment where such people can live comfortably, the "Disability Discount" is a system that allows them to receive discounts when they go out.

Unfortunately, there is currently no disability discount on Rakuten Mobile. Currently, only three major carriers (excluding ahamo, povo, and LINEMO) offer discounts for persons with disabilities, docomo, au, and SoftBank.

In addition to the disability certificate, the discounts for persons with disabilities of the three major carriers hold a "certificate of recipient of medical care for specific diseases," "certificate of registrant of specific diseases," and "certificate of recipients of specific medical expenses (designated intractable diseases)." It is applicable even in the case. Therefore, even if the disability has not actually occurred yet, those who have an intractable disease of a specific disease can receive a disability discount.

Discounts for people with disabilities from three major mobile carriers

Then, what kind of disability discounts are specifically offered by the three major carriers? Basically, all three carriers offer discounts on basic charges and additional options.

We will introduce the specific contents of the disability discount for each carrier.

The name of the disability discount offered by SoftBank is Heart Friend Discount . Heart Friend Discount offers the following discounts.

In addition, the target plans are "Smartphone unlimited" and "Smartphone unlimited light". You can get the service by combining one of the rate plans with the Heart Friend Discount.

The name of the disability discount offered by docomo is Hearty Discount . Hearty Discount offers the following discounts.

In addition, the applicable rate plans are as follows. All 5G / Xi (Crossy) / FOMA rate plans below are eligible for discounts.

The name of the disability discount offered by au is Smile Heart Discount . Smile Heart Discount offers the following discounts.

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The applicable rate plans are as follows.

Rakuten Mobile does not have a discount for people with disabilities, but smartphone charges can be kept cheaper than the three major companies!

In this way, it was found that only three major carriers offer discounts for persons with disabilities, and Rakuten Mobile does not currently offer discounts for persons with disabilities. However, because the basic charge for Rakuten Mobile is low, the monthly charge may be lower than the rate plans of the three major carriers that use the discount for the disabled.

We will explain in detail the features of Rakuten Mobile (Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI) rate plans and the amount of data communication that can be used.

Rakuten Mobile's new plan " Rakuten UN-LIMIT " is a one-plan that changes the charge according to the amount of data communication in the current month. Therefore, you can use the data as much as you want without any upper limit. You can reduce the monthly fee for months when you do not use much data communication.

No matter how much data communication is performed, the monthly charge is up to 3,278 yen (tax included) . The basic charge will not be higher than this. Therefore, it is highly recommended for those who perform a lot of data communication.

Then, if you actually compare "Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI" with the discounts for persons with disabilities of three major carriers, which one is more profitable? We have created a table comparing the rate plans of Rakuten Mobile with the rates of discounts for persons with disabilities of three major carriers.

CareerService contents
Rakuten Mobile ~ 1GB: 0 yen ~ 3GB: 1,078 yen (tax included) / month ~ 20GB: 2,178 yen (tax included) / month 20GB ~ ​​(unlimited): 3,278 yen (tax included) / month
Heart Friend Discount (SoftBank) ○ Flat-rate data Ultra Giga Monster Data Flat-rate (50GB): 7,700 yen (tax included) / month Giga Monster Data Flat-rate (20GB): 6,600 yen (tax included) / month Data flat-rate (5GB): 5,500 yen (tax included) / month Data flat-rate Mini (2GB) 3,850 yen / month Data flat-rate mini (1GB) 3,190 yen (tax included) / month ○ Smartphone basic charge (including discount for people with disabilities) Flat-rate call charge (without 2-year contract for all-you-can-eat smartphone): 2,750 yen (tax included) / Monthly flat-rate light basic charge (smartphone unlimited light 2 year no contract): 1,650 yen (tax included) / month
Hearty discount (docomo)Fees including discounts for persons with disabilities ・ Gigalite ~ 1GB: 1,958 yen (tax included) / month ~ 3GB: 3,058 yen (tax included) / month ~ 5GB: 4,158 yen (tax included) / month ~ 7GB: 5,258 yen (tax included) / month ・ Gigaho Premier (60GB): 5,808 yen (tax included) / month
Smile Heart Discount (au)・ Pit plan 5G / 4G ~ 1GB: 2,178 yen (tax included) / month 1GB ~ 4GB: 3,278 yen (tax included) / month 4GB ~ 7GB: 4,928 yen (tax included) / month 330 yen (tax included) discount Pitatto plan ... 407 yen (tax included) discount from the basic charge

* This information is as of September 2021.

If you refer to this table, the monthly charge for Rakuten Mobile is 0 yen (tax included) to 3,278 yen (tax included). The monthly charge for Heart Friend Discount (SoftBank) is 4,290 yen (tax included) to 10,450 yen (tax included). The monthly charge for Hearty Discount (docomo) ranges from 1,958 yen (tax included) to 5,808 yen (tax included). Smile Heart Discount (au) ranges from 1,771 yen (tax included) to 6,908 yen (tax included).

In this way, Rakuten Mobile costs only 3,278 yen (tax included) at the maximum even with unlimited data traffic, so you can see that it is significantly cheaper than the monthly charges of the three major carriers after deducting the disability discount.

People who recommend Rakuten Mobile without using the discounts for people with disabilities from the three major mobile carriers

Three major carriers offer discounts for people with disabilities, but we found that monthly payments are more profitable if you use a cheap SIM such as Rakuten Mobile. Then, I will introduce the characteristics of people who recommend Rakuten Mobile other than the price.

The features of those who can recommend Rakuten Mobile are as follows.

I will explain the reasons for each recommendation.

Charges for Rakuten Mobile vary depending on the amount of data communication used for private use, but there is no limit to the amount of data communication itself. The charge will increase up to 20GB, and after that, the charge will not change no matter how much you use it.

Therefore, Rakuten Mobile is a great deal for those who use 20GB or more every month. Even if there is a month when the amount of data communication is low, the charge will change depending on the usage amount in that month, so there is no loss.

Rakuten mobile users can save Rakuten points . You can earn points by paying monthly, so you can earn more points without doing anything.

Rakuten points can be accumulated and used at Rakuten Ichiba online shopping, as well as at McDonald's, FamilyMart, and Mister Donut stores.

Rakuten Mobile has "Rakuten Mobile Line" and "Partner Line". Within the Rakuten mobile line area, you can use your smartphone comfortably with fast communication speed. Therefore, if you live within the Rakuten Mobile line area, Rakuten Mobile is definitely recommended.

People who cannot recommend Rakuten Mobile without disability discount

Unfortunately, depending on the service you want and your living area, Rakuten Mobile may not be recommended. Those who do not recommend using Rakuten Mobile are as follows.

I will explain these features in detail.

Rakuten Mobile charges include only basic data usage. Therefore, if you have a lot of time to talk or want to receive various services, the amount of money may be added more and more as an option.

In addition, there are places where disability discounts are effective for the options of the three major carriers, so if you want to add options, it may be cheaper to select the three major carriers as a result.

When performing data communication outside the Rakuten mobile line area, you will be automatically connected to the "partner line". Data communication can be performed with a partner line without any problem, but the speed will be slower than the Rakuten mobile line.

Therefore, if you want to use your smartphone comfortably, make sure to check the Rakuten mobile line area .

Precautions to check before subscribing to a smartphone with Rakuten Mobile

When subscribing to a Rakuten Mobile smartphone, please note the following two points.

If you do not check these two, you may not be able to use your smartphone smoothly after applying. Let's explain in detail.

First, check the Rakuten line area. Be sure to check in advance whether your area is in the Rakuten mobile line area.

The comfort level varies between the Rakuten mobile line area and the partner line, so it's best to check it out.

Some devices are not supported by Rakuten Mobile. Therefore, if you want to continue using the device you used before when switching, make sure that your smartphone is compatible with Rakuten Mobile.

If your device does not support it, you will need to replace it with a new one, so be careful.


In this article, we introduced the availability of disability discounts for Rakuten Mobile and the disability discounts for three major carriers.

Rakuten Mobile does not have a disability discount, but the price is considerably cheaper than the three major carriers after deducting the disability discount. If you are particular about the low price, we recommend the cheap SIM even if the disability discount does not work.

However, if you want to add more options, the three major carriers may be cheaper.

In addition, although the area of ​​Rakuten Mobile is currently expanding, there are still areas where Rakuten Mobile lines cannot be used. Therefore, if you are considering switching to Rakuten Mobile, check the line in your living area.

Rakuten Mobile official homepage SoftBank official homepage au official homepage

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