Is Rakuten Mobile a disabled discount?Thorough comparison with three major mobile carriers!

Rakuten Mobile is popular because there is no restriction on the amount of data that can be used and can be used comfortably at any time.Because we use cheap SIMs, the price is cheap.

Rakuten Mobile, is there a discount on the disabled?In this article, we will introduce the presence or absence of discounts on Rakuten Mobile, comparison with three major companies, and Rakuten Mobile.

We compare Rakuten Mobile and three major companies to summarize those who can recommend and those who cannot.I would be grateful if you could refer to the selection of smartphone carriers.

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Is Rakuten Mobile discounted with disabilities?

In the first place, what is a discount for the disabled, and what kind of discounts you can get?Introducing the outline of the discount for the disabled and the presence or absence of discounts on Rakuten Mobile.

What is a discount for the disabled?



[Conclusion] Rakuten Mobile has no discount for persons with disabilities


In addition to the three major carriers, the discounts for the disabled have a "specific disease medical receiver card", "registrant registrant certificate", and "specific medical expenses (designated intractable disease) recipients" in addition to the handbook for the disabled.Even if it is applied.Therefore, even if no disability has actually occurred, those who have intractable diseases of specific diseases can receive discounts.

Discounts for disabled people with three major mobile carriers

So, what specific disability discounts do three major carriers make a disability?Basically, all three carriers make basic discounts and options.

Here are the specific contents of the disabled discounts in each career.

Contents of SoftBank's disabled person (heart -friend discount)


The target plans are "smart all -you -can -eat" and "smart all -you -can -eat light".You can receive services by combining your heart -friend discount with any of the price plans.

Docomo's discount (Hearty discount)


The target price plan is as follows.The following 5G / XI (Crossy) / FOMA all charge plans are eligible for discounts.

Contents of au discount (Smile Heart)



The target price plan is as follows.

Rakuten Mobile has no discount for disabled people, but you can keep your smartphone fee cheaper than three major companies!

In this way, only three major carriers have made discounts on disabled people, and it has been found that there is no discount on Rakuten Mobile at present.Nevertheless, Rakuten Mobile is low in basic rates, so you may be able to reduce the monthly fee more than the price plan of three major carriers using discounts with disabilities.

I will explain in detail the features of Rakuten Mobile (Rakuten Un-Limitⅵ) and the available data communication volume.

Rakuten Mobile [Rakuten UN-Limit VI] is unlimited use of data and the monthly fee is up to 3,278 yen.

楽天モバイルの新プラン「Rakuten UN-LIMIT」は、当月のデータ通信量に応じて料金が変動するワンプランです。そのため、データは上限なく使い放題。データ通信をあまり行わなかった月は、月額を抑えられます。


Compare the discounts for the disabled and Rakuten Mobile of 3 major mobile carriers

Then, when comparing "Rakuten Un-Limitⅵ" and the discounts between the three major carriers, which is better?We have created a table comparing Rakuten Mobile price plans and discounts for disabled people for three major carriers.

楽天モバイル~1GB:0円 ~3GB:1,078円(税込)/月 ~20GB:2,178円(税込)/月 20GB~(無制限):3,278円(税込)/月
ハートフレンド割引(SoftBank)○データ定額料金 ウルトラギガモンスターデータ定額(50GB):7,700円(税込)/月 ギガモンスターデータ定額(20GB):6,600円(税込)/月 データ定額(5GB):5,500円(税込)/月 データ定額ミニ(2GB)3,850円/月データ定額ミニ(1GB)3,190円(税込)/月 ○スマートフォン基本料金(障害者割引込み) 通話定額基本料(スマ放題 2年契約なし):2,750円(税込)/月 通話定額ライト基本料(スマ放題ライト 2年契約なし):1,650円(税込)/月
ハーティ割引(docomo)障害者割引込みの料金 ・ギガライト ~1GB:1,958円(税込)/月 ~3GB:3,058円(税込)/月 ~5GB:4,158円(税込)/月 ~7GB:5,258円(税込)/月 ・ギガホプレミア(60GB):5,808円(税込)/月
スマイルハート割引(au)・ピタッとプラン5G/4G~1GB: 2,178円(税込)/月1GB~4GB: 3,278円(税込)/月4GB~7GB: 4,928円(税込)/月 ・障害者割引 使い放題MAX…基本料金から330円(税込)割引 ピタッとプラン…基本料金から407円(税込)割引

* These information is as of September 2021.

If you refer to this table, the monthly fee for Rakuten Mobile is 0 yen (tax included) to 3,278 yen (tax included).The monthly fee for the heart friend discount (SoftBank) is 4,290 yen (tax included) to 10,450 yen (tax included).The monthly fee for Hearty Discount (docomo) is 1,958 yen (tax included) to 5,808 yen (tax included).Smile heart discount (au) is from 1,771 yen (tax included) to 6,908 yen (tax included).

In this way, Rakuten Mobile is a maximum of 3,278 yen (tax included), even with unlimited data communication volume, so it can be seen that it is much cheaper than the monthly fee of three major carriers who deducted discounts on disabled people.

People who recommend Rakuten Mobile without using discounts for three major mobile carriers

Three major carriers have discounted disabled people, but it turns out that monthly payments are more advantageous if you use Rakuten Mobile and other cheap SIMs.Then, I will introduce the characteristics of those who recommend Rakuten Mobile other than the fee.

The features of those who can recommend Rakuten Mobile are as follows.

I will explain why each of them is recommended.

Those who have a lot of monthly data usage


Therefore, if you use more than 20GB every month, Rakuten Mobile is a great deal.Even if there is a month when the amount of data communication is small, the fee will change depending on the amount used in the month, so it will not be lost.

Those who want to accumulate and use Rakuten points


Rakuten points can be stored and used at McDonald's, FamilyMart, and Mr. Donut stores in addition to online shopping in Rakuten Ichiba.

Those who have a living area in the Rakuten line area


People who do not recommend Rakuten Mobile without a disability discount

Unfortunately, some people do not recommend Rakuten Mobile, depending on the desired service and living area.If you do not recommend using Rakuten Mobile, it is as follows.

I will explain these characteristics in detail.

Those who have many options separately from the price plan

Rakuten Mobile charges include only basic data usage.Therefore, if you have a lot of time calling or want to receive various services, the amount of money may be added as an option.

In addition, three major carriers have a disability discount on options, so if you want to add an option, selecting three major carriers may be cheaper as a result.

Those who live outside the Rakuten line area

When data communication is performed outside the Rakuten Mobile line area, it is automatically connected to a "partner line".Data communication can be performed without any problems with partner lines, but the speed is slow compared to Rakuten Mobile line.


Precautions to check before contracting a smartphone on Rakuten Mobile

When contracting Rakuten Mobile's smartphone, be aware of the following two points.

If you do not check these two, you may not be able to use your smartphone smoothly after applying.Let's explain in detail.

Confirmation of the Rakuten line area

First, check the Rakuten line area.Be sure to check in advance whether your area is in the Rakuten Mobile Line area.

Rakuten Mobile line area and partner lines change comfortably, so there is nothing better than checking.

Check if the smartphone you are using can be used on Rakuten Mobile

There are some terminals that do not support Rakuten Mobile.Therefore, if you want to continue using the previously used terminals at the time of transfer, make sure that your smartphone is a terminal that can be used on Rakuten Mobile.

If it is a terminal that does not support, it is necessary to pay attention as it will be necessary to buy a new one.


In this article, we introduced the presence or absence of a discount on Rakuten Mobile for the disabled and the discounts of three major carriers.

Rakuten Mobile has no discounts on the disabled, but the price is quite cheap compared to three major carriers who have deducted the disabled discount.If you are particular about the cheap price, a cheap SIM is recommended even if the discount for the disabled is not effective.

However, if you want to add more options, three major carriers may be cheaper.

In addition, Rakuten Mobile areas are currently expanding, but there are still areas where Rakuten Mobile lines cannot be used.Therefore, if you are considering switching to Rakuten Mobile, check the line in your living area.

<参考サイト>楽天モバイル 公式ホームページSoftBank公式ホームページau 公式ホームページ

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